How To Pass a Dictionary To a Function - iphone

Alright, so I think I'm doing this the right way. I'm new to objective-C, so I'm not sure about the syntax... I have a set of code that I need to call multiple times, from different files. So I made a new class that has a method in it that I'll call and pass it the values that it needs.
Because I am passing different values I've put them in a dictionary and decided to just pass the dictionary. Here is that code:
NSNumber *testNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:varMoney];
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dictionary setObject:#"OMG, Object 1!!!!" forKey:#"1"];
[dictionary setObject:#"Number two!" forKey:#"2"];
[dictionary setObject:testNum forKey:#"3"];
This code creates a test variable, and then puts it into the dictionary "dictionary." That all works, I have my nice little dictionary. However, now I need to create the class and it's method that will recieve the dictionary, and do something with it.
This is my class header file:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface EndOfTurnObjC : UIView {
And this is the implementation file:
#import "EndOfTurnObjC.h"
#implementation EndOfTurnObjC
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
// Initialization code
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
I haven't created any of the real code, because I'm not sure how to do the passing. I need to create a function (Method?) in the class that will take a Dictionary has a parameter, and then return the dictionary.
I also have no idea how to call such a function because it's in the class. So, the questions are:
1: How do I define the method in the class to accept the dictionary as a parameter (and then perhaps some example code to pull out one of the objects in a dictionary, so I can be sure it works)
2: How do I return the dictionary at the end of the method?
3: How do I call this method, in the class, from another class? (I know it involves making an object of thing class and calling the method of the object... I think, but I'm not sure about the syntax.)
Please include relavent code for the 3 files (header, implementation, and the other class that I call from). Thank you so much, I've been working on this particular problem for a while now.

Apple's The Objective-C Programming Language is a good and pretty concise reference for Objective-C syntax. What you want is just a normal method that takes an NSDictionary as a parameter. So as given in that document:
A message with a single argument affixes a colon (:) to the selector name and puts the argument right after the colon. This construct is called a keyword; a keyword ends with a colon, and an argument follows the colon, as shown in this example:
[myRectangle setWidth:20.0];
So a method call to pass dictionary would look like:
[someObject setAttributes:dictionary];

In the header:
-(NSMutableDictionary *) doSomethingWithDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *) aDict;
in the implementation:
-(NSMutableDictionary *) doSomethingWithDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *) aDict{
//do something with the dictionary
return aDict;
To call the method:
NSMutableDictionary *returnDict=[EndOfTurnObjC doSomethingWithDictionary:dictionary];
Note that as a matter of good design you wouldn't want to pass a mutable dictionary around like a token. That is asking for trouble. Instead pass static dictionaries and get another dictionary back.
You also shouldn't be passing data to a UIView. Instead, your UIViewController should process the data and then populate the view's UI elements as needed.

if you just want to do stuff to your dictionary u just
-(void) changeMyDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary * ) dictionary_
[dictionary_ doStuff];
no need to return the dictionary.


objective-c iterate though an Array of subclass types and call class method

Say that I have a base class with a class method:
#interface base : NSObject
And I have 10 derived classes:from derived1 to derived10, each of them overwrite the method:
#interface derived1 : base
now that's the problem, I have an array like this:
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[derived1 class],[derived2
class].......[derived10 class]];
now I want to iterate through this array and call each element's method,how to?
PS: I need to perform the method one by one in an foreach loop.
Iterate like you would normally
Get the object's class
Call the method on that
for (id object in objects) {
[[object class] method];
The above is if you have concrete instances (#Alladinian :) cheers) otherwise if your example code is literal and you are in fact putting the classes in the array you just use
for (id object in objects) {
[object method];
Given that you have an array like the one you posted:
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[derived1 class],[derived2 class]..[derived10 class]];
[array makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(method)];
OP edited the question and said that he needs to iterate and execute one by one. So go with Paul's answer, it's really what you need :)
Look up NSArray methods. makeObjectsPerformSelector or makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject: or enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: or enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock: all do that. Plus you could simply iterate with a for and call the method on each object.

How can i lazy initialize a NSMutableArray?

