Map relationship with Entity Framework - entity-framework

Maybe im just an idiot, but I am having serious issues mapping relationships with the new entity framework.
When using LinqToSql, you would just right click the table, add association, select the two tables, and selected the property from each table the association was based on. End of story, it worked perfectly.
Using the entity framework and the slightly different visual editor, I go about doing the same thing, but there is no option in the initial association menu to select the actual properties. So after that, you bring up the association map, and thats where the problems start... What the hell? The only thing you can edit in here is the column to which a key is mapped, but the only columns you can choose are those in the same table as the key... Im completely lost.

Instead of mapping the association in the designer, try setting up your foreign key constraints on your tables then update the model from the database and the associations will be setup for you.

There is no possibility to map association end to an incomplete Entity Key.
This is an Entity Framework limitation.


How to add foreign key relationship in Entity Framework?

Click here to see how to do it while using a code first approach. Below the original database first approach question and answer.
I am using Entity Designer to create a database first model. Now I want to create a foreign key relationship between ProductId and ProductId (see below). I looked at the "add new association" but I cannot connect the two items. Can someone more experienced tell me how to accomplish this?
According to Relationships/Associations with the EF Designer, the steps to create a foreign key association are:
Right-click an empty area of the design surface, point to Add New, and select Association….
Fill in the settings for the association in the Add Association dialog.
...being sure to check the Add foreign key properties to the Entity checkbox when filling in the relationship details.
See also: Relationships, Navigation Properties, and Foreign Keys
If you are using the database first approach, it's better to create the foreign key on the database and update the model. Of course, this is true if you can modify the database; if not, you're stuck with the option of creating the referential constraint on the model.
To answer the bonus question:
If you have SQL Management Studio installed then you can very easily use the Database Migration wizard (right click on a database, "Tasks", "Deploy Database to SQL Azure") and from there fill the textboxes with the required information that you get from Azure.
Also, make sure to add your IP to the ignore list in Azure or else you won't be able to upload. This can be done in the Azure webportal.

A few basic questions about ADO.NET Entity Framework 4

I did work on ADO.NET Entity Framework v2 about two years ago. I have faint memories.
Incidentally, I happen to be working in a very secured (for want of a euphemism) environment where a lot of links are blocked and there's not much one can do. It does get in the way of studying and working, more than a bit.
Therefore, I have to rely on this forum for a few basic questions I have to get started again. This time, I am working on Entity Framework 4. Here are my questions.
All these questions relate to the EDM generated entities, i.e. not the Code First model.
1) Is my understanding correct? I can rename any column name in the EDM designer generated model and nothing breaks.
2) Foreign keys are expressed as navigational properties in the generated entity classes. No special consideration is required to maintain foreign key relationships. I recall in version 1 of EF, you had just ID properties and the navigational IQueryable/IEnumerable/EntityCollection/RelatedEnd properties were introduced in version 2. I just need to know if I need to do anything to retain/maintain foreign key relationships and referential data integrity. I assume I don't need to. A confirmation would be nice.
3) What are all the possible ways to execute a stored procedure? I recall -- one way to use ExecuteSQL or something on the Context.Database object, another to use EntityClient API and the third was to specify stored procedure names in the InsertCommand, SelectCommand, etc. thingies in the mapping window of the EDM designer. Is this correct?
4) How do you use those SelectCommand thingies in the mapping window on an entity? Do you just supply the names of the stored procedures or user defined SQL functions?
5) How do I create an entity out of a subset of a table? Do I just create an entity from the table and then delete the columns I don't need from the designer? What happens if there are required (NOT NULL in SQL) values that are not in the subset I choose?
6) How do I create a table out of a query or join of two or more tables.
1) You can rename columns in the designer and nothing should break (if the name is valid)
2) Navigation properties point to related entities. In EF4 foreign keys were added. Foreign key properties basically expose the database way of handling relations. However, they are helpful since you don't have to load related entities just to change relationship - you can just change the key value to the id of the other entity and save your changes
3) Yes. You can either execute the procedure directly - this is for stored procedures that are not related to CUD (Create/Update/Delete) operations. You can map CUD operations to stored procedure as opposed to having EF execute SQL statements it came up with for your CUD operations.
4) I think this is a bit out of scope - you probably can find a lot of blogs with images how to do it. Any decent book on EF should also have a chapter (or two) on this. Post a question to stackoverflow if you hit a specific problem.
5) Remove properties in the designer and then supply default value to the S-Space definition. I believe you cannot do this with the designer. You need to rightclick on the edmx file and open it with the Xml editor and manually edit it. Also see this: Issue in EF, mapping fragment,no default value and is not nullable
6) You can either create a view in the database or you can create entity set using E-SQL in your edmx file (I think this will be read only though) or you may be able to use Entity Splitting. Each of these is probably a big topic itself so I think you should find more about these and come back if you have more specific questions / problems

