When I add a bug (Work Item) in TFS, and assign it to a user, I want an email sent to that user.
Also if an existing bug has the "Assigned To" changed, I want that user to get an email.
Is it possible to send Alerts to users when they're assigned changed bugs in TFS 2008?
In VS 2005 at least, on the Team menu you will find a Project Alerts... item which allows users to specify an email address that will be notified when My work items are changed by others, which covers both the situations you mention. I imagine VS 2008 will have a similar thing.
Unfortunately, TFS doesn't have anything built out of the box for this to be done without recipient intervention. Richard Ev comment can work, but is not really sustainable. Each person needs to create this or you need to do it for them and continue doing it for all new team members.
Instead, you're better off creating an Event Subscriber. Here's a very helpful post http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/110292/Team-Foundation-Server-2010-Event-Handling-with-Su.
You'll want to use the IIdentityManagementService to retrieve the corresponding users' email. An example:
using (var projectCollection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(collectionUri, new UICredentialsProvider()))
var gss = projectCollection.GetService<IGroupSecurityService>();
var ims = projectCollection.GetService<IIdentityManagementService>();
var validUsersId = ims.ReadIdentity(IdentitySearchFactor.AccountName, "Team Foundation Valid Users", MembershipQuery.Expanded, ReadIdentityOptions.IncludeReadFromSource);
var validUsers = gss.ReadIdentities(SearchFactor.Sid, validUsersId.Members.Select(x => x.Identifier).ToArray(), QueryMembership.None);
foreach (var member in validUsers)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", member.AccountName, member.MailAddress);
In VS 2010, if you have the TFS 2010 Power Tools installed you can go to the Team menu and select Alerts Explorer. That will allow you to create new alerts.
I know your post is for 2008, but it's an old post and hopefully you're on 2010 now.
For TFS 2010 there is an easy solution for you now, via a plugin which can be downloaded from
CodePlex - Team Alert
It's a simple copy-paste solution which can take you 5 minutes to put in place using the configuration extract listed in the post below:
This post will show the exact configuration you need to perform what you want.
Notify AssignedTo user of new work (for a specific TFS project)
I'm trying to add a new feature into site administration menu of moodle as part of a project that I am working on. Right now our customer only needs to integrate OnePay gateway into moodle. But in the future, they may require integration of other payment gateways (like PayPal) as well. So I need to create a category just for website administrators to input different types of payment. A new category should be somewhere in the "Advanced Features" menu (something like in the following screenshots)
Where to add new category
Example for onepay integration
With "Settings" page is a page that site administrator to input all necessary payment information (including customer's card number, access code, etc.). Right now I'm testing with using two of my testing pages for domestic and international payments.
Here is my code in file /lang/en/admin.php:
$string['payment'] = 'Payment';
$string['onepay'] = 'OnePay';
$string['test_onepay_domestic'] = 'Test Domestic Payment using OnePay';
$string['test_onepay_international'] = 'Test International Payment using OnePay';
In admin_custom directory, I created a path like this /payment/onepay/test/ and add 2 my testing pages into it. In folder /payment/, I added a file named menu.php. Here is my code in it.
$ADMIN->add('advancedfeatures', new admin_category('payment', get_string('payment', 'admin')));
$ADMIN->add('payment', new admin_category('payment', get_string('onepay', 'admin')));
//$domestic = new admin_settingpage('onepay', new lang_string('test_onepay_domestic', 'admin'), new moodle_url("/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/domestic/index.php"));
//$international = new admin_settingpage('onepay', new lang_string('test_onepay_international', 'admin'), new moodle_url("/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/international/index.php"));
$domestic = new admin_externalpage('test_onepay_domestic', get_string('test_onepay_domestic'), "$CFG->wwwroot/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/domestic/index.php");
$international = new admin_externalpage('test_onepay_international', get_string('test_onepay_international'), "$CFG->wwwroot/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/international/index.php");
$ADMIN->add('onepay', $domestic);
$ADMIN->add('onepay', $international);
I have attempted to include file menu.php in both files
But none of these works. Can anyone please tell me what should I do to get this works? Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
Moodle doesn't have any sort of plugin type called 'payment', so by creating a hierarchy starting '/payment', you're already at odds with the way that Moodle works (as shown by needing to edit core files in order to add language strings and menu items).
I would recommend that you start again by creating an admin tool or a local plugin. Both of these types can have their own language strings and can add entries to the site admin menu (have a look at the settings.php inside any of the standard admin tool plugins or, for local plugins, an additional option is to create a local_MYPLUGIN_extend_settings_navigation() function). If you want to support multiple payment options, then your plugin could define a new subplugin type for each of the payment options.
