Acessing calendar of user email address using Java - email

I have a requirement. I need to access a user's email that is on company specific domain. I need to get the calendar of that user and publish it to web application. I am exhausted finding any API that can help me to do that. The email client used by company is Thunder Bird, So , in specific, I need to access calender's from Thunder Bird for that particular user. Can any one tell me some suggestions for this.

Your question is very unprecise (what kind of is the server providing the emails/calendars? Is there a LDAP Domain? And so on). I suppose you are talking about an old Exchange Server because of some Domain and WebDAV and problems while searching? But I maybe can give you at least a bit of help, that may lead you to already trodden paths of other coders, so that you may find a simple and fast solution.
Today I finished a M$ Exchange 2003 Connector as a proof-of-concept. And I tell you, that it was really hard for me as a student while an Internship. Nonetheless, I researched and searched and queried and annoyed other to get hints for a useful API, but none fulfilled my purposes.
One small framework I found which is nice to use is called Sardine WebDAV Client for Java. The project is very light-weighted, though it was helpful to get an idea how WebDAV works, even due to sources you can always look at.
All other solutions aimed at a lot of different MAPI CC++ Libs for Linux. That was no option for me.
So, what options did I have? No direct access to the customers Exchange 2k3 Server, but one email account. So you all may forgive me, but I found it much easier to make a POST request to the E2k3 Server via OWA, because it was activated than trying some heavy lib supported ways of accessing.
Maybe this comes to your avail- Get the form-field information from the OWA form and build a connection string you Post to the server. Perhaps this is a string that might give you an idea. So you need to call a DLL like this:
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://" + getUrl()
+ "/exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll");
httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity("destination=https%3A%2F%2F"
+ getUrl() + "%2Fexchange%2F&flags=0&username=" + getUser()
+ "&password=" + getPassword()
+ "&SubmitCreds=Log+On&trusted=4&flags=4", "UTF-8"));
The information how to make a form based authentication came from here: Exchange 2003 Forms-Based Authentication. As you can see I grabbed from the browser the Link, which is used to communicate with the E2k. The next step is simple - send the request and wait for...
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);
If you get a good response in return, then you can filter out the Session ID. The next step after a successful login is to search for appointments. Therefore you should find a appropriate method to work with on an established WebDAV connection by asking M$ for some Information: SEARCH Method
Then, you read what it can do. I went on with a well-known Find-Machine and queried for Searching Calendar Folders with WebDAV.
After that you can create a POST request like this:
HttpPost hp = new HttpPost(
"") {
public String getMethod() {
return "SEARCH";
Now you can make use of the SEARCH method. That is good, because your program is ready to send the request.
hp.setEntity(new StringEntity(QUERY, ContentType.TEXT_XML));
HttpResponse response = httpclient2.execute(hp);
I know it is no perfect solution. Because there were two circumstances which made me wonder. Firstly: I retrieved a Session ID, but I wasn't in need to re-use it anywhere, as long as I kept it in a field. And secondly: I needed to call for another HttpClient. I cannot explain right now. If I used the same HttpClient I used for logon, then all request were in vain. That is why I had to call another HttpClient.
The last and most difficult step was to get behind the query, because the only debugging help I had were HTTP Error Numbers and the bad descriptions in the MSDN. Sorry for that. Well, this is what really worked fine. I got behind it with Trial and Error.
private final static String QUERY = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><g:searchrequest
xmlns:g=\"DAV:\"><g:sql> Select \"DAV:href\", \"urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart\",
\"urn:schemas:calendar:dtend\", \"urn:schemas:mailheader:subject\",
\"urn:schemas:calendar:duration\" FROM Scope('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF
This is no particular query. I just alternated it from another Document and removed all stuff I didnt't need.
I hope this helps you a bit. About providing Thunderbird Appointment/Calendar dates I can't tell anything because this is yet beyond my knowledge.
Best regards and good night,


What should be the Rest URL for the action "Move the competitor from team1 to to team2"

