Display full Addressbook - iphone

How do I display the full addressbook in a table using the UITableview and Addressbook classes?

I'm going to go right ahead and guess Cocoa/Obj-C and the system Address Book.
I'm also going to assume that you know the basics of setting up an NSTableViewDatasource object.
This page at developer.apple.com should be instructive; on a related note, you probably want to use the people picker provided by the AddressBook.framework.

With the help of below link,i developed the application similar to your query.once go through it.
Hope,this might be helpful for you.


Name of special alert view iphone

I have been looking for the name of this UI element for a while now, but I cant come up with anything. What is the name of the round rect with 'Reloading Data' in it? I thought that I remembered using a view like this a while back, and there was some open source library that made its use much easier.
Screen shot of cydia.
The Apple API is private and cannot be used in AppStore apps. I and many others use MBProgressHUD: http://cocoadev.com/wiki/MBProgressHUD.
It's MBProgressHUD.
You will get more opensource controls on this link.
Why don't you just use a UIActivityIndicator? It essentially provides the same utility without the need to implement 3rd party code? Do you really need any custom behavior the class does not already provide? The simpler the better you know..? ;)

Create a view like contact info in ios4

I would like to create a view like contacts info in new ios4.
I've been looking for a document, source code(this is better) or something else but I wasn't lucky.
Please if somebody can help me I will be very very happy, I need to show a picture, some fields like textbox and description field.
Thanks in advance
I think you're talking about the Address Book APIs? Here is a link to the Apple Developer site that should get you started:
It goes over both how to integrate with the Address Book database, and how to just use an Address Book-like view for listing contact information.
Controllers: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/ContactData/Conceptual/AddressBookProgrammingGuideforiPhone/400-UI_Controllers/UI_Controllers.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007744-CH5-SW1
Use tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: for your first table section, and point it to a UIView you've designed in IB. Take a look at this tutorial.

How to force TTPhotoViewController reload image URL in iPhone?

I feel good when I use Three20 framework to create a good iPhone application if you didn't try it before, just go here to try.
but the I want your help me to force TTPhotoViewController to reload the image after it initialized. At the moment, it seems load the exist image before and didn't active to viewDidLoad.
Could you help me? or give me any advice?
A better place to ask this question is at the Three20 Google Group
A good way to start is to put some breakpoints in the Three20 source code to see what, and how, code is being run. I have found many undocumented (seriously, what is documented anyway?) hooks and callbacks. If you don't see anything you can use, the best part of Three20 is that it is open source — you can edit the Three20 source to suit your needs.

Does anyone know of a To/Subject control a'la iPhone's Mail and SMS application?

I'd like to show a widget with a "To:"-field and a "Subject:"-field, just like Mail application does and the SMS application partly does (it has no subject field). For example, when entering a few letters of a person name a table is shown with relevant hits from the address book. A recipient is encapsulated in a blue bubble. And so on...
Has anyone reversed the MobileMail.app or MobileSMS.app and wrapped it up in an easy to use class? That is my dream ;-)
Thanks in advance!
Check out Joe Hewitt three20 project, it includes a message composer.
It might be more than you want, because I'm not sure from your question what you're wanting to do with this view. But there's skpsmtpmessage, an open-source SMTP sender that includes the UI. It's available at http://code.google.com/p/skpsmtpmessage/
This is a non-answer, but I have looked for this as well, and have not found anything. I ended up doing something different with my idea that didn't require those fields to be directly input. I think you'll have to roll your own.
catlan points to a good library there with three20.
Also in 3.0 there is the new MessageUI Framework

iPhone Coverflow

I need to implement cover flow functionality to our iPhone application. I tried to find sample code online to get started with it, but I didn't have any luck. Can anyone tell me how to implement cover flow functionality or give me a sample?
Thanks In Advance!
Try FlowCover at
the source code provides you with a FlowCoverView realizing the coverflow effect.
You simply need to customize a few delegate methods. Take a look at the example source code, customizing it to suit your needs should be straightforward.
You might also want to check out a library I released at iPhoneDevCamp -- OpenFlow. http://apparentlogic.com/openflow
It is all core animation-based, so it's easy to understand and customize to your needs. AFOpenFlowView is a subclass of UIView.
I included a demo application, and check out the blog entry on my personal website for a bit more information about its use. fajkowski.com
Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments!
This one looks promising:
Seems to be more actively maintained than the other two suggested above.