Is there a way to make a Jire email handler ignore the From field in an email and go for a custom tag instead? I know I could work with the API instead but that's in the pipe. this is a temporary solution that will be used until a more robust system is built.
To clarify what we have today:
Email is sent to inbox, (hr#company.com)
Jira picks is up and creates an issue.
Jira looks at the From field and creates a uses if none exist.
What we're trying to achieve:
Form is filled out, and an area is chosen (hr, facilities etc.).
Form is posted to an API that creates an email (basically a no-reply adress over SMTP) and sends it to the appropriate inbox (for example hr#company.com).
Email lands in the inbox and Jira looks in it and creates an issue in project or label 'HR'.
Jira now looks in the email and finds custom tags named [user] and [user-email] (or something) and creates a user from the tag.
Example email
From: no-reply#company.com
To: hr#company.com
Subject: Some problem
Body: Explanation of problem
Have a good day!
[user:"Michael Smith"]
If we were to implement this system now, we would loose the possibility to create new users because all emails would come from the same "no-reply" adress.
I have searched in the Atlassian forums and such, but with no luck. Have not found anything in the official documentation, but I fear that I might be looking in the wrong place.
I hope that I'm being clear, and that someone has any idea if it is possible.
Thank you!
You need to write your own plugin and create your own Mailhandler.
For example you can use a regex which looks for the tag
[userEmail:"michael.smith#company.com"] and retrieve the emailadress from the string. Do the same for the [user]-tag, if the user doesn't exist.
Here is a tutorial that shows how to create and setup custom Message Handlers:
The rest should be easy from here.
We want to develop a smooth-flowing workflow experience (but still use workflows). Currently, a user needs to use the sidekick to initiate the workflow, then to the inbox, which takes them back to the page to use the sidekick again. When they go to the inbox, they need to restrict to the model and path of the page. It would be nice for the user to only have to go to the content page and from there, launch the different workflow forms that need to happen, like a little "inbox" right on the page that is subject to the workflow.
I have written a custom component that can initiate the custom workflow. The custom component can also query the WorkFlowSession and obtain any active WorkItems for the current page that the component resides (using the WorkItemFilter interface). What I want to do is provide a link to the user to the next step in the workflow from the custom component, just like the inbox does.
Here is an example output from an WorkItem instance toString method:
21.05.2014 09:45:29.300 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0 [1400679929160] GET /content/test/mailing1.html HTTP/1.1] org.rand.whatcounts.EmailCampaignCoordinator Found workitem: -----------------------------
WorkItem Id: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000/workItems/node4_etc_workflow_instances_2014-05-21_model_1400679794564399000
Workflow Id: /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000
Payload: /content/test/mailing1
Payload Type: JCR_PATH
key = historyEntryPath value = /etc/workflow/instances/2014-05-21/model_1400679794564399000/history/1400679924113
key = comment value =
My hope is that by using the workflow api items, I can create the link that the user could click on to proceed in the workflow (just like the inbox).
Thanks for listening!
There are two ways to implement this
Java-Based Solution
I was able to figure out one way by looking at
The important part of this jsp is that, given a workItem instance, you can get the path for your next step using the JcrPathBuilderManager:
Using this, I was able to output a link to the next step in the workflow to the user (without having user go to their inbox).
Javascript/JSON Based Solution
I didn't go far with this solution (I didn't write any js) but this was my fall back position if I didn't find the java-solution listed above. Once could implement custom JS in CQ Component that would call the json feed for the user inbox, do some client side filtering (to restrict it to only items related to current page). The URL to the feed is
For a particular project, I am trying to configure mantis to send an email to all Supervisors (65) whenever a new bug is submitted.
To do this I have added an entry to the Configuration Report page as so:
Username: All Users
Project Name: Test New
Type: Complex
array ('new' => array('threshold_min' => '65', 'threshold_max' => '65'))
When I add that it re-formats it like so:
array (
'new' => 'array(\'threshold_min => \'65',
'threshold_max' => '65\')',
and doesn't send the emails to the project supervisors.
Can someone assist me please? Very new to configuring Mantis!
I discovered that I also had to make the Supervisor enabled for 'E-mail on Change of Handler' (I also had to do this for Manager level to receive emails when assigned.
Its now working :)
Login as administrator in mantis.
Click on Manage Configuration.
Click on Email Notification.
You will get a table which tells when mail should be triggered at various instance of time, select appropriate options.
Click here to view the documentation of mantis administrative guide
Attached picture is the snapshot for your assistance...
Below is just for your mantis functionality enhancement...
