Overlaying 2D paths on UIImage without scaling artifacts - iphone

I need to draw a path along the shape of an image in a way that it is always matching its position on the image independent of the image scale. Think of this like the hybrid view of Google Maps where streets names and roads are superimposed on top of the aerial pictures.
Furthermore, this path will be drawn by the user's finger movements and I need to be able to retrieve the path keypoints on the image pixel coordinates. The user zooms-in in order to more precisely set the paths location.
I manage to somehow make it work using this approach:
-Create a custom UIView called CanvasView that handles touches interaction and delivers scaling, rotation, translation values to either the UIImageView or PathsView (see bellow) depending on a flag: deliverToImageOrPaths.
-Create a UIImageView holding the base image. This is set as a children of CanvasView
-Create a custom UIView called PathsView that keeps track of the 2D paths geometry and draws itself with a custom drawRect. This is set as children of the UIImageView.
So hierarchy: CanvasView -> UIImageView ->PathsView
In this way when deliverToImageOrPaths is YES, finger gestures transforms both the UIImageView and its child PathsView. When deliverToImageOrPaths is NO the gestures affect only the PathsView altering its geometry. So far so good.
The problem I have is that when scaling the base UIImageView (via its .transform property) the PathsView is scaled with aliasing artifacts. drawRect is still being called on the PathsView but I guess it's performing the drawing using the original buffer size and then interpolating.
How can I solve this issue? Are there better ways to implement these features?
PS: I tried changing the PathsView layer class to CATiledLayer with levelsOfDetailBias 4 and levelsOfDetail 4. It solves the aliasing problem to some extent but it's unacceptable slow to render.

If you're holding onto the path values as they are being drawn, you can capture the % scaling of the underlying image, then reposition the path values and redraw them in the PathsView's drawRect method.
It would involve a bit of math (mostly along the lines of map projections) but instead of scaling bitmaps and getting artifacts, you would be scaling point distances and redrawing using vectors, which would make it smooth at any resolution (especially if you're connecting dots with beziers instead of pixels or lines).
If you're laying paint along the paths as the user draws them and throwing away the point data, then the only solution is to do bitmap anti-aliasing which is essentially what CATiledLayer is doing for you and as you've discovered, can be slow.

If you are targeting iPhone OS 3.0+ you could use a CAShapeLayer for your path. You assign a CGPathRef to the layer and it will handle all the drawing and scaling for you. You just set the layer's transform.


iPhone: Properly scaling lines / circle drawn in drawRect

I am drawing custom annotations over an image (circle, arrow etc) in my iPhone app. I allow pinch zooming & drag gestures for these annotations. These annotations are custom made AnnotationView with drawRect drawing circle / line etc.
I am finding issues with zooming
Try 1: The zoom is applied by scale transformation to the AnnotationView. Result: the annotations become blurred.
Try 2: To avoid blurring, I added redrawing with co-ords multiplied by scale factor instead of directly manipulating the transformation. This works without blurring, but, soon the circle etc goes out of the views bounds & is clipped.
I could use a bigger frame (size of full image), but, I am keeping the smaller frame so that I can easily move it back to position when it is dragged out of the window by user's zoom / pan gestures.
Is there a better way to manage this? I would like to zoom without blurring, while also having the ability to move it back to position if it is dragged out of original image bounds.

How to detect if the touch point is contained by draw content of CALayer?

There are three layers added to UIView. One layer draws a rectangle. One draws a circle. One draws a polygon. The layer's opacity is no. When I touched the polygon, I want to get the correct layer which draws the polygon. And the three layers are full filled to the view. I have implemented this. But I don't know if we have better solution to solve it .My way is like this:
1.Drawing the content using -drawLayer:inContext. store the CGPath that you used.
2.In the UIView's -touchedEnded:withEvent method. using CGPathContainsPoint() to detect if the touch point is contained by the CGPath.
Maybe this is the stupid way to solve this. Anyone who can tell me how to solve it better?
If you need an accurate hit test for path's I'm afraid you have to check/iterate the layer hierarchy yourself if the point is inside your path using CGPathContainsPoint as you suggested.
While iterating you could optimize it by skipping layers where the point is outside their frame.
For less fine grained control you can get the touched layer by using CALayers
- (CALayer *)hitTest:(CGPoint)thePoint
If you have a layer hierarchy with a nesting level < 1000 (which is almost always true) I would not worry too much.

