display a long string in a table row - iphone

i have a tableview which displays the result from the web service
the result fron the web sevice is in form of string array, where each string in the array is pretty long. It is like "1|123|JP Morgan|111|2000.0|Pending", similarly there are strings which i diplay in each row of the table.
but as you can see the string is very long, to display it in a single table row.
in the table view, i can just view first 3 ie "1|123|JP Morgan" the it shows.....
how can i display the entire string in the table

Your options are to make it smaller or make a custom table cell. To change the size, set the property cell.textLabel.font to a font of a smaller size (e.g. using [UIFont systemFontOfSize:10]. You may also want to change cell.textLabel.numberOfLines to something greater than 1.
To see more about making custom cells, read the Table View Programming Guide.

You can add a UILabel to your cell's contentView. If you do this, you can set the UILabel.numberOfLines to a number greater than 1. If you set it to 0, it will use as many lines as needed.


Table View Group Header View

I want to create an effect similar to the Open Table application. I want the section header to stick to the top as I scroll the table. This is of course the default behavior with a plain table view, but because of style, I want a group table view.
Any ideas or suggestions?
One way to do it (I'd wager OpenTable does it this way) is to use a plain table style but dress the cells yourself as grouped. You'd need 3 background images for the cells, one for the first cell in a section (with rounded upper corners), one for the last row in a section (with rounded lower corners), and one for the others that looks like grouped cells (with left and right insets).

Multiple rows insert auto insert in edit mode with UITextFields, similar to contacts phone/email

I am trying to recreate functionality of similar to adding/editing phone numbers or emails in the contact editing on the iPhone.
I always have an empty row with placeholder text available. In edit mode (push of a button on toolbar) I un-hide UITextField. In 'editing changed' callback I insert a new row into the section, again similar to iPhone contact editing view.
However, after the insert when I start modifying 2nd row (3rd row is inserted as expected) the value of the 1st row text field is cleared to the placeholder value.
I have read somewhere that I would need to store the text field value in row 1, at the time of 2nd row insertion, and on end editing (I assume) otherwise it would be lost? This seems quite strange to me and I was wondering if this is the only way? At what point would I go back to restore it? This of course keeps repeating as I insert a new row and modify the last row's value values in all the rows prior are being cleared.
Can anyone point me to an example of similar to contact editing functionality? If I would change the way rows are inserted by having the last row always be a "+ Add Value" row, would that help? I would not think so.
Also, It would be nice if I could change style of the 1st row from UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone to UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete, but no matter what i have attempted including toggling editing NO/YES in the middle setting all visible rows to react to ignore transitions I can not get it to work, to have all but last row with UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete. So I thought ok fine let me have the initial row not able to delete (not what I wanted, but I can live with it).
Please confirm, but I am guessing from reading farther that scrolling rows out of view would result in the same problem, so on textFieldDidEndEditing as well as possibly on each insert in my case, needs to be handled to store "new" data in the corresponding entry of the Data storage array for each row.
However, in my case without scroll I would probably need to do:
- (void)reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimat....
for all rows in the section being modified and possibly all visible rows. Confirmation are greatly appreciated.
Why reuse at all in your case?
If all the rows are on the screen at all times just create a new UITableViewCell for each.
UITableViewCell *cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:nil] autorelease];
configure content to go on it...
[cell.contentView addSubview:WHATEVER_YOU_CREATED];
[cell.contentView sizeToFit];
return cell;
Reusing cells is a way for those that have many rows to reuse the ones no longer visible to conserve resources.

Customize column of table view

Is it possible to customize the column of table view.
By default table view contains 1 column, But according to my requirement I want 4 column in table.
Means I want table like we create in MS-word/excel.
will help you
No there is no such method to do that ..... but for sure u can make a subclass of UITableViewCell such that it has 4 parts in it and all parts are seperated by a fine line (a kind of bordered image as background will do the job). You can manage your data accordingly and it may create an illusion of MS-word/excel.
But I am sure you are aware of column and row of UITableView, so you can manage all your data is this format. If you want to represent data in tabular fashion like MS-word/excel you don't have enough space as width on iPhone and If you incorporate a tableView in a scroll view, two scroll will not be user friendly.
So i suggest you to go with TableView's native behaviour for such type of task.

how to split a tableview cell into two?

I like to create a cell like contacts's add instant messages table view, with two cells to select: "AIM" and "home".
May be I can use the custom table cell as the cell's content view, but the table view framework always treats
one table view' cell as a whole, for example ,how to respond to did select row at index path message?
I'm pretty sure that Contacts is using a single cell.
The illusion of two cells is created by a custom cell that contains two buttons each configured to look like a tableveiw cell.
To get the same effect as Tweetie's split cell, create a custom cell and add a Segmented Control and create title and detail labels

TableView in iPhone

I have a very long string that i need to display in the first row of the table view. The string is like
"1|123|Try|Bank Of America|11/06/2007|20,000.00"
where | is the tokenizer.
Now I take the first token ie 1 and append String "\n", so that 123 is displayed in the next line of the row of table view, but I can just display 1 and 123 in the first row of the table view. I can't display the other values.
See the case is, the result string is the information of a transaction, similarly there are many more transactions that i will be displaying in the table view. But the rows in table are not big enough to display the entire information.
If I read your question correctly you want to increase the height of the row?
If so, you can use the delegate:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
To accomplish this the better way is to follow the customization of cell.You can increase the height of row using delegate method tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath.
(you need to return the height as return 55). Then you can add a label to cell and then add text to label with specifying the number of lines in label according to your requirement.
Sounds like you are using the standard UITableViewCell. I'd recommend using a custom tableViewCell with a UILabel so you can control how the truncation is handled and how many lines you can have, etc. You still have to use #rein's suggestion of resizing the rows.
You're going to have alter the height of the tableview cell depending on how many lines of data you want to display in each row. You will need to write a UITableViewDelegate's tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to return the correct row height for each row.
Calculating the row height will prove tricky if the number of lines of text changes each time or if the font size changes.
You might want to rethink your design. Tableviews are not intended to display a large amount of information. Instead, they are intended to display information that more or less fits on one line. You should consider a design that displays one line of information that will identify the record and then provide a detail view to show all the data in the record.
For example, in the contacts tableview, you have a tableview that shows the name of the contact and then a a detail view that shows the address, phone#, email etc.
You can try
[cell.textLabel setNumberOfLines:5];
This would in combination with the heightForRowAtIndexPath will give you what you are after.
Been asked many times. See:
How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell
Setting variable UITableViewCell height