How can i lazily initialize a NSMutableArray of Buttons ? I do something like this :
-(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtons
roasteryButtons = [ NSMutableArray new];
//other code
return roasteryButtons;
And don't know what to do to call this lazy initializer ? i.e. I need to initialize the array so that i may set the frame for every button in the array
What u have done is correct. Instead of allocating the array in the init method of class, u are allocating the array only when required. Thus it serves the purpose of lazily allocating.
In the class, Wherever you want the array, you just call,
NSMutableArray *arr = [self roasteryButtons];
Also declare the method in header file as, -(NSMutableArray*)roasteryButtons;.
If you want the reference of the array in other classes, the call like,
[classObj roasteryButtons];
I have shown it as instance method. You can also declare that as class method, if you want like that.
And release that in -(void)dealloc method.
I guess you know when to call this method, right ?
The first thing is that you shouldn't use "new" method, but [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] instead : You should have a look at all existing [Init] methods available for NSArray : there are a bunch of them (with capacity, with objects, etc...)
Anyway, you should add some parameters to your method [roasteryButtons] : parameters that will help the method to know, for instance how many buttons to create, what is the frame where they have to show, etc. So this will look a bit like
-(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtonsWithFrame:(*Frame) andNumbersOfButtons:(int)
for example...
or instead of parameters, you can pass a reference to a delegate that will be able to give answers to those questions (How many buttons, what's my frame and bounds, etc.) So in this case, the method will look like :
-(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtonsWithDelegate:(id)
(This delegate should implement a protocol that you will create, containing the different methods that the delegate will have to respond to. ie methods like [howManyButtons]...)
The Perfect Way to Lazy initialize is as follow
in .h file declare your NSMUtableArray as property as follow
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *array;
Now in .m file synthesize it and do lazy initialize in getter like as follow:
#synthesize array=_array;
(NSMutableArray *) array
(!_array) _array=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//this line is called lazy intialization..this line will create MutableArray at program //run time.
return _array
Now answer why we need this is that it take care about that if no NSMutableArray is created then it create it at programme run time and like this your app will not crash.
You could make your method a class method:
+(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtons {
in this way you will be able to call it like this:
[MyRoasteryButtonClass roasteryButtons];
and this will return you your object.
Hope this helps.

Objective-C method to nullify object

i have some trouble writing a method in Objective-C to make an object nil. Here is some example :
#interface testA : NSObject
NSString *a;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *a;
+(testA*)initWithA:(NSString *)aString;
#implementation testA
#synthesize a;
+(testA*)initWithA:(NSString *)aString{
testA *tst=[[testA alloc] init];
return [tst autorelease];
- (void)dealloc {
[a release];
[super dealloc];
int main(int argc, char **argv){
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
testA *test=[testA initWithA:#"some test"];
[test displayA];
//[test nillify];
NSLog(#"after setting to nil");
[test displayA];
[pool release];
return 0;
Apparently , when I set test object to nil and then call some method on it nothing happens , but if i call nillify instead of directly setting it to nil , displayA method works normally like test object is still there. Is there a workaround for nillify method to function properly ?
Your help is much appreciated !
You can't actually do something like this, because setting 'self' to nil only has any effect within the scope of that method (in your case, 'nilify'). You don't have any actual way to effect the values of pointers located on other parts of the stack or in random places in the heap, for example.
Basically any code that holds a reference to some object is responsible for maintaining and clearing those references itself. If you have some use case where random sections of code may need references to "live" objects of some kind, but where you'd want those object references to go away in response to some external event (maybe a user tracking system or something), you could do something with notifications, but the various modules tracking those "live" objects would still be responsible for listening for notifications and cleaning up references when they received them.
The 'nilify' thing, however, can't possibly work.
You cannot do what you're trying to do. self is just a local reference to an object that actually exists elsewhere. Setting it to nil doesn't mean anything. An object doesn't, in general, own itself, and it certainly doesn't control other objects' references to it. It's up to the owning objects to manage its lifetime.
There are a few things wrong with your code.
First, by convention, class names start with an uppercase letter. Please stick to these naming conventions as it will make it harder for other developers to work with your code (and even confuse you).
Next, your initWithName:... According to the naming conventions, a method with init in its name should be an instance method, not a class method. So either name it newWithName: or turn it into an instance method like this:
-(testA*)initWithA:(NSString *)aString{
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
return self;
If you keep it as class method (and name it newWithName:) you should not return a autoreleased object since according to the naming conventions method that start with init... or new... return a retained object. If you do not follow these conventions, the static analyzer will give you "false" warnings and it will become useless for you.
Now for the reason your nillify doesn't work: the self is in fact an argument to a method. Under the hood, your nillify method actually has two arguments that you do not see: the self pointer and the selector pointer. This means, self is actually a variable on the stack. And if you overwrite it, you only overwrite that stack variable but that doesn't influence your test variable which is somewhere else.
As an example, consider a method - (void)foo:(NSString *)bar;. The compiler turns it into the equivalent of the C function (void) foo(id self, SEL _cmd, NSString *bar).

trying to add dictionary objects to an NSMutableArray - afterward array returns null?

