Using self in method call - iphone

When using property/synthesize for a UITableView, UIButton, etc should self be included in the method call on that variable? Using UITableView as an example is there a difference between [self.myTableView visibleCells] and [myTableView visibleCells]? Or say [self.myImage setImage:...] and [myImage setImage:...]?
I've seen Apple code that does use self (Bubble Level) and examples in the book Beginning iPhone Development that do not use self. I'd like to understand this better, especially since using self in my UIScrollView method calls has caused erratic/buggy scrolling behavior. Thanks.

Using self.myTableView is another way of saying [self myTableView] (it can also be [self setMyTableView:...]; if used in an assignation statement). In other words, you're executing a method.
Using myTableView accesses the instance variable directly.
Personally, I generally prefer using the former method, since it usually frees me from manually managing memory and gives me the benefit of KVO notifications. However, there is the miniscule overhead of the extra method call, which you may wish to avoid.
Which style you choose to use is up to you, and each way has its benefits and disadvantages.

The difference comes down to how you define the property. For example, say you have the following:
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
NSObject *memberVariable;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject *memberVariable;
#implementation MyObject
#synthesize memberVariable;
Specifying (nonatomic, retain) actually tells #synthesize how to create the getter and setter methods. Specifying retain causes the setter method to call retain on objects I pass to it. So, self.memberVariable = someOtherObject is equivalent to memberVariable = [someOtherObject retain];
This is also why you should never do self.memberVariable = [[NSObject alloc] init]; if you've specified retain in the property definition. alloc initializes the retain count to 1, passing the object to the setter method increases the retain count to 2.

This comes down to whether or not your accessor methods have custom behavior, in which case you'd always want the accessors called even from within the class, and whether you want to make sure KVO notifications are generated. If you're using stock accessors (e.g., synthesized) and it won't affect anything to access the instance variable directly from within the class, you're saving yourself a method call.


In Objective-C, when should I use property and when should I use instance variable?

I'm not familiar with the program language which has both property and instance variable.
So I don't know good ways to use property and instance variable.
Now I use only properties in my Objective-C code and I don't use any instance variables.
Do I need to use instance variable?
Or using only property is the best practice for Objective-C?
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
// instance variable
int a;
// property
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *b;
The basic difference between variable and property is that, you can give attributes to property. You can not give any attributes to variable.
So, if you wish to have any specific behavior like retaining the variable, accessing it atomically, have access out side the class, you should go for the properties.
If you simply want to access the variable with in the class and no special behavior is attached to that variable, no need to access it via property. You can directly use variable itself. It will improve the performance also.
There are some advantages a #property has over an ivar:
Memory management : Behind the scenes it will create a setter which creates the variable with correct memory management. It will save you some headaches because you can easily see how the memory management is done (strong/weak and retain/copy/assign).
Accessibility from other classes: if you declare your #property in the .h and #synthesize it in the .m you ivar will be public readable and writeable. You can prevent this with a privat class extension. You even can declare a #property public readonly and declare them internally readwrite via a privat class extension.
Eg: a private property
// [In the implementation file]
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* someData; // private!!
#implementation MyClass #synthesize someData
Custom getter and setter: If you like you can still write custom getter and setters and you can even just write a getter or setter and let the other one automatically #synthesize. And you can write custom logic into such a getter and setter e.g. you can reload a tableview after a #property has changed.
Automatic Key-Value-Observing (KVO) compliant: If you use or planning to use KVO you get it basically for free by just declaring the property. Nothing else need to be done!
Dot notation: You can access getter and setter via dot notation if you have the #property.
self.myIvar = (id) someThing;
[array addObject:self.myIvar];
If you need you iVar to be public it is simpler to write one #property than writing a getter and setter for a iVar
With a #property you do not need to declare in iVar (in iOS and 64bit Mac Os X applications). You can do it via the #synthesize:
#synthesize myiVar = _myIvar;
Use properties everywhere. Don't even declare instance variables, but synthesize them like this: #synthesize myProperty = _myProperty in order to differentiate them from property names. Properties are good way to cope with memory management as well. The only place you must use the synthesized instance variable is in the dealloc method.
The advantages of the properties are a lot:
- The accessor methods define how will you get and set the value of your instance variable.
- You can customize the accessor methods (for example to lazy instantiate an ivar or do something when a setting a new value like setNeedsDisplay.
- You don't cope with memory management when setting a new value - the setter takes care for releasing/retaining (depending how have you declared the property - retain/copy/assign/strong.
- Some multithreading stuff with the atomic/nonatomic attributes
- You can take advantage of the KVO, when using properties
- And least, but not last - don't worry about performance issues if you have concernes that every time a getter or a setter is called...
A #property is an instance variable that has had some semantic sugar applied to it, to help expose it to the outside world (usually), and to help avoid writing boilerplate code for getting and setting it.
though properties are made generally when you need to access some variable outside of the class, mean getter n setter, but in objective C, an additional need to make property is that the memory management goes on compiler ends, so if you are using some object, not primitive data types, then you should use property and synthesize it, and then release in dealloc if you are using manual reference counting. but again the main objective to make properties it to access some iVar outside the class like passing parameters from one class to other etc.
If you #synthesize a #property, you will have access to a get and a set method, which are very convenient. You can also define how the setter will behave (retain, assign, copy) if it's nonatomic or atomic and if it's read only. If you don't specify anything (aka you don't synthesize the property) the ivar won't be visible outside of the class by default, but you can achieve this by using #public. Logically you can also define them as #private or #protected .
Normally I #synthesize a #property because I want to have access to the ivar from the outside of the class and also because I want a getter and setter methods.
The general opinion is that you should use properties whenever possible. If you're still in doubt, here is Apple's recommendation:
In general, you should use accessor methods or dot syntax for property access even if you’re accessing an object’s properties from within its own implementation, in which case you should use self.
The exception to this rule is when writing initialization, deallocation or custom accessor methods
You should always access the instance variables directly from within an initialization method because at the time a property is set, the rest of the object may not yet be completely initialized
Read the whole document here for a better understanding of the subject.
As for performance issues, for most apps the gain is insignificant. Read this for a very detailed description.

