Table View Group Header View - iphone

I want to create an effect similar to the Open Table application. I want the section header to stick to the top as I scroll the table. This is of course the default behavior with a plain table view, but because of style, I want a group table view.
Any ideas or suggestions?

One way to do it (I'd wager OpenTable does it this way) is to use a plain table style but dress the cells yourself as grouped. You'd need 3 background images for the cells, one for the first cell in a section (with rounded upper corners), one for the last row in a section (with rounded lower corners), and one for the others that looks like grouped cells (with left and right insets).


Can a child text box grow with parent rectangle in SSRS

I have a rectangle with 2 subreports in it. I am trying to have a "header" text box to the left of the two reports that grows with the rectangle so that the "header" stays centered with the content. Current Arrangement
Desired Arrangement
I'm not sure how you have constructed the table/rectangles but this should work...
There is almost certainly a better way of doing this but this does work...
First insert a table. Delete the last two columns so you only have a single column left.
Then Delete the header row, you'll have a single cell remaining.
Now go to the Row Groups at the bottom of the screen, click the drop down and choose, "Add Group" --> "Parent Group".
In the dialogue, type 1 in the Group by field (this is just a dummy value) and select "Add group header". Click OK.
Optionally, you can right-click the details group and delete it. Select Delete Group Only when prompted.
Now the left column is merged so you can put your header text in there and set Vertical Align to "Middle". Add you sub reports as required and it will always be centred. Sere's some examples with different sized sub reports.
and finally with the text rotated which if your header is short and be formatted in a large enough font, sometimes looks better.
I left the ugly border in place so you can see the positioning more clearly.
Create a table with two cells. Your header cell on the left and a blank cell on the right. Then create a second table with your data. Drag and drop it into the blank cell.
The grouping in the parent cell will apply to the child cell in the table. The parent table's dataset will override a different dataset in the child table (which I doubt will cause any concern for you).
To make it look right you will want to remove the outside borders of the child table.

How to make a specific column be moving in the SWT table in Eclipse RCP?

I have created a SWT table with 23 columns in the Eclipse RCP. The table has only Horizontal Scroll Bar. In runtime, it is obvious that the columns to the left get obstructed when we scroll to Rightward and vice-versa because our view (window) can not display all columns at once. But, I want one of the columns(say col. 2) at Left of the Table to be movable, so that it should be floating at very Left of the table when I scroll the table data Rightward at runtime.
I've tried by setting the col. property movable like :
But, it can only make the col.2 be moved (by dragging withing table header). But I wish the column be floating on the table while scrolling (to rightwards/Leftwards) other data in table.
Please, suggest me how to do this.
There is no really cool way of achieving what you want using Table. But there is an official Snippet showing how to emulate something similar here.
If you don't mind using an SWT table implementation which is not natively drawn, apparently NatTable supports "Frozen columns".
Also one of Nebula's custom table implementations might be capable to do what you want. There's Grid and XViewer.

Customize column of table view

Is it possible to customize the column of table view.
By default table view contains 1 column, But according to my requirement I want 4 column in table.
Means I want table like we create in MS-word/excel.
will help you
No there is no such method to do that ..... but for sure u can make a subclass of UITableViewCell such that it has 4 parts in it and all parts are seperated by a fine line (a kind of bordered image as background will do the job). You can manage your data accordingly and it may create an illusion of MS-word/excel.
But I am sure you are aware of column and row of UITableView, so you can manage all your data is this format. If you want to represent data in tabular fashion like MS-word/excel you don't have enough space as width on iPhone and If you incorporate a tableView in a scroll view, two scroll will not be user friendly.
So i suggest you to go with TableView's native behaviour for such type of task.

Does UITableView support grouped style with rectangular (not rounded) sections?

I would like to present a UITableView with a basic layout like this:
header view
table row
table row
table row
header view
table row
table row
Grouped style with section header views is the natural way to do this, but I don't want the "shunken (padding on the left and the right), rounded corner" look that grouped sections have. I'd like the look to be like an indexed plain table: table rows are all rectangular and full-width, with periodic header sections to separate the table rows into groups.
Is this possible with a grouped style table? Or can I simulate this with a plain table and custom content views for the section headers? Or is there another way to do this? I'd like to reuse as much of UITableView as possible, without having to write a full custom control.
I'd go for the second option you presented. What you can do is use the delegate methods viewForHeaderInSection and viewForFooterInSection.

how to split a tableview cell into two?

I like to create a cell like contacts's add instant messages table view, with two cells to select: "AIM" and "home".
May be I can use the custom table cell as the cell's content view, but the table view framework always treats
one table view' cell as a whole, for example ,how to respond to did select row at index path message?
I'm pretty sure that Contacts is using a single cell.
The illusion of two cells is created by a custom cell that contains two buttons each configured to look like a tableveiw cell.
To get the same effect as Tweetie's split cell, create a custom cell and add a Segmented Control and create title and detail labels