Zooming in/out and painting in openGL

I've recently had some issues implementing a zooming feature into a painting application. Please let me start off by giving you some background information.
First, I started off by modifying Apple's glPaint demo app. I think it's a great source, since it shows you how to set up the EAGLView, etc...
Now, what I wanted to do next, was to implement zooming functionality. After doing some research, I tried two different approaches.
1) use glOrthof
2) change the frame size of my EAGLView.
While both ways allow me to perfectly zoom in / out, I experience different problems, when it actually comes to painting while zoomed in.
When I use (1), I have to render the view like this:
glOrthof(left, right, bottom, top, -1.0f, 1.0f); //those values have been previously calculated
//I'm using Apple's Texture2D class here to render an image
[_textures[kTexture_MyImage] drawInRect:[self bounds]];
[self swapBuffers];
Now, let's assume I zoom in a little, THEN I paint and after that, I want to zoom out again. In order to get this to work, I need to make sure that "kTexture_MyImage" always contains the latest changes. In order to do that, I need to capture the screen contents after changes have been made and merge them with the original image. The problem here is, that when I zoom in, my screen only shows part of the image (enlarged) and I haven't found a proper way to deal with this yet.
I tried to calculate which part of the screen was enlarged, then do the capturing. After that I'd resize this part to its original size and use yet another method to paste it into the original image at the correct position.
Now, I could go more into detail on how I achieved this, but it's really complicated and I figured, there has to be an easier way. There are already several apps out there, that perfectly do, what I'm trying to achieve, so it must be possible.
As far as approach (2) goes, I can avoid most of the above, since I only change the size of my EAGLView window. However, when painting, the strokes are way off their expected position. I probably need take the zoom level into account when painting and re-calculate the CGPoints in a different way.
However, if you have done similar things in the past or can give me a hint, how I could implement zooming into my painting app, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is definitely possible.
When it comes to paint programs, you should be keeping a linked list or tree of objects to draw for easy insertion / removal. When the user stops painting, (i.e. touchesEnded), you add objects to the data structure containing your scene.
When your user zooms you need to modulate the coordinates of the objects you are drawing with respect to the current viewport, projection, and modelview transforms. In your case, you're not changing the viewport or the modelview transforms so you need only account for the projection transform. You could also implement your zoom using a translation and scale on the modelview matrix but I'll ignore that case for simplicity because it involves inverting the transforms.
The good news is that you are using an orthographic projection so world coordinates correspond to window coordinates when no zooming is in effect. The "world" in your case is a simple canvas that probably corresponds to the size of the device in window coordinates.
Before you add an object to your scene data structure, convert all of the coordinates, using the current projection transform (i.e. the parameters to the glOrthof() call) to world coordinates (i.e. full canvas coordinates). You'll only remain sane if you keep all things in your model in the same coordinate space.
To convert the coordinates, assuming you can never zoom out past full device dimensions in your glOrtho() call, you'll have to scale them down proportional to the ratios of your zoomed ortho dimensions to your unzoomed ortho dimensions then bias them by the difference between your zoomed ortho bottom, left values and those of the original unzoomed ortho values.

