telescope-nvim & nvim-web-devicons: icons cut off in fuzzy finder - neovim

I've been using the telescope.nvim neovim plugin for a while. Recently I also installed the nvim-web-devicons plugin to better recognize filetypes when searching.
My problem is that the devicons look like this:
They are truncated/cut off on the right.
on Linux
using KDE Konsole as terminal app
using Fira Code Nerd Font 9pt

Use a monospaced font
Here's how it looks on FiraMono Nerd Font Mono (link to .otf font download on GitHub):
In KDE Konsole:
Right click inside the terminal and click "Edit Current Profile"
Go to the "Appearance" tab on the left, then change your font by clicking the "Choose..." button


How to change the tool-tip's font and background color?

With older, color challenged eyes I find it hard to read the small, white font used in tool-tips against the tool-tip's grey background.
I am looking for the name of the settings which controls the font color and the background color. Also, where are said settings stored, i.e. what is the fully qualified filename? I'm working with both Windows and Linux (Win11, Win10, Ubuntu, and Raspberry Pi OS).
If this is what you want!
Add these to your setting.json
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorHoverWidget.background": "#B98389"
How did I found it?
Open setting.json.
Go inside "workben.colorCustomizations" block.
Type "hover" and read the suggestions.
About Setting.json
visit this link.
Open The Vs Code (visual Studio code).
Click the top left side file menu.
Click preferences and in side of 3rd row Click themes.
enjoy you visual studio code.

How do you setup the integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code to use the proper font family?

When I run an integrated terminal in VSCode the fonts do not look as expected. This is especially evident with using a theme with custom font symbols such as Powerlevel10k and you might end up with something that looks like this
How can I fix this?
To solve this you can:
Go to File --> Preferences --> Settings
Select the correct tab (User, an SSH remote, etc.) - you will often be safe selecting User
Search for fontFamily
From the tree on the left select Features --> Terminal (1)
Enter the Font Family name. For Windows 10 you can find the correct name by clicking the Windows icon in the taskbar, searching for Font Settings and then - in the box that appears - searching for the font in "Available Fonts". The correct font name will be below the sample of the font and right above the number of available font faces.
Save the updated preferences and the terminal font for Visual Studio Code will change immediately

How to render Ethiopian amharic character in netbeans windows 10

I have a problem on writing and printing out amharic character in netbeans ide, when I try to print out on the system the netbeans ide doesn't display them correctly instead it displays boxs, any one can help me pls?
The language code is 'am' and country is ET (ETHIOPIA).THANK YOU
NetBeans needs a font that supports Amharic in its editor window and Output window. I tried a few of the widely used fonts in NetBeans but (surprisingly) they all rendered Amharic characters as empty rectangles, so I found one that explicitly supports Amharic: Abyssinica SIL
I downloaded that font as an EXE file (use the ZIP file for Linux) and ran it to install the font in Windows. Then I restarted NetBeans and changed its default font to Abyssinica SIL:
Select Options from the Tools menu and click the Fonts & Colors icon.
On the Syntax tab click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the Font field and choose the Abyssinica SIL font you just installed, and click OK.
The NetBeans editor will use that font immediately, and correctly display Amharic text in the editor window.
However, Amharic text in the Output window will still be rendered as empty rectangles. To fix that:
Download the ZIP file for Abyssinica SIL.
In the NetBeans Ouput window right click and select Settings... from the popup menu to open the Options window, click the Miscellaneous icon, and then click the Output tab.
Click the Import... button, click the Browse... button and choose the ZIP file you just downloaded: When you click OK to close the Select Options to import window you'll get a scary warning "Import may irreversibly overwrite your current settings..." but click Yes to continue. NetBeans will restart.
After the restart go back to the Options window where you imported the ZIP file, click the Miscellaneous icon, and then click the Output tab. Click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the Font field and choose the Abyssinica SIL font you just installed and click OK. Amharic text will now render correctly in the Output window.
Here's a simple program and its output to show it works :
There's no need to specify country or language to resolve this. However, running the app from the Command Prompt window still renders Amharic as empty rectangles, and the font cannot be changed to Abyssinica SIL. I suspect the solution for that may involve setting the locale appropriately in Windows.
Abyssinica SIL is not a mono-spaced font so only set it as the NetBeans font if you need to enter Amharic text in the NetBeans editor. (I'm sure there are mono-spaced fonts that support Amharic - I just grabbed the first one I found.)
I also tried running the app in Eclipse and Intellij IDEA without any configuration changes. In both cases the Amharic text rendered correctly in the editor. The output also rendered correctly in Eclipse, but as empty rectangles in Intellij IDEA. If you use Amharic text heavily you may want to consider switching to Eclipse.
In netbeans preference(setting) change the font from its default to Nyala. after that the boxes will be changed to Amharic texts.
hope your problem is solved

Eclipse editors (text, html, javascript...) open with nothing displayed

After installing updates yesterday to some Eclipse components, opening files (.js, .java, .html...) in Eclipse editors would show the edit tab and the scroll bar but nothing appeared. Select all, copy and pasting elsewhere showed the content so it was there so I assumed this was a white font on a white background (though none of the color highlighting was present either). Eclipse Colors and Fonts settings showed the Consolas font as a choice, but some of the choices for editing in Eclipse Colors and Fonts showed the icon but no text describing what the setting was, nor was the preview showing anything. Changing to Courier New as a test fixed the problem but switching back to Consolas showed no content in the editors (white on white background)...
After some head scratching, I found something had happened to the Consolas font that was installed but was showing nothing. Though it showed as a choice in Eclipse Colors and Fonts, it was not showing in the Windows Font choices... I had to reinstall the Consolas font to fix the problem. I hope this helps others with a similar problem.

How can I change the Eclipse GUI font?

How can I change the Eclipse GUI font size?
For instance, I would like to make the font for "Project Explorer" or "Members" smaller.
Reiterating #Vitor De Mario answer with few more screenshots.
I use Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers Version: 2020-09 (4.17.0) on MacOS Catalina. The font size of Eclipse package explorer was very small and hard to read.
You can change it through eclipse preferences (shortcut: Command key + ,)
It looks a lot better now.
I don't know if you can change the font for one specific section. However, you can do it for Eclipse as a whole, in Preferences → General → Appearance → Colors and Fonts → View and Editor Folders, on Part title font and View message font.
Eclipse Project/Package explorer, Outline window are using OS default font for labels.
For Win 7+ go to Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Personalization click 'Window Color' to start 'Window Color and Appearance' dialog.
Decrease 'Message Box' font.
Eclipse restart required
In newer versions of Eclipse this becomes configurable (Tree and Table font for views)
Most of the controls in Eclipse (such as tree views) use native OS widgets. For these, the font face or size cannot be adjusted in Eclipse. You have to adjust it at OS level.