Interface Builder. How do I Replace Programatic ViewControllers with IB ViewControllers? - iphone

As I move more and more of my UI construction from XCode to IB there is one remaining hurdle I need to clear.
Currently, I create my custom viewControllers in XCode with custom initializers. They typically have a bunch of ivars that are set during initialization via passed params. I would really like to move as much of this as I can to IB.
Could someone carefully explain to me - or, better, point me to code - how to replicate the XCode approach of passing params via custom initializer in IB - presumably via IBOutlet.
Thanks in advance.
A typical scenerio is my AppDelegate will go out to the network, grab some data - NSMutableData, and then pass a reference to a root viewController - typically a TableViewController - that is pushed on the viewController stack of an navigationController.
When a cell is selected an secondViewController is alloc/init'ed and a subset of the data is passed to it. The secondViewController goes to the network for a bit more data, builds a view hierarchy, hands bits of the retrieved data to each subview and then each subview is messaged with setNeedsDisplay to process the data.
It is this hierarchical data passing that I want to hand off to IB is possible.

You can still have a custom initializer. However, inside this initialized you'll call -[initWithNibName:#"yourNibName" bundle:bundle]. You will connect your UIKit related instance variables (UILabel, UIButton, etc.) in Interface builder and therefore won't have to instantiate those objects in your initializer. Other instance variables (strings, dictionaries, custom objects, etc.) you'll instantiate and set in your initializer.
Also, keep in mind that manipulation of your UIKit related variables such as setting label text, or setting the position of a UIView, should be done in the viewDidLoad method since these objects may not have been fully created at the time initializer is executing.
Let me know if you need more information.

Lets say we have MyViewController which extends UIViewController and MyViewControllerParameter which is one of our custom objects we pass into MyViewController on initialization. MyViewController has an IBOutlets of type MyViewControllerParameter defined in it. We want to put MyViewController into another containing view, ParentView.xib. ParentView.xib is owned by ParentViewController.m and created elsewhere. We double click ParentView.xib in XCode to launch Interface Builder. We then drag an "object" from the Library View (I believe you open the library view with Cmd+Shift+L if its not open by default) onto the Document window. (This is the window activated by Cmd+0.)
An "Object" is an arbitrary widget found in the library (identified by a solid gold cube icon) that can represent anything in your project. After we've placed the new object into the document window, we type Cmd+4 to open the Indentity Inspector Window. In the top text field we can type the name of our view controller parameter, "MyViewControllerParameter". Next we find the ViewController widget in the library and drop it into the document window. We open the Attribute inspector (Cmd+1) and set the nib name to "MyView.xib". This should cause CocoaTouch to load MyViewController using the definitions in "MyView.xib".
Open the identity inspector and set the class attribute to MyViewController. Last we right click or control click (or two finger tap if we've correctly configured the trackpad on our MacbookPro) MyViewController in the document window. That will open a window showing all of the IBOutlets in MyViewController. Drag a line from the little open circle next to the MyViewControllerParameter outlet and drop it on the MyViewControllerParameter object sitting in the document window. Connecting these dots is how you set parameters between objects using interface builder.


iPhone. View architecture

Can anyone summarize the relationship between the following items?
Content View
View Controller
the view, subclass of UIView
Application delegate
I got very confused about these. Coz some people say the "content view" contains the "nib" while other people say "content view" and "nib" are not containing each other.
Many thanks!
Oh man… that's not so easy. But I'll try.
Application is being launched from main().
Application delegate receives callbacks from Application during runloop. For example, when app finished launching or something else.
Usually application contains single instance of UIWindow, that is the root of all view hierarchy.
UIWindow can have UIViews, they can have UIViews by themselves. So, there's a hierarchy of UIViews (a tree)
Each view has controller, that gets user input and other events and controls UIView (for example, tells it to redraw itself because of user tap). Controller can be standard or custom, written by developer.
Content View is a normal view. Usually within a table cell. UITableViewCell instance has a property that is called contentView. It's a normal view and it can be any UIView subclass.
NIB is another story. You can create whole view hierarchy by yourself. But there is an alternative way: use Interface Builder. After creating views/subviews in the interface builder — you can save this hierarchy with all its properties as a single (serialized) file. And load it at once during application run.
NIB has three main objects. File Owner is an object, that you'll get when you send some message like
+ (BOOL)loadNibNamed:(NSString *)aNibName owner:(id)owner
Here owner will be filled with all properties of File Owner from the NIB.
First responder - first receives input. You can simply forget about it for now.
View — is the main view. Usually it is linked to a view property of File Owner.
It's a veeery short overview of all these things. You really have to read documentation to understand it better.

