Accessing documents on a http server running in a virtual machine - centos

I run Windows 7 as my main OS, and for development work I installed CentOS on a virtual machine under VirtualBox. Everything is installed, including httpd and php with mysql, but I can't figure out what IP to use to gain access to the server.
For example, I used to have XAMPP installed on 7 and I just used "localhost" to get to the servers document root, but I have no clue what it is for the virtual machine.
I have tried "locahost", "" (my address on the network) and my own IP address and I can't seem to get it working.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. :)

I don't know VirtualBox, but can you do an ifconfig from the terminal window to your VM. If it doesn't give you a terminal window, your CentOS setup probably does DHCP to get an address. Browse to the web interface of your home router ( and check the DHCP clients table to see if it registered and get its address.


no internet on cloned virtual machine (Vmware workstation)

so i setup a centOS vm in VMware workstation, installed qradar..everything ran fine. I call this vm as QR1.
I was able to use qradar console on QR1 from my host machine, the internet works perfectly fine in QR1.
I make a full clone of QR1 called it QR2.
I boot it up and only running QR2 vm (QR1 is closed) but there is no internet on this vm. Even though all the network setting are same as QR1 and QR1 works just fine(i double checked).
QR2 has same adapter, same ip, same gateway and dns as of QR1 but it doesnt work...
previously i was thinking that i cannot have them both running at same time but QR2 just doesnt connect.
I am also not able to ping QR2 from my host and other way around.
What could be causing this ?
According to this vmware link reference, try these steps:
To change the MAC address of the Linux operating system:
Connect to vCenter Server using the vSphere Client Right-click the
virtual machine and click Edit Settings. Click Network adapter and
note the MAC Address.
For example, you see a MAC Address similar to:
1.Power on the Linux virtual machine.
2.Open a console and log in as root.
3.Change directory to etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.
4.Edit ifcfg-eth0 using a plain text editor and update the MAC address to reflect the MAC address in Step 3.

Can't access SVN on CentOS 7 VM in VirtualBox

I installed VirtualBox on Windows 7, and created a virtual machine, where I installed CentOS 7. Then in CentOS 7 I installed CollabNet Subversion Edge, following this information as a guide and
performed all the steps provided there, but I can not access the server.
The installation should be performed on a desktop machine and the server I'm trying to access from a notebook, which is connected to the same network as the desktop machine. Also obviously, as the network has a proxy to surf, I had to configure it, and doing well because I can surf the internet and others. It's using 'Bridged Adapter' networking in the VM settings.
Can you think of any idea why I do not have access? Any help is welcome.
I found a response similar to what I'm looking for, but do not quite understand what it says. I'm only in CentOS7 enp0s3 interface, and there is collabnet running, not running on another interface.
NEWS:Gain access the server using its IP (172.x.x.x:3343/svn or 172.x.x.x:18080/svn), but not by name. Maybe there is a problem in the computer name, applies only to Windows, and CentOS running on the virtual machine, use another computer name. Can it be? If so, you know how to identify such equipment?
Looks like a firewall issue. Try to run following commands:
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=<dst_port>/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
Hope this helps

How to connect with host PostgreSQL from vagrant virtualbox machine

I have a VirtualBox machine running Ubuntu 12.04 in a Mac OS X host machine. In my host machine (Mac OS X), I have PostgreSQL installed. I would like to connect to this PostgreSQL server from my Ubuntu virtual machine (I know normally it's the opposite way).
I guess I should configure some networking parameters in VirtualBox itself. All I get from Vagrant docs is I need to assign my vm a static IP to use a private network. But once created, how do I reach my host from my guest?
I didn't find anything like that in vagrant docs. So, there's probably a good reason for that. Does it make sense? I don't want to duplicate PostgreSQL installation. Just use my current existent one.
You can reach your host from your guest by using the default gateway on your VM.
See this answer for an explanation.
By running netstat -rn you can get the default gateway and then use that ip address in your config file of your application.
Running netstat -rn | grep "^ " | cut -d " " -f10 should give you the correct ip address. (only tested this on my machine)
Easy way - simply use this "magic" IP from inside of vagrant without any additional configurations:
Don't know if it's always static, though for me works and it's very convenient - I can use laptop at home, from office - having assigned different IPs to me by routers, but my VMs know the "trusty name" of their master 🐶

Access to SugarCRM CE on the internet using windows

I installed SugarCRM CE faststack on Windows, installed successfully. I installed it on my laptop. The ip is
I can access it perfectly from my own laptop.
When I try to login from another computer it gives me an error.
Any idea why this is happening, or How can I make it so that I can have access to SugarCRM on any computer?
You need to use the IP address of the computer you installed it on. is a localhost, meaning you can only access that computer. The ip address you installed Sugar on should be 192.168.xx.xx or something like that.

How to use a webserver installed on a guest machine from the host

I am using VMWare player and I have a webserver installed in my Linux guest machine
(Linux Mint with Tomcat).
I want to access the webserver from my host machine
(Windows 7).
What are the steps required?
Thank you
On your Linux box (the guest), open a terminal, and type:
Look at the output, you should see a INET ADDR (or something like that) and it will have your ip address beside it. Something like (this is an example).
Then go back to your host, amd in a web browser type in 'http://(the ip you just found)'
This should connect to your webserver
Alternatively, use the hostname command on the guest Linux machine to figure out its name (I think the default is ubuntu), then use it from your host -- e.g. http://(the name you just found) (in my case, http://ubuntu/)