MPMoviePlayerController overlay - iphone

I'm loading video from external URL in my iphone app. This loading takes few minutes as the control downloads the video. While the video is being downloaded, I would like to display a small snapshot of the video (separate png file) on top of the media player control. This would be similar to the youtube app which displays a snapshot while video is downloading and the snapshot goes off when playback starts.
Any hints as how this can be achieved?

Just create a new UIImageView with your png, and [moveiPLayerController.view addSubview:myPNGImgView]; to display it. When the movie is loaded, then do a -removeSubview.


How to preview video thumbnails while scrubbing the progress bar in video_player(Flutter)?

I am building and VOD app, and trying to implement Youtube like on scrubbing showing thumbnails images for the relative time frame.
I have generated video thumbnails for every minute of total video length, now is there any way built in already to show these for HLS videos, or I need to build some custom solution for it?
If anyone has worked on this before would like some insights on it.

Youtube video downloader for iPhone

I need to create a downloaded application for iPhone. Many of application is already in itune with same purpose. When any video play in UIWebView player, then i have to show option for downloading video. For downloading video i need URL which is playing in Player.
What i tried yet
i have found nothing, i got Notification which tell me that player is in full screen or not (UIMoviePlayerControllerDidEnterFullscreenNotification). I have tried with web view delegate methods for URL but it is not giving me any video URL. it print on console "setting movie path:" but it is not giving full path for downlaod

iphone screen recording with audio

I want to record the activities of my app as a video with sound.
I am able to do this with AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInput. Actually I am rendering a view's layer to a gaphicscontext and then use this rendered image to make a video file.
But I am not able to add audio to this video file. I want to add sounds that My app produced to this Video File.
How can I implement this using objective c

Tips on using webview to play an embedded Flash movie

I've tried (without success) to get a video to play within a webview. I can see the video thumbnail with the default play button overlaying the video.
When I click the play button - the entire video hi-lights in transparent yellowish/orange. Clicking play again causes the Play button to blink. The thumbnail always remains, but never plays. I can even see the timeline below the video with the play-head, etc. I can never touch the video controls, because every click treats the entire video like one big button - and hi-lights like mentioned above.
They are numerous videos to be played and they are not at YouTube, so launching the YT player with an intent isn't desired.
I'm using SDK 8 (2.2), runing on a 2.3.6 device, and Have the latest Flash Player 11.xxxxx installed.
Any suggestions?
Took another approach in the app.

Thumbnail / image screen shot for video

I have an App which allows the user to play a selection of videos.
What I would like is to have one or two thumbnails shown on my view which shows the user that if they click on these images it will launch a video.
How do I capture a screen shot from the video to use as an thumbnail or do I have to user some other random image?
Try using thumbnailImageAtTime:timeOption with an MPMoviePlayerController.
You can also request to fetch multiple Thumbnails asynchronously (requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes:timeOption:). In that case you have to register an observer for the MPMoviePlayerThumbnailImageRequestDidFinishNotification.