I just did a search for my particular question and although the answers are close, I can't get my head around the I need some assistance.
I'd like to populate an array (NSMutableArray I suppose) with a group of dictionary objects that are parsed from JSON strings...the dictionary part I got, the JSON parsing I got, but when I try to put these objects into the NSMutableArray and NSLog it I get (null)... here are my steps (in a general way)
edit 1:
-The array I am creating is called NewFinalArray. it is an NSMutableArray, declared at the .h file and synthesized (and now alloc'd and init'd) as noted in the viewDidLoad method of the DetailViewController. It's contents are to be displayed in a UITableView.
-In DetailViewController, I have been successful in creating a plain NSArray/NSMutableArray and populating it with values that display in my UITableView.
-In the new scenario, I am receiving the information to be displayed through JSON strings which are retrievable through dictionary objects. I am using the Stig JSON libraries for iPHone/iPad. I have no problems there.
-All I wanted to do is getting the existing dictionary objects (which I can loop through from the existing array and see) and add them to a new Array to be used for displaying menu items in my UITableview.
I declared my mutableArray in my .h file
#interface blah : ...,...,...{
NSMutableArray *newFinalArray;
// other vars and IBOutlets
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *newFinalArray;
// other #property and (IBAction) stuff
I then synthesize it in my .m file... I even alloc/inited it at viewDidLoad (it's a DetailViewController)
#synthesize this,that, newFinalArray; // keep track of newFinalArray, that's the one I want
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// other code
[[newFinalArray alloc] init]; // ya returns a warning, about not responding to alloc, but whatever (for now)
// I also tested of course without having to do that.
in my method that uses newFinalArray, the method is a recursive function that calls itself. each time it calls, it should add the dictionary object to the array (or does it?)
-(void)digTree:(NSArray *)array{
for (NSDictionary *dictionary in array){
// looping through the array
[self newFinalArray addObject:[dictionary]];
// more other code, and somewhere along the way I recurse
[self digTree:anotherArray];
when I try to NSLog (#"my final array is %#", newFinalArray) I get (null).
I am probably missing something here. I tried to add "nil" at the end. I am a little new/green to this , so if someone can lend a hand and let me know how to populate my newFinalArray with these dictionary objects it would be most appreciated.
[[newFinalArray alloc] init];
should be:
newFinalArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
This line is wrong too:
[self newFinalArray addObject:[dictionary]];
it should be:
[newFinalArray addObject:dictionary];
The first thing I notice that is wrong, is it should be:
newFinalArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
in viewDidLoad. See if that fixes it. It looks like there are other things wrong as well, so turn on warnings and see what else the compiler warns you about for hints.
How are the dictionaries stored? An alternative/probably easier way to do this would probably be to use arrayWithObjects:. Also, when using addObject:, there is no need to add nil (in fact, you can't add nil).

iphone NSString Array

I declared
NSString *dayinfield[43];
and fill it in
-(void)DrawDemo {
dayinfield[2] = #"hallo";
dayinfield[3] = #"test";
// also i can read it
NSLog (#"show: %#",dayinfield[2]);
//works fine
but when i like to read its content in another function (same class)
NSLog (#"show: %#",dayinfield[2]);
// I get random infos or “EXC_BAD_ACCESS
How do I initialize the NSString Array correct so I can reach its content in each of my functions??
If you only assign literals to the array elements, this should not be a problem. But if you use other strings, you have to retain the instances manually when using a C array.
By the way: Objective-C methods start with a lowercase letter.
This would happen if you never initialized the array (or the parts of it you are accessing) - if you haven't called -DrawDemo before -ReadData or used different indices than the ones posted here, the array would simply contain garbage values.
Try to initialize the array contents to nil or #"" in your initializer method and see if the problem persists.
Alternatively consider using a suitable Cocoa container.
It's memory is probably being released before your second call. Assuming you have declared dayinfield as an ivar (and the fact that you don't get bad access all the time) your string aren't properly retained.
Initialise the strings like this:
dayinfield[2] = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"hallo"];
dayinfield[3] = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"test"];
and you should release them after you're class is being deallocated (See Memory Management Guide).
Also, obviously it depends on what you want to do, but it might be easier if you use NSArray instead of C arrays.
What you have in the OP should work although it is an exercise in sheer masochism to use old school C arrays with objects.
I ran this code:
#interface TestClass : NSObject {
NSString *a[1];
- (void) drawDemo;
- (void) readData;
#implementation TestClass
- (void) drawDemo{
a[0]=#"A Zero";
a[1]=#"A One";
}//------------------------------------- (void) drawDemo------------------------------------
- (void) readData{
}//------------------------------------- (void) readData------------------------------------
TestClass *tc=[[TestClass alloc] init];
[tc drawDemo];
[tc readData];
... and got this output:
a[0]=A Zero,a[1]=A One
Your problem is elsewhere in your code. There is no compelling reason to use C arrays with objects. You gain nothing and you have to watch them like a hawk to prevent errors.