How to get a reference to a control in the view?

If I have a UIScrollView set up in the view via the Interface Builder, how do I get a reference to it in the ViewController implementation? I want to programmatically add labels to the scroll view.
For example, in C# if you have a textbox declared in the UI/form, you can access it by simply using the ID declared for that textbox. It doesn't seem this simple in objective c.
Assuming I understand you rightly and you are instantiating a view controller from a .xib containing subviews including the UIScrollView you want, there are two ways - first, you can find it in the subviews array that is owned by the view controller. Second, you can add an IBOutlet reference to it in your header file, then in interface builder make the connection using the connections inspector. Then you can refer to the object in your code, change frame, add labels etc.
You need to wire your ViewController up to your Nib files. This is pretty straightforward. This is your basic workflow for using Interface Builder on the iPhone/iPad:
Set the Class of the 'File's Owner' to the class of your view controller. You can do this by selecting the 'File's Owner' object in your nib window, pressing Command-4, and setting the class via the drop-down.
Create properties in your View Controller with the following format:
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView;
The IBOutlet keyword is a macro that evaluates to nothing. So it doesn't actually do anything to your code, it just exists to let Interface Builder know that the 'scrollView' property can be bound to.
Control-drag from the object you'd like to bind to your ViewController. In the popup you can select the property you'd like to bind to the scroll view object.
This sort of stuff is pretty basic Xcode stuff. If you read any tutorial out there it'll cover this. Good luck, and enjoy!
I should add that if you used the default "New UIViewController Subclass" from the New File dialog, it will have done step one for you. You'll have a nib file and a View Controller that already know about each other.
Yes, the code you wrote is all you need in your header. Just make sure you connect the Scroll View object to the property in Interface Builder.
Yup! 'viewDidLoad' is added after all the connections specified in the Nib file have been made, so you can be confident that scrollView point to the correct object (assuming everything in the Nib is wired correctly, which is an easy mistake to make)

Loading a View from IB

This should be a pretty easy fix, but I haven't figured out from reading the Apple documentation or other SO questions how to do this simple switch from creating my Interface programmatically to using Interface Builder.
I am basing my code around this framework:
The only difference is that, where each View is programmatically created (View01.m, View02.m) in ViewDidLoad, I instead want to import from a nib (while still using this framework) for each view (each view has a unique IB design).
Thanks for the help.
Think of IB as an Object Creator and not a code generator. That really helps. What IB does is actually create instances of objects as they are dragged on to the desktop/view/XIB window. It then allows you to start creating various connections (with a control drag on the mouse) from one object to another object. You then instantiate the entire XIB by unarchiving it from your bundle. This is highly automatic and reading up on UIViewController should move you along a bit. Look at:
You basically have two types of connections:
Outlet: This is how you teach one object about the existence of another object. For example, you might have a controller object that needs access to a button. You create an outlet (either in XCode Text Edit in the controller.h file/property area or in IB by adding an outlet) in your controller and then control-click-drag from the outlet to the button.
Actions: This is how you trigger an event on one object to call a method on another object. Actions will have a prototype of:
- (IBAction) someMethod:(id) sender;
I think the ":(id) sender" is optional if your method does not need a link to the object causing the event.
Within IB, you can arrange objects and set various attributes like size, color, position, target/actions, user interactions, Files Owner...
That brings me to files owner. Big concept here. It tends to be the Controller that loads the NIB (OK: I have a custom window controller I have used for over 15 years but Apple has a really good one UIViewController that does all sorts of goodness.) and acts as a proxy in IB. It is not actually instantiated in IB but it will be when you alloc and request it to load the NIB (XIB files are XML files that are turned into NIB files by the compile process)

How to send actions to targets other than File's Owner?

