iPhone Loading Screen Effect - iphone

I'm interested to making a "fade effect" like Foursquare app. I want the main view to fade in.
How can I do this?
Sincerely I don't know what should I use. If anyone have the Foursquare's app on his iPhone, please open and see what I mean.

You should look at these answers:
How can I display a splash screen for longer on an iPhone?
This is what I've used in almost all of my apps:

Displaying a "splash screen" and using the "fade effect" are really two different questions. As for fading, UIView has a bunch of built-in animations you can use which is provided by Core Animation. Look into the UIView docs Apple provides for these type of view animation.

The splash image is white with a fake nav controller on the top.
When the app finishes launching, the splash image is redisplay on top.
The typical UIView elements are added beneath the second splash image.
When this is finished, the second splash image transparency is animated to fully transparent and thus causes a "fade effect".


How to hide the three dots on the top area of the iPad dynamically

I have an iPad app which does have support for split screen multitasking. However there are some views which can display images and videos in full screen. On these screens the multitasking controls at the top of the screen are intrusive.
Is there any way to turn these off dynamically? Appleā€™s Photos app works the way I want. When showing a photo in full screen, the three dots fade away after a short time.
The answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/70376095/1852207 turns off split screen support and disables the controls for all views. I want to hide on only some views.
Yes, in your viewcontroller, simply include:
-(BOOL)prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden {
return YES;

How to implement a generic component like facebook fullscreen imageview (with the effects)

I would like to implement a generic component to show pictures in full screen like facebook have.
When you click above the UIImageView the image should be centered and fit in the full screen.
Note the transition effect, scrolling, and buttons that appear when you tap on the fullscreenimage.
The iOS Deployment Tarjet is 6.1, so I can't use custom transitions. Also I'm using Nibs , not storyboard.

How to use animated splash screen for iPhone web app?

I'm creating a web app for the iPhone, and I've made a splash screen for it. I'd like to have an animated loading symbol (like this one ) on the bottom of the splash screen. I made an animated gif with it, but the web app only shows the first image in the gif. How can I have an animated splash screen?
The real splash can be only a static PNG image, however what you can do is defer all loading of heavy resources for later and in the beginning load only a view that has the same image as the splash but with a spinning wheel in the bottom of the view.
Then you can start loading the rest of the application while this view is animating and informing the user of the progress.

Is it Possible to do the small quick animation in splash screen in iPhone Application?

In My Splash Screen of application I want to do some animation as like moving of text or blinking of text, etc. I know that iPhone not support flash, but we can do this animation in our own way as like animation given by sdk. So is it possible to Blinking or text in Splash Screen, or the moving of text from one side to another?
Yes, you can do that. Depending on what your "splash screen" is made of, you can probably use UIView's animation blocks to perform simple animations. Here's what I'd do:
Make a UIView "wrapper" for the whole shebang.
In the UIView show your background image and text etc.
Reference the text in your View Controller through an outlet.
Animate it using UIView animate blocks. That should pretty much cover most basic animation needs.
You cannot change the splash screen (Default.png) however, you can certainly create a UIView with your text and animation in it. Make the background of the UIView your Default.png splash screen. Add your animation and text. Create a var in your application delegate to store an IBOutlet UIView for your splash screen. Add the UIView on top of your window in MainWindow.xib and hook up its outlet to your new ivar. When your ApplicationDidFinishLaunching withOptions is called, start a NSTimer set to run once. When the timer calls its selector or invocation, remove the view from the window. So it will take a second to load Default.png and then your splash screen will be the first thing seen which will have your animation and then it will disappear.
you can do it using UIImageView, for example
IBOutlet UIImageView* animationSplashImageView;
animationSplashImageView.animationImages = imageArray;
animationSplashImageView.animationDuration = 5;
animationSplashImageView.animationRepeatCount = 1;
[animationSplashImageView startAnimating];
and you could test your splash using tool Splashx Free, which is on Apple App Store:

How to get transition like Star Trek app?

I've modified the ViewTransitions app to use kCAScrollHorizontally. I've set transition in the app delegate to use kCATransitionPush rather than kCATransitionFade. However, I still get fading in and out. How can I get the views to slide in landscape just like the Star Trek app (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=305916616&mt=8)?
I've done transitions like this before. Basically I have a big view that takes up the screen, with another view (the actual screen content) embedded within it. When I want to slide in a new page either from the left or right, I'll take the next page of content, place it offscreen, and embed it in the big backing view. Then I'll just animate (using a simple [UIView beginAnimations:context:] to change the frames of both pages simultaneously (really just changing the origins of the frames). The offscreen view slides to where the current view is, and the current view slides to an offscreen position. Once offscreen, I'll remove it from its superview. Works like a charm.
The simulator will still fade out rather than performing some complex transitions...
Did you try it on the device?