You can also give CHAT option for different levels of users by including
$g_main_menu_custom_options = array (
array( "Chat", REPORTER, 'chat_page.php' )
in your config_inc.php.
I've merged phpchat application with mantis.
You can configure to send emails to a particluar user role as "Manager". Then assign all those 65 people this role in the project.
All these people will get mails.
Let me know if this helps.
There is currently a known limitation in the manage config page, which does not properly handle entry of complex types properly.
I actually started working on a fix for this a while ago based on the initial submission from the issue's reporter, but got sidetracked and never got around to finalizing it. You can find the work in progress on my github branch.
Until then, I'm afraid that your only option would be to enter the required setup directly in config_inc.php.
I have a requirement. I need to access a user's email that is on company specific domain. I need to get the calendar of that user and publish it to web application. I am exhausted finding any API that can help me to do that. The email client used by company is Thunder Bird, So , in specific, I need to access calender's from Thunder Bird for that particular user. Can any one tell me some suggestions for this.
Your question is very unprecise (what kind of is the server providing the emails/calendars? Is there a LDAP Domain? And so on). I suppose you are talking about an old Exchange Server because of some Domain and WebDAV and problems while searching? But I maybe can give you at least a bit of help, that may lead you to already trodden paths of other coders, so that you may find a simple and fast solution.
Today I finished a M$ Exchange 2003 Connector as a proof-of-concept. And I tell you, that it was really hard for me as a student while an Internship. Nonetheless, I researched and searched and queried and annoyed other to get hints for a useful API, but none fulfilled my purposes.
One small framework I found which is nice to use is called Sardine WebDAV Client for Java. The project is very light-weighted, though it was helpful to get an idea how WebDAV works, even due to sources you can always look at.
All other solutions aimed at a lot of different MAPI CC++ Libs for Linux. That was no option for me.
So, what options did I have? No direct access to the customers Exchange 2k3 Server, but one email account. So you all may forgive me, but I found it much easier to make a POST request to the E2k3 Server via OWA, because it was activated than trying some heavy lib supported ways of accessing.
Maybe this comes to your avail- Get the form-field information from the OWA form and build a connection string you Post to the server. Perhaps this is a string that might give you an idea. So you need to call a DLL like this:
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://" + getUrl()
+ "/exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll");
httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity("destination=https%3A%2F%2F"
+ getUrl() + "%2Fexchange%2F&flags=0&username=" + getUser()
+ "&password=" + getPassword()
+ "&SubmitCreds=Log+On&trusted=4&flags=4", "UTF-8"));
The information how to make a form based authentication came from here: Exchange 2003 Forms-Based Authentication. As you can see I grabbed from the browser the Link, which is used to communicate with the E2k. The next step is simple - send the request and wait for...
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);
If you get a good response in return, then you can filter out the Session ID. The next step after a successful login is to search for appointments. Therefore you should find a appropriate method to work with on an established WebDAV connection by asking M$ for some Information: SEARCH Method
Then, you read what it can do. I went on with a well-known Find-Machine and queried for Searching Calendar Folders with WebDAV.
After that you can create a POST request like this:
HttpPost hp = new HttpPost(
"https://owa.SERVER.de/exchange/USER/Calendar") {
public String getMethod() {
return "SEARCH";
Now you can make use of the SEARCH method. That is good, because your program is ready to send the request.
hp.setEntity(new StringEntity(QUERY, ContentType.TEXT_XML));
HttpResponse response = httpclient2.execute(hp);
I know it is no perfect solution. Because there were two circumstances which made me wonder. Firstly: I retrieved a Session ID, but I wasn't in need to re-use it anywhere, as long as I kept it in a field. And secondly: I needed to call for another HttpClient. I cannot explain right now. If I used the same HttpClient I used for logon, then all request were in vain. That is why I had to call another HttpClient.
The last and most difficult step was to get behind the query, because the only debugging help I had were HTTP Error Numbers and the bad descriptions in the MSDN. Sorry for that. Well, this is what really worked fine. I got behind it with Trial and Error.
private final static String QUERY = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><g:searchrequest
xmlns:g=\"DAV:\"><g:sql> Select \"DAV:href\", \"urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart\",
\"urn:schemas:calendar:dtend\", \"urn:schemas:mailheader:subject\",
\"urn:schemas:calendar:duration\" FROM Scope('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF
This is no particular query. I just alternated it from another Document and removed all stuff I didnt't need.
I hope this helps you a bit. About providing Thunderbird Appointment/Calendar dates I can't tell anything because this is yet beyond my knowledge.
Best regards and good night,