I am trying to send actions from button touches to a controller other than the one acting as File's Owner. I have four distinct areas of the screen that I would like managed by four separate controllers (buttonController, toolbarController, textController and graphicController) with a fifth controller (mainController) controlling the other four. mainController is also the one associated with File's Owner. To get button presses to be handled by mainController is easy:
MainController.h file:
- (IBAction)buttonIsTouched:(id)sender;
MainController.m file:
- (IBAction)buttonIsTouched:(id)sender {
..handle button touch event etc.
Then in Interface Builder, associate the button Touch Down event with File's Owner and select buttonIsTouched and away you go. All works fine.
However, when I do exactly the same thing for a controller that is not the File's Owner controller the application crashes. Here is what I did:
Create four controllers as instance variables of mainController.
Instantiate them in -[MainController viewDidLoad].
Provide a button handling method exactly as above
In Interface Builder, drag an Object template from Library (four times) onto the mainController.xib browser.
Set the type for these objects to ButtonController, ToolBarController, TextController and GraphicsController respectively.
Associate the Touch Down button event with the ButtonController object and select the buttonIsTouched entry (in the little pop-up box)
Build and run the application
Click the button
Crash - sorry, I didn't write down the error code but it was akin to INVALID_ACCESS
Of course, I can have all the input go first to mainController and then delegate down to each individual controller but this seems an inelegant solution especially since I want the lower controllers to do some work before messaging upstream to mainController. Having to go through mainController and then back kind if irks me.
If anyone knows how to do this and has some sample code that does something similar to what I want to do I would appreciate it.
One problem of your approach is that your instantiate two objects for each of your four sub controllers ButtonController, ToolBarController, TextController and GraphicsController. You’re creating the controllers programmatically in viewDidLoad, but they have already been instantiated from the loaded nib.
You shouldn’t create the controllers in viewDidLoad, but instead use retaining IBOutlet properties in your MainController to wire them up in IB.
Then the controller objects are owned by the MainController and are not removed after nib loading. This will also remove your memory error.

Reconstituting objects from nib - Just add water? maybe not

Much I've read talks about the advantages of setting your UI up in IB. And how when the nib is "awoken" all the objects in it "come to life".
I'm experimenting with placing about 10 UIView objects into a nib that is owned by a ViewController. The UIView objects are of type MyView and are wired back to their respective properties in the ViewController. MyView is a subclass of UIView with a couple additional properties like a UIImage *image & NSNumber *value.
The nib clearly loads as I can see some other UIImageView elements that are also in the nib. But when I try to set a property in one of the 10 MyView objects I'm unable to. And in the debugger my properties for these objects are all still 0x0.
I was also under the impression that the initWithCoder method in my MyView class would fire as each of these 10 objects awoke from sleep so I could set some properties at runtime?!?
Anyone know what's going on... I'm happy to abandon IB for this but thought I'd give it a try...
viewDidLoad is the first method called when all of the objects in your view have been created. initWithCoder is called before any of them are.
viewWillAppear is called after viewDidLoad, and called before anything is displayed - it gets called each time, where viewDidLoad only gets called when your view objects are created.
UIViewControllers load their views when first accessing the self.view property. Try to see if the viewDidLoad method of your controller is called.
Also, I remember reading somewhere (could be Apple documentation) that having multiple independent views loaded from a nib is not recommended, mostly because of memory usage.
I suspect it might be that you have assigned the view to the files owner.
Open IB. In the window that has.
File's Owner
First Responser
Right click on the "view" object.
If it only has one option
"new referencing outlet" then it means you havent wired the view into the files owner.
Simply grab that little o beside this and drag it upto the files owner.
Once over files owner a new menu should popup and you can should be able to select "view"
Save this and see if is now working.
Lastly check that the "File's Owner" has been set to your class, you can simply select the File's Owner and inspect this. In one of the drop downs you will be able to select the class.
IB is cool. Dont give up... Saves upto 70% of you setup code (as stated at WWDC by Apple) so stick with it.