custom slide to reveal toolbar - iphone

i want to do a custom toolbar, something like the slide to unlock of android phones. In idle state, the user can see a button of the bottom left of the page. the user would then tap it, drag towards the right. When the user reaches the right end, the toolbar will then 'lock'. Buttons would be located at the toolbar.
I'm think of using a customview and touchmoved functions, but what I don't know how is how to make the view move with the touch, and how to actually lock the bar.

Everytime you move your finger the touchmoved function is called. In the touchmoved function you have to redraw the whole view or just set a new frame for this view. It pretty simple as you already know how to detect touches and react on them.


How to pull a view from one corner of the app?

I would like to create view that could be pulled from one corner to take full screen (like the iphone status bar that can be pulled from top).
Could you just give me an idea how to accomplish that.
Put a small view into the corner of the screen that acts as your handle.
Add a UIPanGestureRecognizer to that view.
When the gesture recognizer's action method gets called, move the handle and the view you want to present according to the movement of the user's finger.
When the gesture ends (because the user has lifted their finger off the screen), decide whether the movement was large enough to bring in the new view or not (e.g. if the user dragged the view over >30% of the screen, you move it in, otherwise you move it back out).
Animate the view into its final position.

Slide view while touching button - IOS

I'm trying to implement a view that includes social buttons.In normal state, it will be partially hide and only the "Opciones" button and the upper line is shown. This view will be shown when user touches button "Opciones" (touch gesture), then it will unhide and be shown using sliding effect until the final position that is included in the attached image.
I'm wondering which kind of control and animation I have to use.
Many thanks.

floating button above UIScrollView in Storyboard

Is there an easy way of putting a 'floating' button above a UIScrollView in Storyboard? I would like to add a lock button to toggle scrolling on and off. I guess I could do this in code but it would be nice if it could also be done via XCode.
Just drag the button onto the view somewhere over your UIScrollView. Now, IB will automatically dump it in the scroll view, but you can move it out by using the object browser.
Open the object browser
Drag the button out to the same level as the UIScrollView
Ensure that the button is below the scroll view in the list (this means it's above the object in the view hierarchy)
You may have to use the inspector to set the button's actual location rather than dragging it around. Dragging it around for placement will most likely cause it to jump back into the scroll view.

iOS Touches Began

What I want: Touch a button and a view is added right where the touch is. Without having to lift the finger the touches began/moved automatically begins working on the UIView. So without lifting the finger, I have touched the button and can drag the new view around.
What I don't know how to do:
Stop the touch events on the button and immediately send the touch events to the new view that is directly under the finger.
One option could be to ditch the button and just use the uiview touches to detect when to add the subview you want to let the user drag...
As #Daniel suggested ditch the button and just use a UIView, but I believe you may need to have a UIPanGestureRecognizer in place to get your dragging.
You could set a flag when a new UIView is created and then forward any gesture events to that view - only while the user still has their finger down from the initial touch.
After the user has lifted their finger the new view can just deal with gestures by itself by adding a UIPanGestureRecognizer to it.

UIScrollView with UIButton doesn't scroll when touch down on button

I've got a UIScrollView in my UIView. I've added some UIButtons to the scroll view.
If I touch down not on a button and drag, the scroll view drags fine.
If I touch down on a button and drag then the scroll view doesn't move.
I want the scroll view to always scroll around if dragged and the buttons only get selected on the Touch Up Inside event.
I don't want to check "Delay Content Touches" because I don't want to have to wait for the delay.
Does anyone know what I need to do to get this to work?
Perhaps just outdated, but Redent84's answer is plain wrong.
You can solve this by adding:
scrollView.canCancelContentTouches = YES;
There's no automatic way of doing that. You have to manually handle the touch event, and then determine what the user wants to do, if he moves the finger X pixels up or down, then he wants to scroll, and if he releases the touch inside the button, then he probably wants to activate that action.