iphone - properties and instance variables

Suppose I have this code...
#interface Foo : NSObject {
NSString *aString; // 1
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *aString;
#synthesize aString = _aString;
- (void)dealloc {
[aString release];
[super dealloc];
My questions are:
do I really need to declare aString in "1"? (see code)
if I am synthesizing aString = _aString, I am already creating an instance
variable, right?
if I am retaining the property on foo.h (#property), why Xcode complains if I release aString in dealloc?
You are mixing up the property and the backing variable. "aString" is the property, which you access via method call (e.g. [self aString]). "_aString" is the backing variable, which you access directly (e.g. _aString).
Taking your questions in order:
No. This is an unused variable because you told the compiler to use _aString as the variable. (You don't actually need to declare either one in the modern run-time.)
Yes, as indicated in my answer to the first question.
Because the compiler expects you to send a message to an object, and "aString" is undefined as written. Normally you would use [self aString] to access the object, but this is a special case: in -dealloc and in -initXYZ you don't use accessor methods because of potential side effects. Switch to [_aString release] and everything will work (unless you have ARC, in which case you don't release at all.
With your #synthesize, the instance variable (your "1") should be NSString* _aString.
The reason you use synthesize with a differently named variable is so that you always use self.aString to properly release the old object instead of accidentally overwriting the pointer by directly modifying aString.
Do you have ARC enabled? If so, that's why Xcode complains about releasing it.
To answer your questions in order:
No. There might some sort of "best-practice" reason that I'm missing, but #property will synthesize the instance variable as well.
When you declare aString = _aString, what that allows you to do is directly manipulate _aString without accessing the synthesized getter/setter (by calling _aString) or use the synthesized getter/setters (by calling self.aString).
You are likely releasing it somewhere else, someone else is over-releasing it, or you're using ARC. With NSStrings (and other simple objects that have deep copy method readily available), I find it best to use #property (copy), and _aString = [stringPassedToInit copy], so that you are the only one handling your string's retain count. If you're using ARC, you don't need to worry about retain/release in most instances.
No, you don't need to declare ivars any more (since iOS 3 I think). You can delete the entire { ... } part of your interface declaration and it won't make any difference.
It's complaining because your ivar is named _aString, not aString. You need to say
[_aString release]
Answers : -
do I really need to declare aString in "1"? (see code) - Now with iOS 4 onwards you won't need to declare.
if I am synthesizing aString = _aString, I am already creating an instance variable, right? - Yes
if I am retaining the property on foo.h (#property), why Xcode complains if I release aString in dealloc? - now you need to use this - self.aString = nil, this will take care.
My answers are:
Try [_string release] instead.

