ComponentArt and Ajax Toolkit - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I'm using ComponentArt MultiPage control in my application. I'm also using AjaxControl Toolkit's ModalPopUpExtender control. I get the javascript error "Sys.UI.DOMEevnt is null or not an object". I noticed that if I have the ScriptManager in the same page as any ComponentArt control, I get this error. Can someone please suggest me a solution? I'm using ComponentArt 2008.2 and latest version of Ajax Toolkit and .NET Framework 3.5. Thanks.

Most reports of this problem are related to having references to older MS AJAX DLLs. It could also be a bad ComponentArt install. See the thread at the CA forum another thread at the Iron Speed forum for more information.


how download Zend_Jabber library?

I've downloaded Zend framework, but the ZEND_JABBER library isn't included. How can I download it? (
That page is a proposal for a class for ZF but it doesn't appear to have ever been completed. It never was part of ZF 1 anyway. There don't appear to be any packages for ZF2 that handle Jabber at the moment either. The code for that proposal is available on google code but hasn't been changed since 2007 and may be incomplete.
xmpphp looks like a promising library for xmpp as does JAXL. There are also many other php jabber clients that should all work with your ZF app.

Including facebook.php in tomcat + liferay

I want to make a site for me in which I can use the facebook api features.
I got a tomcat webserver ans liferay is installed on it.
Now I need to implement the facebook.php to this but I don't know where to put it.
I wrote some code in php to get for example my id or to post into my own profile. But liferay oder tomcat couldn't load the things from facebook.php so the server doesn't know the methods and can't do what I want him to do.
Can anybody tell me how to solve this problem?
I've never actually done it before because I've tried to keep PHP code off Liferay and used other methods to access 3rd APIs. However the Tomcat wiki has a post on it:
Installing PHP on Tomcat
Or what maybe a better option is you use the Facebook JavaScript API and you create a new Liferay portlet which uses this API instead of using PHP.
How can I use Facebook JAVA API in my application? will help you find the java api for facebook. With regards to getting started with programming: That one is far beyond what can be answered here. But basically: Try to access the API in the language that you're working in. Don't bridge to a different language in order to bridge then to an external system.
There are a lot more hits when you google for facebook java api in case that link doesn't help.

jqgridview in

Is there any documentaiton for jqgridview? Is it not used anymore?
jqgridview - It appears to be an abandoned project. The author's website ( produces php errors. The latest commit to jQuery is Nov. 2007. The author's account hasn't done anything else on jQuery's website since.
I think this is what you may be looking for...
jqGrid is still a very popular jQuery grid plugin.

Tutorial on setting up GWT-Validation Framework for a simple app?

I'm looking to setup the GWT-Validation Framework (client side for now) in our application, but I'm not clear from the docs what pieces I need and what goes where?
We are using GWT 2.1 and MVP. I have the inherits entry for Validation in the gwt.xml, but what goes actually goes into the View, Activity, etc... I'm not aware of any tutorials available.
Any help would be appreciated!
At the time when I was trying to use it, GWT 2.1 wasn't compatible with the GWT-Validation framework. After doing more reading I found this out. I don't know if that is still the case.
I assume you are referring to the validation framework in GWT and not the gwt-validation library? If that's the case, here is a page that describes how you can do bean validation: If you are actually referring to the gwt-validation library, here is a page that describes how to use it:
Here is a link that gives some information about the GWT Validation Framework, GWT-Validator and the authors solution, the GWT-Validation library. It is a good synopsis of the issues and why he wrote the new library with some code snippets.
The GWT Validation Library.

Using Joomla 1.5 based site, I am experiencing a problem while making JAPopup plugin work with Template 29042 from

JAPopup is a handy plugin for Joomla to render Youtube videos in a Modal Window so user cannot click on multiple Youtube videos at the same time. The website URL is (hast not gone live yet!). If I use a standard Joomla template such as JA_Parity or rhuk_mllkyway, JAPopup plugin works fine. But instead if I use Template 29042 from, JAPopup hangs up. I compared the index.php files of a working template (such as rhuk_milkyway) and Template 29042 and as far as I can tell, 29042 uses Javascript extensively and there appears to be an issue when it comes to launching JAPopup (which too is based on Javascript). I put print statements in all the JAPopup modules and verified that the code was getting executed in either templates. So I am at a loss as to why JAPopup won't execute. If anyone has a suggestion, I would be grateful. Once I fix this, I plan on publishing the problem and the fix on my web-site,
What does Firebug say? It's obviously a jscript conflict so start narrowing down the options - does the template use jQuery or another library? Does JAPopup use a library? You can also remove the scripting from the template and start adding it back until the error comes back, then you know what needs to be rewritten.