Looking for Tim Omernick's Fireworks iPhone app - iphone

Does anyone have the Fireworks app that Tim Omernick (of ngmoco) posted here:
He originally provided a download link to the source code, but the download link is down and just says "Account Suspended".
I am currently working on my own OpenGL ES game for the iPhone and I would really love to look at the optimizations that he used in his app! Would anyone be able to provide a working download link??

You can have a look at this presentation Tim made for the Stanford students.
Apple has, in their documentation, some recommendations one can follow
I also found the source code on my old machine. Looked at his copyright and it looks ok to republish so I have posted it on github

Thanks Tim from Alkmaar Holland


List of iphone programming websites

Please put the great sites for learning objective c, essential things to iphone apps, UI codings like this with examples and codings....
I would recommend downloading the Stanford University videos using iTunesU in iTunes. Very informative and the course data and downloads are still available on Stanford's website.
The course page is here http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/
The videos are free in iTunes.
Apple's iOS Dev Center may be the most useful online all-in-one resource that you can find.
They provide coding how-to's, getting started videos, sample code, and other such general resources, combined with all of the technical knowledge (SDKs, reference libraries, etc.) that you'll eventually need.
In the very beginning I used resources from the Stanford University videos and then read some of the official iOS guides and references. Then I started working on an app project and tailored my learning around that. It's very difficult to learn all of iOS programming in one go without working on a project because the API is a lot to digest.
Once you've learned some of the iOS programming lingo, I would go ahead and use stackoverflow and the official developer forums to search for specific examples and solutions to the problem you are having while building your app.
Learn by doing!
Video tutorials are a good way to learn objective C. But i would suggest that at a initial stage it can help you but when you go deeper inside into programming want to play with objective C you should opt some time to look into the Apples Documentation. Apple's Documentation provides everything .
Dont miss thier Sample Code also.

DragonFireSDK and iPhone development on Windows

So in previous questions about iPhone development on Windows, the basic/easy answer has been "just get a mac." However, I noticed a comment that mentioned DragonFireSDK. But no one else said anything about it?
Has anyone tried this? It look pretty legit to me, but I'm new to the iPhone world. I just find it weird that no one has discussed this yet. I mean, it looks like the perfect tools for the Windows users.
Oh yeah....here's the link to DragonFireSDK: DragonFireSDK
EDIT: This app is for my website, We, the Pixels. Any comments on if Dragonfire would be a good fit for an iPhone version of my website? Thanks!
DragonFireSDK is good, I have been developing several apps with it, the first of which is now available, a game called Firefox Fun: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/firefox-fun/id393933733?mt=8
Yes, I use DFSDK and got my apps published to apples appstore using the sdk. they have good API it lets you use c/c++ to create your app.

I need help on how to start developing an iPhone application

I have been programming in Microsoft Dot net for the past 4 years. Now, I want to develop an iPhone application. I have no idea where to start. I do not know anything about MAC OSX or any other Apple "words":). Searches on the google about books and online articles fetch a lot of results which is confusing. It would be great if anybody can share their beginner's experience. Thank You.
I've learn all about iPhone programming with this great book: Beginning iPhone 3 Development.
I found it surprisingly easy to pick up. The Apple dev center includes a lot of sample code, and because it's the programming language du jour, there's a lot of forum links and StackOverflow questions about it, as well as plenty of people looking to answer new questions.
It's pretty satisfying to do too, if you've never done mobile development before.
Get yourself a machine and download XCode, the supplied Apple IDE. It's a bit lamer than Eclipse right now, but the new version which is on the verge of release looks much better. Grab yourself access to the developer center (which is worth the investment) and build a simple App or two. Get to know Interface Builder first, because you may not have worked with things like this before.
There are some idiosyncracies in the syntax and whatnot, but you get used to it pretty fast. And then come here and ask more questions. :)
I just ran through this tutorial to get familiar with XCode and Interface Builder.
Then joining a local group about it should be helpful - I'm a member of the Iphone London Users Group and chats with other developers is the most useful tool I have to find out how to do things.

PTAM on iPhone (AR)

I want to implement PTAM(Parallel Tracking and Mapping) system in iPhone.
like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI5HwitBX4
Does anyone know open-source project of PTAM or a sample code?
If you click the link in that YouTube video's description, there's a page with the source code for the demo. http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~gk/PTAM/
Hopefully, checkout this repo iPTAM on Github.
Though the repo is kind of outdated for now, it's a good starting point, the author basically ported the main part of PTAM to iOS.

iPhone - where can i find a sample of GKVoiceChatClient?

I want to be able to let users of my iPhone app communicate using the GKVoiceChatClient classes. The documentation for the 3.0 SDK is very vague and I don't see any good samples in the Sample Code either.
Can someone please tell me where I can find some working example of in-game voice using which I can learn how to use it!
You'll need an account on the Apple Developer forums, but I stumbled across this a little while ago. I don't know if its functional but comments further along in the thread lead me to believe it is.
Example in the Apple Developer forums