Require some understanding for Singleton Pattern

I am going to paste a code here and had a question regarding that which I wanted to understand merely, based on the logical way.
#interface MySingleton : NSObject {
NSString *enteredCode;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *enteredCode;
#synthesize enteredCode;
-(void) addInput:(NSString *) input
self.enteredCode = [self.enteredCode stringByAppendingString:input];
- (void)dealloc {
[enteredCode release];
In my code, if I utilize "self.enteredCode = [self.enteredCode stringByAppendingString:input];"
everything works fine but "enteredCode = [self.enteredCode stringByAppendingString:input];" it gets exc_bad_access, and I am just wondering why this case be?
I am just trying to understand what difference really does it makes without having self there?
This is not to do with singletons. When you do self.enteredCode you are going through the property which is set to 'retain'. The stringByAppendingString method is a convenience method with returns an autoreleased object to you, meaning that it will be released at some point on the next run loop. You need to retain this value to stop it being released, which is fine when you assign it through the property as it is properly retained by you and you can use it as you like.
When you reference the variable directory (without the self.) you bypass this and as such you don't ever retain the value, the value is subsequently released and you reference bad memory and BOOOOOOOOM, bad access.
when you call self.enteredCode = XXX it will call [self setEnteredCode:XXX]. Since you are using a retain property this will release the old value of enteredCode, and retain the new value.
if you directly manipulate the enteredCode variable you will have memleaks and crashes because it will try to release something that is not retained later.
If I understand correctly, self.enteredCode works but enteredCode fails.
If that's the case then I believe it's because you're bypassing the property and setting the iVar directly. That means you're assigned an auto released object and bypassing the retain mechanism.
Consider using something like _enteredCode for your iVars do it's clearer in your code when you're bypassing properties.

Basic objective C variable declaration

I am puzzled by how is variable declared in objective C.
1: I see #property and #synthesize statement being used. My question regarding that is, what are these 2 statement for? Why are they always used together? I guess #synthesize is a shortcut to create the getter and setter?
2:Say, I want to declare an NSMutableArray that would be only be accessible inside the class that was declared in. I have to perform myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] before using the addObject method to write something to it. When do I release the array then?
3:Is there a different way to declaring a variable that is only accessible only at the class it was declared to being accessible at all classes?
4:Similar to question 2, but now the variable is an NSString. Why I don't have to alloc & init it to share the same variable within its own class? Whats the different between self.myString = #""; to myString = #"";
Thanks a lot.
For your first question:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * someProperty;
This declares a property of the class. It becomes part of the public contract of the class but still lacks something important - actual implementation
#synthesize someProperty;
This is compiler sugar, its creates a getter and setter method for your property. To wit, this is the implementation that is needed in order to actually use your property in your class and from other classes.
You will in almost all situations, always have a #synthesize for each #property you declare.
For your second question:
You are correct about how to initialize your array property. In order to release it you would do the following in your classes dealloc method:
- (void) dealloc {
self.myarray = nil;
[super dealloc];
This effectively releases the array (assuming you declared your property with the keyword retain).
And for your last question:
Properties of a class are always available from other classes. In order to create a globally accessible variable you would declare it as static.
Ad 1: a property is a construct to control access an ivar (usually private) by getters and setters. Actually, a property doesn't even have to have a supporting ivar. Yes, #synthesize generates getter and setter (and ivar).
Ad 2: You release it when you don't need it anymore. When that is depends on the logic of your code.
Ad 3: If I understand that correcttly, you want #private ivars. Normally, ivars are protected, i.e. only accessible inside the class or in derived classes. Private ivars are only accessible inside the class itself. Properties are publicly accessible.
Ad 4: myString = #"" writes to the ivar directly, while self.myString = #"" uses the property setter.
You need to get a text on Objective-C or find an online tutorial -- it's a sufficiently arcane language that you can't hope to pick it up in dribs and drabs.
There are variables and there are properties -- two different things that intersect somewhat.
You can declare plain old instance variables the same way as in C/C++, more or less:
NSArray* myArray;
eg, placed in the {} enclosed section of the #interface.
But you can also have a PROPERTY, which you declare by saying #property in the #interface declaration (after the closing }). A property has a getter method -- by default called myProperty -- and a putter method -- by default called setMyProperty. If myProperty is the same name as one of your instance variables then you can use #synthesize to automatically create these methods.
Note that properties may be automatically retained when the default setter method is used. This is fairly convenient in terms of managing storage.
But managing storage is a big topic, one that you MUST read some good tutorial on -- we can't explain it in a few paragraphs.
1) #property declares a publicly accessible variable and associated getter and setter. #synthesize causes the compiler to automatically generate the definition (code) of the getter and setter.
2) You would declare the NSMutableArray in your class declaration, in the header file. You would initialize the variable in your init method, and you would release the variable in your dealloc method.
3) The variables created using #property are public. The variables defined in your class declaration (using #interface in the header file) can be declared as private to that class, using the #private keyword.
John, these questions are pretty basic. You would probably get a lot out of the Objective-C Programming Intro here ( ).