I am looking for a good URL, following REST principes, to "Move the competitor from team1 to to team2
My first guess is :
But it doesn't look much like REST.
Should I break it into 2 basics calls ?
Remove competitor from team1,
Add competitor to team2,
Should I remove some data from URL and pass it into the body ?
I don't really know what to do for this one.
Think about how you would implement this API as a web site.
You would probably have a link to a form -- it might be a form where the competitor, old team, and new team are all blank, or it might be a form where the competitor and old team are pre-populated. Your consumer updates the default information in the form as required, and submits it.
Notice the first point (raised by Roman Vottner as well) -- your consumer doesn't need to look at the URL at all. The client knows the HTML form processing rules, so it can create the correct HTTP request without knowing anything about the domain.
The second point is that, since the client is just submitting the form to wherever the HTML tells it to, you can make that anything you want.
One of the interesting properties of HTTP is cache invalidation. See RFC 7234, any non error response to an unsafe request will invalidate all cached representations of one resource.
So you can choose which resource gets invalidated by specifying its URI as the target of the form. In effect, it gives you a mechanism for ensuring that a consumer can read its own writes.
So some reasonable choices for the target might be
if the team roster is the most important thing. Or
if the resource that describes the player is what is most important.
I don't really know what to do for this one.
Concentrate on make it easy to use. Your resource model is not your domain model is not your data model.
It will likely be useful to watch Jim Webber's talk REST: DDD In the Large to get clearer insights into what your "REST" API should really look like.
To answer your questions, I would not break it into two calls, I would however take some data from that (GET) url and put it in the body of your request. The request would probably be a POST or PUT (or maybe even patch), but definitely not a GET since something is actually changing.
As for a solution, how about a POST request to a /transfer. After all you are (could be) creating a new transfer which takes for example the player, their new team and maybe their old team.
I would use URL to identify the resource which in this case seems to be a competitor's team.
So would
Make the url as /competitors/{competitorId}/teams
Make the call PUT
Have a body with newTeamId and if required the oldTeamId.

URL links in email - resolve correct url?

Before i start thinking about this programatically, does anyone know if it is possible to actually extract the correct url from an email link that is basically a tracking module?
Our work email system auto blocks tracking based urls from email, so i am thinking of writing something to extract the correct url so people can copy and paste the tracking link into a program and it will provide the correct url.
Is this even possible with the way that email tracking works?
Here is an example of a url in an email that i recently received:
Our system blocks these. It eventually resolves to:
(got our network admin to check it for me)
I want a system that gets the right url from the ugly mess that is blocked so we can actually view links from emails.
Thanks in advance for any help.
The data in tracking URLs are typically a unique ID pointing to some entry in a database, or are encrypted with a private key, so there's no way to obtain any meaningful information from them. (see answers to this related question: Generate unique link for each website visitor)
More naive approaches will simply encode the data, in which case you may be able to extract useful information from them. Funnily enough, your example URL is a base 64 encoded JSON object containing the link itself:
"account_id": "5141485",
"delivery_id": "924726154",
"url": ""
In this case you could actually resolve the URL on your own, but this type of approach is uncommon for that very reason.

REST API + hacks/REST + RPC hybrid. Do I get it right?

TL;DR How to mix REST requests with some non-REST requests in SPA(frontend/backend)? Or might be I just get REST wrong?
We are planning new API for SPA and mobiles(plus probably some 3rd parties). There will be some requests which, I suppose, can't be covered by REST.
I am speaking mostly about requests which would make backend do something, which would modify state of document or give some additional info, based on document, but request itself is rather simplistic.
Here is really easy example. I want to add a comment to blog post. For example I might do it like this:
Create comment. POST /comment
Create connection between author and comment. POST /comment_author or PUT /comment with author_id.
Create connection between comment and post. POST /comment_post or PUT /comment with post_id.
I also could do something like POST /comment with {author_id, post_id} which actually seems most logical here.
Everything did work, comment added to blogpost and associated with author.
Now customer wants to get statistics for his comment, like words stats and letters stats. As a part of request I pass comment_id. Backend might update comment with stats data, it might create separate entity and link it with comment or it might just send me those stats for this comment without saving.
So what would be the choices?
I can do something like:
GET/PUT /comment/:id/stats. For me it seems already hack, because as a result I don't want a document of type comment, but document of different type. As well as I don't send stats with request, I calculate them on backend so using PUT seems wrong.
POST/GET /comment_stats/:comment_id. Seems legit, but if I don't have a document/entity of type comment_stats, that would mean that I actually ask backend to create something, backend would reply me OK/Created, but actually I don't have this document somewhere saved.
So, while I understand REST != CRUD, I thought to use REST for simple CRUD and, for cases like that, to use RPC. So in RPC scenario I would just call POST comment.stats(comment_id)
My questions are what would be better choice in this situation, as well as are my thoughts about rest/rpc right?
I would go with GET /comment_stats/:comment_id for proper separation of concerns, so that report code doesn't clutter the comment resource.
It doesn't matter if you don't actually have a comment_stats document, or how the data is represented on your backend. The REST API is just an abstraction over your backend.
In general, for any non-CRUD action like this, it's better anyway to create a new resource and deal with it as if it was a "machine": you send some instructions to the machine (via a GET or POST call). The machine executes it and then returns the result. A simple example would be an endpoint to convert images: you create an /image_converter end point (the machine), you POST an image to it, it converts it, and sends back the image. /image_converter would have no associated entity/document in the database but for the end user it's still a resource with a logical behavior.

