FK in one to many relationship code first - entity-framework

In model first, when we create a one to many relationship between two entities, there will be a FK auto-created in many end, when we do in code first, do we need to add a FK property in the many end entity? Why?
Thx in advance!

I once had some problems with relationships. It turned out I had to add the FK property otherwise EF couldn't see the relationship and track the changes, see my old question: How to update related entities in Entity Framework

You don't need to add it. If you don't add it EF will generate it in database in the same way as it did it in model first. The question Why? refers to difference between foreign key and independent associations.


How to find out which property is used as a Foreign Key between two entities in code first approach

I'm using Entity Framework 5, code first approach. As there's no built in support for updating child entities in disconnected scenario, I'm building my own mechanism to do that. At some point I need to get the property of an entity with which it has a Foreign Key relationship with another (principal) entity. I've tried to get access to CSpace through
but here I got a warning that said there's no implicit conversion between MyEntity and System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm.GlobalItem.
I can't look for a property that has Foreign Key attribute because in most of my entities I use EF convention to get foreign keys automatically. So how one would go about finding which property is used for foreign key relationship.
Thanks to #octavioccl's post I was able to do what I want. So I was in the right path to look inside ObjectContext.

Delete object and all its child objects in Entity Framework?

I've been trying to find the answer to this question here. Several people seem to ask similar things, but I don't get the answers. I have an EF entity with a bunch of child entities (one-to-many relationship). I want to be able to delete the "parent" entity and have all the child entities deleted at the same time.
Some people mention "Cascade Delete" should be set on both EF model and database (Sql Server in my case). The problem is:
I have absolutely no idea how to do this (seems to be implied in those answers that you should know, but sorry...)
I have a feeling I've run into a similar problems before and found an answer somewhere that was simpler than setting this Cascade Delete. I may be wrong, maybe it is the only way, but if there is a simpler solution I'd like to know.
In either case, a clear example of how to get this working would be greatly appreciated!
In SQL Managment Studio go to your database and find the table where there should be a foreign key. Add a foreign key to the table pointing to the other table. I assume you know how to setup a foreign key. In the foreign key setup at the bottom of the dialog window you'll see a Delete property. Set it to Cascade. This will cause any dependent rows to be deleted whenever the parent row is deleted. Then go and update your data model in Visual Studio. Everything should be setup for you now.
Here is some relevant documentation on MSDN. Note though that there appears to be an error in the example. I received the following error from the EDMX designer when using this configuration.
Operations cannot be specified on ends with multiplicity '*'.
You should set the OnDelete property to Cascade for the end will be triggering deletes on the other end.
As an example, in a relationship involving customers and orders where you would like to have a customer's orders deleted along with the customer, you should set the OnDelete property for the Customer role to Cascade.
Note that only objects that have been loaded into the ObjectContext will be affected by a cascading delete. You will be relying on the cascading delete that you set in the database to look after any other records.

How to delete slave entity in entity framework poco in one line?

The following code:
Means not only to remove relationship between Order and Orderline but also to remove orderline from persistence permanently. Many slave entities have this situation.
As I know, in entity framework have to write extra code:
So, the remove rule can't be encapsulated entirely in order itself.
Any better choice for one line deletion in entity framework?
It's not entirely clear to me what you are asking, but here is a very complete description of various scenarios for deleting related entities, which will hopefully answer your question.

Map relationship with Entity Framework

Maybe im just an idiot, but I am having serious issues mapping relationships with the new entity framework.
When using LinqToSql, you would just right click the table, add association, select the two tables, and selected the property from each table the association was based on. End of story, it worked perfectly.
Using the entity framework and the slightly different visual editor, I go about doing the same thing, but there is no option in the initial association menu to select the actual properties. So after that, you bring up the association map, and thats where the problems start... What the hell? The only thing you can edit in here is the column to which a key is mapped, but the only columns you can choose are those in the same table as the key... Im completely lost.
Instead of mapping the association in the designer, try setting up your foreign key constraints on your tables then update the model from the database and the associations will be setup for you.
There is no possibility to map association end to an incomplete Entity Key.
This is an Entity Framework limitation.

Getting Error 3007 when I add my Entity Model

I am getting an error 3007 when I add my entity model to my solution.
I found these links:
Good explination
Short answer
About this error:
Error 1 Error 3007: Problem in Mapping
Fragments starting at lines 89, 94:
Non-Primary-Key column(s) [Person_ID]
are being mapped in both fragments to
different conceptual side properties -
data inconsistency is possible because
the corresponding conceptual side
properties can be independently
Their Answer: I agree with their conclusion that by simply deleting the Scalar Property Person_ID and leave the Navigation Property my problem is fixed. However this is not very scalable since I am dynamically building my database and my entity is updated very often. I dont want to have to go through and clean up my entity every time I update it.
My Question: Is there a way to fix the error by correcting the way EF builds the entity? Or is there a way to remove the Scalar Property through code? Perhaps there is even a few options that I am overlooking.
Try to remove foreign property column from Entity set using entity model design it will solve your problem
For example
We have two tables one is customer and other one is order, using entity model design we added association between customers and orders when we do this entity framework i will add navigation properties to both below tables.
Customer.Orders - Here order is list
One - Many relation.
So we need to remove property from with name CustomerId[Foreign key column] from Order entity set.
For reference:
My experience with EF v1 is similar to yours. When the EDM is generated incorrectly and you can't work around the issue, you have to manually edit the EDM. EF v.Next (Entity Framework v4 I believe) will support "Code Only" Entity Data Models, and the EDM designer is supposed to be much better. One or the other improvement should make our lives easier. Until then...