iPhone Coverflow - iphone

I need to implement cover flow functionality to our iPhone application. I tried to find sample code online to get started with it, but I didn't have any luck. Can anyone tell me how to implement cover flow functionality or give me a sample?
Thanks In Advance!

Try FlowCover at
the source code provides you with a FlowCoverView realizing the coverflow effect.
You simply need to customize a few delegate methods. Take a look at the example source code, customizing it to suit your needs should be straightforward.

You might also want to check out a library I released at iPhoneDevCamp -- OpenFlow. http://apparentlogic.com/openflow
It is all core animation-based, so it's easy to understand and customize to your needs. AFOpenFlowView is a subclass of UIView.
I included a demo application, and check out the blog entry on my personal website for a bit more information about its use. fajkowski.com
Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments!

This one looks promising:
Seems to be more actively maintained than the other two suggested above.


adding Contact/Number into Textview/textfield like default MessageComposer did

As like my other questions I tried to search for this. But I didn't get anything.
Maybe my path is wrong. Please direct me.
Here is my Question : I have a UITextView. In that I am going to add Numbers, Names and contacts.
I want to show each number separately as MessageComPoser did.
Does anybody know how to make this?
If my question is not worthy, give me the correct answer then downvote.
(For my questions somebody downvoted without even giving any answer!!)
There is no way to do this using apple's native framework, they didn't provided any controls for doing the same.
You can use the TTMssageRecipientField provided by Three20 framework.
I found the Answer. I don't want to use Three20 library since it is Very difficult to use in my project.
So i Found Awesome Link. That gives me the answer.
I used this Code It May HelpFull To many users, specially for those who Upvoted This question.
Exellent Code

Name of special alert view iphone

I have been looking for the name of this UI element for a while now, but I cant come up with anything. What is the name of the round rect with 'Reloading Data' in it? I thought that I remembered using a view like this a while back, and there was some open source library that made its use much easier.
Screen shot of cydia.
The Apple API is private and cannot be used in AppStore apps. I and many others use MBProgressHUD: http://cocoadev.com/wiki/MBProgressHUD.
It's MBProgressHUD.
You will get more opensource controls on this link.
Why don't you just use a UIActivityIndicator? It essentially provides the same utility without the need to implement 3rd party code? Do you really need any custom behavior the class does not already provide? The simpler the better you know..? ;)

Is there a visual guide to the UIKit components?

My Problem is this, I want to add some component to my App I saw in some other App. Everytime I wnat to do this, I start googling around for the name. It took me some time to find the name of UIActionSheet. Now I'm looking for that transparent overlay that appears when you turn the volume up and down.
So, is there a good visual guide to the UIKit components? As an example, see the visual guide to swing components or this visual guide which is way to short/incomplete. And secondly, what's the name of the component I'm looking for?
The iOS documentation has a section called iOS UIKit UI Catalog that shows the various UI features by name with links to the API docs and recommend how and when they should be used.
Apple has provided a sample iPhone application called UICatalog. It lists all (or most?) of the standard UIKit component in different variants.
You can download the sample from here.
i recently had the same problem. Googling a lot i came across the following page. This overlay works pretty well and is easy to use.
look at: http://github.com/jdg/MBProgressHUD
Hope this is what you were looking for.

How to force TTPhotoViewController reload image URL in iPhone?

I feel good when I use Three20 framework to create a good iPhone application if you didn't try it before, just go here to try.
but the I want your help me to force TTPhotoViewController to reload the image after it initialized. At the moment, it seems load the exist image before and didn't active to viewDidLoad.
Could you help me? or give me any advice?
A better place to ask this question is at the Three20 Google Group
A good way to start is to put some breakpoints in the Three20 source code to see what, and how, code is being run. I have found many undocumented (seriously, what is documented anyway?) hooks and callbacks. If you don't see anything you can use, the best part of Three20 is that it is open source — you can edit the Three20 source to suit your needs.

Is there a good iphone sdk documentation site that provides good examples / common usage?

The problem? I look up stuff in the xcode documentation and find very useful lists of objects, methods, etc... But then I still have to go somewhere else to find useful example code of how to use that object. For example, I looked up NSNumber yesterday and found all of the neat stuff it can do, but I still had no clue how to use it. That's just an example. I'm sure I could read the objective c pdf front to back and learn something there (which I plan on doing) but what about later? When I'm looking up some UIKit object? Do I have to go find a tutorial each time (or lately, I just ask StackOverflow and you guys take care of me).
Is there a part of the apple website / xcode documentation that shows the example code I'm looking for?
Is there a wiki site out there or something that has what I'm looking for? (I just tried a simple google search "iphone sdk wiki". this site could be good. iphone sdk wiki . I'll check it out. Anyone else have one they like? )
This is also sort of a mild complaint to Apple. Why not a section on each code definition page that shows usage?
I've found the sample code section on Apple's iPhone Developer Connection be extremely useful not only for samples of complete applications but also a best practices source. Going through the code of The Elements, for example, will expose you to how to use particular classes as well as how to structure your code. It is a wonderful example of how to create a non-trivial iPhone app.
Look in developer.apple.com/iphone they have pretty good documentation (you can use the search bar there) on all the classes and have a lot of good sample code..
I really would emphasize the "Related sample code" section on many, if not most, of the documented classes.
But, IMHO, there isn't any easy way of acquiring the knowledge to develop in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch. The API's are so numerous that it simply takes a lot of time and experience. You just have to work on it, look at a lot of books and study the sample source code where available.
I've tried to take a purposeful approach by carving out some time every week to learning a new API/class irrespective of whether my current project needs it or not.
Alternatively, search Joe Hewitt. He's the developer for iPhone facebook. He has a project you can download that demonstrates all the features of facebook. It's an awesome open source project!
When you look something up in Xcode Developer Documentation, you sometimes get a Related Sample Code: text that tells you what Sample the method or property is used in. Too bad you can't click on it to see the code, but if you do click it takes you to the page to download the sample. – mahboudz 0 secs ago
Apple Developer site has all kinds of code examples. Try searching google for a UICatalog project, it will show you all the basic UI stuff you can do, like adding buttons and progressbars through using only code.