OneNote on SharePoint REST API

The OneNote team recently published a blog post in which they explain how to access data from OneNote notebooks that are stored on SharePoint ('site-hosted notebooks', as they refer to them).
I'm trying to use the API as they describe it, but I'm unable to get it to work. Specifically, the first step is to find out my site collections and site ID using the following API call:'{full-path-to-SharePoint-site}')
It seems to fail no matter what I do: I tried to put the full path to my SharePoint site with and without 'http://' or 'https://', tried to write my organization name in various ways (with '-my' at the end, and without it), and probably a few other combinations as well - it just doesn't work. I keep getting error 400 / bad request.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So ... I had a fairly long correspondence with the guys from Microsoft, and here's what I learned:
If you're using a browser or a browser plug-in to test some of your REST APIs calls, it's not enough to be logged-in as the relevant user. This works for SharePoint and other Office 365 APIs, but not for this OneNote API. You must send "Authorization: Bearer ... " in the request headers.
Probably my stupid mistake, but 'myorganization' in the URL'{full-path-to-SharePoint-site}') is not the name of your organization / domain: it's the literal string 'myorganization'.
Finally, the 'full-path-to-sharepoint-site' should point to and not to
This syntax works like a charm for me:'')

Authentication not working with VersionOne REST API

Ok, I have a technical question here. We've developed an integration component in XStudio so that we can pick VersionOne's "Stories" (as "Requirements" in XStudio) and "Defects" (as "Bugs" in XStudio). This way you can execute your tests and manage the results, metrics etc. from XStudio but also manage the complete traceability matrix (Products -> Requirements -> Tests -> Test campaigns -> Bugs) in XStudio using VersionOne's items. We handle the links our side.
To do this, we implemented the connector using VersionOne's REST API.
Everything works great! very fast etc.
We tested it using a free server from VersionOne with no problem. Our Java code manage cookies so that it authenticates using "Basic Authentication" protocol, we retrieve the cookie from VersionOne, store it in the local CookieStore and provide that cookie in the next requests so that we do not have to authenticate again and again. All this worked fine from our side.
The content looks like this:
null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK],
Date=[Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:24:17 GMT],
VersionOne=[Ultimate/; Scrum],
Set-Cookie=[.V1.Ticket.ncnuaaa=HFZlcnNpb25PbmUuV2ViLkF1dGhlbnRpY2F0b3LqgwAAB1hTdHVkaW+CjqLWdBzRCP8/N/R1KMorEByFu31RuGY+eqVCi1FHvTE=; path=/; HttpOnly],
Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=utf-8],
BUT... when we run our code on our client's environment, we don't get the original cookie for any reason !?
content-type=[text/xml; charset=utf-8],
null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], expires=[-1],
date=[Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:34:08 GMT],
When our code get the header fields from the connection and we try to get the "Set-Cookie" field it can't find it and a popup is automatically display.
Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = connection.getHeaderFields();
List<String> cookiesHeader = headerFields.get("Set-Cookie");
The popup is asking to authenticate (by the way on "" while it was more expected "" - maybe ther's a clue here?).
If we authenticate on your server here everything continues normally and everything works ok.
But we shouldn't have to authenticate again as we do it in the connection before:
String plainAuth = username + ":" + password;
encodedAuth = ("Basic " + new String(Base64.encode(plainAuth.getBytes()))).replaceAll("\n", "");
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", encodedAuth);
connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive");
So, not sure if this is because the authentication is not working (it would explain why the cookie is not returned and the popup ask the user to explicitly authenticate) or there is something specific in terms of cookie management...
Do you have any idea what could be going on here?
This code is working well on many different other REST APIs using Basic Auth. and Cookies.
Thanks in advance,
It sounds like you work for XQual, the developers of XStudio. If so, please reach out to me. We are always happy to list another integration.
Assuming this is intended to work for more than just 1 customer, I have a couple pieces of advice:
Provide a meaningful user agent header. This helps us be pro-active with your integration. The header is useful even for custom, one-off products, but is even more important when other vendors are involved.
Use OAuth2 for authentication. There are plenty of good libraries for OAuth2 in Java. We have an upcoming blog post where we show how it can be done with Apache Oltu.
To your specific question, I have some hunches:
You might be expecting too much about how VersionOne is deployed. VersionOne is offered both on-premise and on-demand. Your customer may be putting "" into the configuration to represent on-premise, while you are expecting an instance name for on-demand. Also beware that not all on-demand instances are on "www6".
If on-premise, VersionOne also offers an installation option for Windows Integrated Authentication. In which case, you may not be getting the headers you were expecting. This is one reason I recommended OAuth2 above. OAuth2 is always available for API calls, regardless of the user authentication mechanism.
To better diagnose, could you share some code that shows how you construct the request URL?