Zend Framework: How to disable default routing? - zend-framework

I've spent many hours trying to get this to work. And I'm getting quite desperate.
Would be great if someone out there could help me out :)
Currently using Zend Framework 1.9.5, though I have been struggling to get this to work for many versions now.
What I want to do is provide my own routes through an XML config, and make sure that everything that is not defined in my config will end up on my errorController.
(preferably in a way so I can em apart from EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER and EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION)
I figured that this means I have to get rid of default /:module/:controller/:action and /:controller/:action routes.
So when I tell the router to removeDefaultRoutes(), it won't match these default routes anymore. But now the router is now routing every unrouted route to the defaultcontroller::defaultaction (What the ??)
So, anyone know how to make the frontcontroller (or a part of it) throw an exception when an URI can not be routed?
Reason I want to do this is to prevent duplicate content, and have better 404 pages (in this case, no controller / no action errors are actually application errors instead of not-found)

did you try adding a new route like
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('*', array('controller'=>'error', 'module'=>'default', 'action'=>'error'));
$router->addRoute('default', $route);
You need to add this route first as it needs to be the last processed.

Fast forward in time to one year later... (time travel music)
Here's another way that I think is much less "intrusive". You can write a plugin to catch the default route and when that happens just throw an exception which at the end of the whole cycle gets translated into a 404 by the front controller.
class Application_Plugin_DisableDefaultRoutes extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$currentRoute = $front->getRouter()->getCurrentRouteName();
if ($currentRoute == 'default') {
throw new Exception('Default route is disabled');
You can load your plugin in Bootstrap.php
protected function _initPlugins()
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$front->registerPlugin(new Application_Plugin_DisableDefaultRoutes());
With this way you can load the plugin in the production machine and leave it out in development where you might want to use the default route for quick tests or something else.


Silverstripe Login params

Im trying to style my login page. My login url is website/Security/login. Im trying to locate the 'login' piece of the url. What have i done wrong below?
public function DisplayPageType() {
$param = $this->request->param('Action');
if ($param === 'login')
return 'Login';
I think that won't work since the controller during render is the Page_Controller and not the Security controller. So the $Action param is not equal to login. It could be index, I'm not sure.
If you just want to check if you're in the login page, you can add this to your Page_Controller:
public function getIsLoginPage()
return $_REQUEST['url'] == '/Security/login';
Then in your template:
<body class="<%if $IsLoginPage %>login-page<% end_if %>">
A bit dirty but it's the quickest way I know.
Another way is to leverage SilverStripe's legacy support. You can add a css file called tabs.css at mysite/css/tabs.css. If this file exists, SilverStripe will include this in the page.
You can also create templates that SilverStripe will automatically use if they exist:
themes/<theme_name>/Security.ss - If you want your login page to use an entirely different layout.
themes/<theme_name>/Layout/Security_login.ss - If you want to change just the content part (the $Layout section)
I hope this helps.
#gpbnz is right, the $Action param is not equal to login, it actually returns null as accessing $this->request from the Page_Controller when accessing the Security/login returns a NullHTTPRequest.
To get the action, you will want to get the current controller using Controller::curr(). It is then as simple as calling getAction on this controller.
To confirm that the action isn't from a random controller that happens to have an action called login, you can check the instanceof the controller like so: Controller::curr() instanceof Security
This check will still allow it to work for any controller that extends Security though which may/may not happen depending on the project.
I would stick away from actually reading the URL for the information manually though as that can create issues with maintainability in the future.
To bring this to a nice little function:
public function isLoginPage()
$controller = Controller::curr();
return $controller instanceof Security && $controller->getAction() == 'login';
Otherwise #gpbnz had a good suggestion of using the template system to your advantage for overriding not only the styles but the HTML around it.

Zend Framework website.com/username

One of the application I am developing using Zend Framework requires the user's profile page to be accessed via website.com/username, while other pages should be accessed by website.com/controller_name/action_name
I am not too sure how can this be achieved, however, I feel this can be done with some tweaks in the .htaccess file.
Can someone here please help me out?
Many thanks in advance
As suggested before, you can use a custom route that will route single level requests. However, this will also override the default route. If you're using modules, this will no longer work example.com/<module>.
I have done this before but only for static pages. I wanted this:
instead of this:
while maintaining the default route so this still works
The way I did this was using a plugin to test if my request could be dispatched. If the request could not be dispatched using the default route, then I would change the request to the proper module to load my page. Here is a sample plugin:
class My_Controller_Plugin_UsernameRoute extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
if (!$dispatcher->isDispatchable($request)) {
$username = $request->getControllerName();
$request->setParam('username', $username);
/** Prevents infinite loop if you make a mistake in the new request **/
if ($dispatcher->isDispatchable($request)) {
What about using Zend_Controller_Router_Route, look here the link http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.router.html#zend.controller.router.routes.standard.variable-requirements