Scaling up iPhone "vector-based graphics" on affine transforms

I made a "Circle" view with this drawRect
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, color.CGColor);
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(ctx, rect);
When I try to scale the view up using CGAffineTransformMakeScale(2.0, 2.0), the result is blurry and pixelated on the edges. However, the programming guide says that Quartz uses vector-based commands to draw views, and that they would continue to look good when using affine transforms:
The Quartz drawing system uses a vector-based drawing model. Compared to a raster-based drawing model, in which drawing commands operate on individual pixels, drawing commands in Quartz are specified using a fixed-scale drawing space, known as the user coordinate space. iPhone OS then maps the coordinates in this drawing space onto the actual pixels of the device. The advantage of this model is that graphics drawn using vector commands continue to look good when scaled up or down using an affine transform.
Or am I not using vector-based commands? If not, how would I do that to draw a circle?
Applying a transform to a view does not cause it to be redrawn. All that it does is scale the view's layer, which is a bitmap texture stored on the GPU. This will lead to blurry graphics.
When drawing a view on the iPhone, -drawRect: is called to supply the content for the view's layer. That content is then cached as a texture on the GPU.
What they are referring to in the guide is the application of a transform during -drawRect:, when the vector graphics are being drawn. If you use a transform there (through CGContextConcatCTM() or the like), the circle will be drawn smoothly at the larger scale. However, you will also need to resize your view to reflect this larger shape. I recommend using a scale property on your custom view subclass that you can set to a different scale factor and that will handle resizing the view and redrawing its contents sharply.
It depends when you're applying the scaling transformation, I expect. If you draw it first, then do the scale transform, then it will look pixelated (because it's been scaled post drawing). If you do the scale before you do the drawing routine, I'd expect it would work as expected.
So yes, you're using vector-based commands to achieve this; I suspect it's an ordering issue. When are you making the transformation and drawing?
You could try calling setNeedsDisplay after the transform, I'm not sure if this will work or not but it's worth a shot.

How to animate a polygon mask with performance?

I'm having a performance issue.
I've created an UIView and overwrited it's drawRect function. At this function, I was drawing an image (big one), and over that, an white square at the entire screen with a polygon inside it, with CGContextEOFillPath. The result is an white screen with portion of the image (defined by the polygon) displayed.
After that, I created a function to animate the transition of that polygon to another one. Besides the polygon animation, the image should also be scaled and moved to fix the diplayed at the screen. I did that with an NSTimer. The animation of the polygon consists in calculating the distance between each vertex and moving then to a position according to elapsedTime. It worked just fine at the simulator, but got really stucked at device.
Reading about performance, here at stackoverflow, I found the alternative to use beginAnimations and commitAnimations. I'm changing everything to use that approach with the image. But what can I do with the polygon. The polygon is drawn with CGContextMoveToPoint and CGContextAddLineToPoint, so I believe it can't be animated with beginAnimations. An I correct? Is there a better approach to do that?
The desired result is something like this comic reader app: http://www.comixology.com/iphoneapp (click on guided tour. at the middle of the video they show the "automatic masking" feature)
My suggestion would be to use a CAShapeLayer overlaid on your main image view, with the CAShapeLayer being the size of the view you want to mask and having a polygon path for a hole in the center of it. CAShapeLayers let you animate from one CGPathRef to another smoothly, as long as the two paths have the same number of control points. You will need to use a CABasicAnimation here to do that animating, rather than a UIView begin / commitAnimations block, but it's not too difficult.
Joe Ricioppo has a nice example of animating CAShapeLayer paths in his post here.
With Core Animation you can animate "animatable" (sic) properties. Apple's documentation enumerates animatable properties in Mac OS X:
In the case of the iPhone, the UIView documentation explicitly says "animatable" when a given property is, hum, animatable. The most powerful of these are (IMHO) UIView's "transform" property, which takes CGAffineTransform structs as inputs, or CALayer's "transform" property (which takes CATransform3D structs). Both are animatable and give you tremendous power to create any kind of transition you want.
Now, in your case, indeed, you can't animate the polygon in an "easy" way. My bet would be in your case to try to map CGAffineTransforms that fit your needs (scale, translation) and apply that to a fixed view, non-animated, created using your Quartz code.
I hope I'm clear enough :)