FK in one to many relationship code first

In model first, when we create a one to many relationship between two entities, there will be a FK auto-created in many end, when we do in code first, do we need to add a FK property in the many end entity? Why?
Thx in advance!
I once had some problems with relationships. It turned out I had to add the FK property otherwise EF couldn't see the relationship and track the changes, see my old question: How to update related entities in Entity Framework
You don't need to add it. If you don't add it EF will generate it in database in the same way as it did it in model first. The question Why? refers to difference between foreign key and independent associations.

Entity Framework - Foreign key constraints not added for inherited entity

It appears to me that a strange phenomenon is occurring with inherited entities (TPT) in EF4.
I have three entities.
1. Asset
2. Property
3. Activity
Property is a derived-type of Asset.
Property has many activities (many-to-many)
When modeling this in my EDMX, everything seems fine until I try to insert a new Property into the database. If the property does not contain any Activity, it works, but all hell breaks loose when I add some new activities to the new Property.
As it turns out after 2 days of crawling the web and fiddling around, I noticed that in the EF store (SSDL) some of the constraints between entities were not picked up during the update process.
Property_Activity table which links properties and activities show only
one constraint
FK_Property_Activity_Activity but
FK_Property_Activity_Property was
I knew this is an Entity Framework anomoly because when I switched the relationship in the database to:
Asset <--> Asset_Activity <--> Activity
After an update, all foreign key constraints are picked up and the save is successful, with or without activities in the new property.
Is this intended or a bug in EF?
How do I get around this problem?
Should I abandon inheritance altogether?
Not a but but a poor visual designer.
Its generally best to simply manage the Entity XML by hand.
No inheritance works well for many situations.
Basically I use the update from database in the visual designer but knowing that the designer has its quirks. I have simply used the update from database to stub out the basics of what I want. Then I go into the Entity XML my self and clean it up the way I want. Just of note Complex types are a pain with the designer. If you plan to use complex types get ready to learn your Entity XML well.

Getting Error 3007 when I add my Entity Model

I am getting an error 3007 when I add my entity model to my solution.
I found these links:
Good explination
Short answer
About this error:
Error 1 Error 3007: Problem in Mapping
Fragments starting at lines 89, 94:
Non-Primary-Key column(s) [Person_ID]
are being mapped in both fragments to
different conceptual side properties -
data inconsistency is possible because
the corresponding conceptual side
properties can be independently
Their Answer: I agree with their conclusion that by simply deleting the Scalar Property Person_ID and leave the Navigation Property my problem is fixed. However this is not very scalable since I am dynamically building my database and my entity is updated very often. I dont want to have to go through and clean up my entity every time I update it.
My Question: Is there a way to fix the error by correcting the way EF builds the entity? Or is there a way to remove the Scalar Property through code? Perhaps there is even a few options that I am overlooking.
Try to remove foreign property column from Entity set using entity model design it will solve your problem
For example
We have two tables one is customer and other one is order, using entity model design we added association between customers and orders when we do this entity framework i will add navigation properties to both below tables.
Customer.Orders - Here order is list
One - Many relation.
So we need to remove property from with name CustomerId[Foreign key column] from Order entity set.
For reference:
My experience with EF v1 is similar to yours. When the EDM is generated incorrectly and you can't work around the issue, you have to manually edit the EDM. EF v.Next (Entity Framework v4 I believe) will support "Code Only" Entity Data Models, and the EDM designer is supposed to be much better. One or the other improvement should make our lives easier. Until then...