zend framework urls and get method

I am developing a website using zend framework.
i have a search form with get method. when the user clicks submit button the query string appears in the url after ? mark. but i want it to be zend like url.
is it possible?
As well as the JS approach you can do a redirect back to the preferred URL you want. I.e. let the form submit via GET, then redirect to the ZF routing style.
This is, however, overkill unless you have a really good reason to want to create neat URLs for your search queries. Generally speaking a search form should send a GET query that can be bookmarked. And there's nothing wrong with ?param=val style parameters in a URL :-)
ZF URLs are a little odd in that they force URL parameters to be part of the main URL. I.e. domain.com/controller/action/param/val/param2/val rather than domain.com/controller/action?param=val&param2=val
This isn't always what you want, but seems to be the way frameworks are going with URL parameters
There is no obvious solution. The form generated by zf will be a standard html one. When submitted from the browser using GET it will result in a request like
Only solution to get a "zendlike url" (one with / instead of ? or &), would be to hack the form submission using javascript. For example you can listen for onSubmit, abort the submission and instead redirect browser to a translated url. I personally don't believe this solution is worth the added complexity, but it should perform what you're looking for.
After raging against this for a day-and-a-half, and doing my best to figure out the right way to do this fairly simple this, I gave up and did the following. I still can't believe there's not a better way.
The use case that necessitates this is a simple record listing, with a form up top for adding some filters (via GET), maybe some column sorting, and Zend_Paginate thrown in for good measure. I ran into issues using the Url view helper in my pagination partial, but I suspect with even just sorting and a filter-form, Zend_View_Helper_Url would still fall down.
But I digress. My solution was to add a method to my base controller class that merges any raw query-string parameters with the existing zend-style slashy-params, and redirects (but only if necessary). The method can be called in any action that doesn't have to handle POSTs.
Hopefully someone will find this useful. Or even better, find a better way:
* Translate standard URL parameters (?foo=bar&baz=bork) to zend-style
* param (foo/bar/baz/bork). Query-string style
* values override existing route-params.
public function mergeQueryString(){
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()){
throw new Exception("mergeQueryString only works on GET requests.");
$q = $this->getRequest()->getQuery();
$p = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
if (empty($q)) {
//there's nothing to do.
$action = $p['action'];
$controller = $p['controller'];
$module = $p['module'];
$params = array_merge($p,$q);

using action helpers in Zend Framework 1.8

Hi am starting off with Zend Framework and have a question about action helpers. My first application is a simple authentication system (following a tutorial from a book). The registration and authentication seems to work fine but the redirect doesn't.
I have a customer controller that has this among others:
class CustomerController extends Zend_Controller_Action
// some code here......
public function authenticateAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
if (!$request->isPost()) {
return $this->_helper->redirector('login');
// Validate
$form = $this->_forms['login'];
if (!$form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
return $this->render('login');
if (false === $this->_authService->authenticate($form->getValues())) {
$form->setDescription('Login failed, please try again.');
return $this->render('login');
return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
the authenticate url is http://localhost/customer/authenticate and this seems to work fine but it does not redirect. After authentication I get a blank page which looks like its taking me to the index and just sits there. I tried using '/index' instead but that did not help either. Do I need to do anything special to make the redirector helper work? I have a logout action which behaves the same.
You should call
without the return.
I found out there may be a problem with my setup. The code above is perfect, works on another computer.

Redirect in Front Controller plugin Zend

I'm trying to centralise my redirects (based on authentication and various other states) into a front controller plugin. So far I've tried:
$this->setRequest(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http('my_url'));
at various points in the plugin (i.e. from routeStartup to dispatchLoopShutdown) and also:
$this->setResponse(new Zend_Controller_Response_Http('my_url'));
Can anyone offer some assistance on this, or point me in the direction of a tutorial?
The easiest way would be to use ZF's Redirect ActionHelper
$r = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
Alternatively instantiate it without the HelperBroker
$r = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector;
The ActionHelper provides an API solely concerned about redirecting through a number of methods, like gotoRoute, gotoUrl, gotoSimple, which you can use depending on your desired UseCase.
Internally, the ActionHelper uses the APIs of Response and Router to do the redirect though, so you can also use their methods directly, e.g.
$response->setRedirect('/some/url', 200);
Further reading:
If you are looking to redirect if the user is not logged it, the first parameter of dispatchLoopStartup() is a handle to the request object.
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
// Set the module if you need to as well.
If you want to redirect in the index page then this should suffice.
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$baseUrl = new Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl();
If you want to redirect somewhere else then just change the parameter in the setRedirect() function