Integrate Text Editor With IPad App - Objective C - iphone

I have an app for a text editor developed by OMNI Group. I need to integrate this text editor with one of my other apps. I have no idea as to how should I do it. Can someone provide me any directions as to how should I begin with it. I googled a lot but could not find much help. Thanks and regards.

1: Assuming that your text editor is an online editor living in a browser, simply implement a UIWebView and it should just work. For example, an editable <textarea> is rendered without problems in a UIWebView.
If you need other special features you have implemented with javascript and the like you need to test if they work in the UIWebView.
2: If, however, the text editor is already working in another iOS app, simply copy the classes that you are using to implement the editor into your new project and use them in an equivalent way, tweaking where necessary. If you followed the programming principle of incapsulation this should be a breeze.


Can Emmet Be Used to Create FXML?

I have a scalaFX app that currently has its views created programmatically. I am wondering if I can use the Emmet tool to create FXML (particularly ScalaFXML) because I want to recreate my views in ScalaFXML to separate my views from my controllers more effectively. I have searched the internet and cannot find out if this is possible. So far I have only used Emmet for HTML. Thanks in advance for the help!
I have been looking around for something for PrimeFaces; I had trouble finding anything. I guess maybe it's because people who are using it are actually writing "normal" HTML with JS frameworks.
The good news is, it's completely (and easily!) customizable: just find the installation directory, and edit the "snippets.json" file, or create a new one called (for example) snippets-scalaFX.json. Mine on a Windows 10 machine, installed as a plugin for NPP, was C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\EmmetNPP\emmet\snippets.json.
It's pretty obvious once you get in there, but inside the "snippets" object just add some more fields for yourself. For example, to make a PrimeFaces commandButton tag I added:
"pc": "p:commandButton"
You can use $0 or ${<placeholder text>} to define tabstops for expanded snippets, and | to define the caret starting point.
Full docs on editing snippets are here.

iPhone Stylesheet or JS

I downloaded a template and customised it a bit. It's working well but the template has a kind of mobile style sheet. When I open the webpage with the iPhone, it looks great on the homepage. However, on the most important pages I don't want it to appear for mobile I want it to appear like it would on a browser.
I've tried.
Deleting the: style-mobile.css file. - Nothing happened.
Playing around with the style-mobile.css file. - Nothing!
Deleting some js files.
I can't seem to find the code that is telling my iPhone to open the page like an iPhone instead of opening it like a browser.
Where will I find this??
The idea that you can download an arbitrary HTML/CSS/JS(?) template that is designed for mobiles and have it magically adapt to look right in a classic browser window is .... naive.
Either look for a template that is designed to look good in both contexts, or build your own layouts using something like Twitter Bootstrap which is responsive to differences in the display port size.

Email Editor Similar to Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp's editor?

I looking for either an open source (or otherwise) php script/library/code that will provide me with a similar email composer that Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor have.
I've played around with lots of wysiwyg editors (eg: tinymce, ckeditor) but, they don't work very well for allowing users to compose emails.
Mosaico Editor is the first open source email template builder of this kind (AFAIK).
You can find a free to use deployment (working also as live demo) at and you can get sources at
I choose blocks from a set defined by the "master template", then you fill you contents and change their styles in a WYSIWYG style. If you're on a large window you can also have live preview for the mobile version.
The master template defines what are the blocks, what you can edit and what you can style and it contains any html trick to make it compatible with most clients: this means you can change the editor behaviour a lot by simply writing a new master template.
It is 99% javascript (IE10+, and any other modern browser) and depends on server-side functions only to do "final inlining" and "image upload/resizing"
Next generation tool for building templates without coding
Grapejs official site
GrapesJS is an open-source, multi-purpose, Web Builder Framework which combines different tools and features with the goal to help you (or users of your application) to build HTML templates without any knowledge of coding. It's a perfect solution to replace the common WYSIWYG editors, which are good for content editing but inappropriate for creating HTML structures. You can see it in action with the official demos, but using its API you're able to build your own editors.
I'm in the process of building one but as a designer it is a work in progress! I'd suggest looking at PHP template engines. They have a similar functionality. Most however will use php variables inside the html page instead of tags.
Another oprion is to check out Perch it is officially a CMS, but is really lightweight and might get the job done for you.
Hope that helps even though it is a year after you posted the question...
EDIT: Actually just stumbled across this thread which links to the new CKEditor - looks pretty cool.

Any WYSIWYGs that use contentEditable rather than an iframe?

I am looking for a list of WYSIWYG editors that use contentEditable rather than a designMode iframe.
The reason I want this is that I want to have a few regions (divs) on my site that users can edit, and I want the styling (fonts, font colors, etc). to look the same in the edit area as it normally does. I don't want to have to apply a stylesheet to the WYSIWYG's iframe.
Anyone know of any light-weight, free/open-source ones?
It's not free but I personally feel that the Telerik RadEditor is hands down the best WYSIWYG around.
It's not free
It's .NET only
It allows you to style the editor to match your site exactly
It has some great asset management tools
It's super easy to configure.
Also if you can get away with a little less "fancy" I'd say that WMD is an awesome WYSIWY***M*** editor, and can be used across multiple development languages (It's what StackOverflow uses here on this site).
New ckeditor v4 beta has support for content-editable.
Looks like NicEdit uses contentEditable. YAY! THIS MAY WORK!
Another few to throw in there, although I've never used any of them in production so can't vouch for them:
Aloha Editor
Raptor Editor

highlight a text in web view

I am using a html page in the web view. I want to track the location of the html page when I tap on the webview.Basically I want to mark the selected text in the html page.Please help me out as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
You're gonna have to do some javascript injection on the loaded page if it's not your own html. The javascript needs to locate the tap location and change the CSS of the element(s) where the tap occurred to highlight it. You can't do this just from UIWebView alone.
the developer of iCab Mobile (a full-featured iphone web browser) has some good discussions of things they did along those lines.
There's quite a bit involved with stuff like this. You can google around for something like "iPhone hybrid application project". There's a few opensource items out there which would be useful for learning these techniques.
Also for future consideration, it's kind of rude to suggest someone should "help you out as soon as possible".