I've just installed the GTK+ Glade 3.6.7 designer on Windows XP and there are no icons in the palette. I can select small icons or large icons from the view menu but neither will show. I just get red X images. The toolbar icons do show.
This sounds like a bug. You can file a bug report here.
Example. index.html, index.js. style.css
The file names should be able to identify the programming language and show an icon (JS, HTML, CSS logos) on the file.
Go To Vs Code's Setting (Gear logo at bottom left)
Search "VSCode Icons"
Once you search it, you'll find three options
Breadcrumbs: Icons,
Outline: Icons
Tick both of them and the third option will be
Workbench: Icon Theme
in your case, it will either be None or be Minimal (Visual Studio Code)
Just click on the tab and change it to Seti (Visual Studio Code), Restart your VSCode, and all the icons will appear
Install this extension
and then Set File Icon Theme button will appear ,
click on it and select Material Icon Theme
I hope it was useful!
I've been using the telescope.nvim neovim plugin for a while. Recently I also installed the nvim-web-devicons plugin to better recognize filetypes when searching.
My problem is that the devicons look like this:
They are truncated/cut off on the right.
on Linux
using KDE Konsole as terminal app
using Fira Code Nerd Font 9pt
Use a monospaced font
Here's how it looks on FiraMono Nerd Font Mono (link to .otf font download on GitHub):
In KDE Konsole:
Right click inside the terminal and click "Edit Current Profile"
Go to the "Appearance" tab on the left, then change your font by clicking the "Choose..." button
After installing updates yesterday to some Eclipse components, opening files (.js, .java, .html...) in Eclipse editors would show the edit tab and the scroll bar but nothing appeared. Select all, copy and pasting elsewhere showed the content so it was there so I assumed this was a white font on a white background (though none of the color highlighting was present either). Eclipse Colors and Fonts settings showed the Consolas font as a choice, but some of the choices for editing in Eclipse Colors and Fonts showed the icon but no text describing what the setting was, nor was the preview showing anything. Changing to Courier New as a test fixed the problem but switching back to Consolas showed no content in the editors (white on white background)...
After some head scratching, I found something had happened to the Consolas font that was installed but was showing nothing. Though it showed as a choice in Eclipse Colors and Fonts, it was not showing in the Windows Font choices... I had to reinstall the Consolas font to fix the problem. I hope this helps others with a similar problem.
At least on Windows 7, it looks like the title bar color may have been changed to blue. However, the title bar icons were designed only to be used on a light gray bar rather than using alpha transparency for antialiasing. Note the white highlights around the edge of the green circle "run" icon.
The icons look horrendous, like we're in 1995. Is this how it appears on other Windows 7 user's installations as well? I noticed there's theming, and the closest I can find to something that works is the olive theme. I can't find a toolbar color in the Appearance/colors and fonts preferences though. Is there any way to revert the title bar back to the old color or replace the icons with correctly designed ones?
In the meantime, I filed an Eclipse bug for this.
Either select the classic theme under Appearance (and restart!) to go back to the 3.x look or install the Eclipse 4 Chrome theme, which can be tuned to your personal preferences in detail.
On my mac OS 10.5, in Netbeans 6.7.1, the fonts in my class diagram look very chunky and huge. Can I set the font sizes globally somewhere? I'd like to make them all smaller.
Go to Tools > Options > Font & Colors, and click on th ellipsis button next to Font text box.