Flickr Iphone app Background image zoom and fading animation - iphone

Hello all would anyone know how flickr manage to make this type of effect on their app where on the main screen you see a background image moving to the side and zooming in and fading to another image its really cool. your link sources for code or tutorials are always appreciated
PS im trying to implement this to one of my apps in iphone

See the Ken Burns Effect.


Ionic 3 Animating background image - Motion plugin

Has anyone seen a tutorial or an explanation on how it’s possible to “animate” your background image with the motion of the Phone? You know in some apps, when you move the phone up/down/left/right, the background image seems to also move a bit, creating a very nice dynamic feel to the app. I haven’t seen anywhere how this can be achieved.
I would guess there’s something to do with plugin, but not sure how to connect all the dots.
Any advice?

Transparent iphone application

I'm trying to build an application that is launched has a transparent background, in practice, showing only the objects in view (buttons, labels etc etc) but not the background so you can see the background the user's home.
In the example file you can see the purple square image at the center of the screen, in theory should be a normal UIView with a picture in the center but does not see the background of UIWindow/UIView.
Is possible to realize such a thing? Can anyone help me?
No. It's not possible using the official SDK. I'm interested to know why you would want to do this?
It might be possible, try setting the window background color to clear, as well as the view controller's view background color.
I say it might be possible because I've seen my home screen while using some apps, for example, the Facebook app sometimes shows it during a transition (it might be a bug on either Facebook or the OS).
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that kind of app would be rejected from the App Store, so be advised.

iPhone Screen Capturing Question

I'm writing an iPhone App that allows people to share images that may be copyrighted(not illegally). The issue I am having is that I'm looking for a way to work around the screen capturing. Is there any possible way you can disable screen capturing or possibly distort the image in some way so capturing will be useless, maybe even block the images when a screen capture is trying to be taken?
That is impossible because it is embedded in iOS itself. Maybe some private APIs, but then there is no app store for your app.
Watermarking the images may be a good half-way solution.
iOS screen capture does not support capturing everything. It does not capture OpenGL or YouTube for example. So if you can manage to implement showing images using OpenGL instead of the simple way using UIKit they would not show up on a screen shot.

iPhone Image Gallery Like App Store

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to implement a image gallery like the one that the App Store uses for screen shots of apps? I am trying to get images in a horizontal gallery so that the user can flick through them. The app store nicely snaps to each image.
If you want an "App Store screenshot"-like experience, check out this post by Alexander Repty. I've been looking at doing something similar, and UIScrollView's pagingEnabled functionality definitely won't get you there by itself.
Look at the UIScrollView API here. There is a property 'pagingEnabled' that should help you out.
Check out Three20.

iPhone Image Zoom Animation

I am writing my first iPhone app. I'm looking for direction on how to best accomplish an image zoom animation. I have a thumbnail sized image on the screen, and want to show a larger sized image overlaid on the view when the user taps on the thumbnail.
I've seen some suggestions for using the core animation framework. I saw another suggestion to use ImageKit. Is ImageKit available on iPhone, or just OSX?
Again, I'm just getting started, and looking for some guidance.
ImageKit is not available on iPhoneOS, so you have to use CoreAnimation from these choices.
Or you could try to use UIView animation blocks, which is much simpler (but limited compared with CA).