Correct way to alloc/init instance variables in Objective-C?

I was looking at some sample code on Jeff LaMarche's excellent blog when I came across the following:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication*)application
CGRect rect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
GLViewController *theController = [[GLViewController alloc] init];
self.controller = theController;
[theController release];
// ...
In the .h, we see that "window" and "controller" are ivars declared as so:
#interface OpenGLTestAppDelegate : NSObject
UIWindow *window;
GLViewController *controller;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet GLViewController *controller;
My question is: Why are "window" and "controller" assigned in different ways?
I think I understand why each kind of assignment works (keeping track of retain count), but why are they assigned in different ways? Specifically, why isn't controller assigned in the same way window is with a single line like so without going through the setter:
controller = [[GLViewController alloc] init];
In general, when would you use the single line method and when would you use the multiple line method?
Does he create a custom setter for the controller instance variable?
If so, there may be code which is called when the controller variable is changed through the setter. Merely setting the controller variable with:
controller = [[GLViewController alloc] init];
would not invoke the setter method; however, assigning the newly allocated object to a local variable then setting it with:
self.controller = theController;
would invoke the setter method since it is a shorthand way of writing:
[self setController:theController];
and the extra code in the setter would be executed. This is commonly where you would expect the differentiation between the two methods.
Evidently, after taking a look at the code, he doesn't implement a custom setter method, however the method that he has used is still most commonly used when a custom setter method would be implemented.
My guess at the reason behind the extra code would be that he plans to release the variable after allocation, and if assigned to a local variable, he can call the setter method with the local variable and then call release on the local variable afterwards. This would be overall more readable than using
[[self controller] release]
However, it is an odd way to do it, as the synthesized implementation of the setter will retain the instance variable, yet he then releases it once it has been set to the instance variable, and as the release call cancels out the retain call, it would make more sense to set the variable using the one-line method.
The extra code seems to be just because he specifically wants to use the property (setter method). In his implementation (GLView.m), -setController also sets a boolean ivar based on whether the controller responds to (implements) the -setupView: method.
Even so, it would seem that a one-line solution would work just as well:
self.controller = [[[GLViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
The same line as an explicit message send (without dot syntax) works as well:
[self setController:[[[GLViewController alloc] init] autorelease]];
Either approach will leave the new controller with the proper retain count, and still uses the setter property as desired.
(Note: The code in question is linked at the end of this blog post.)
Sorry for any confusion. The code has a "GLViewController *controller" ivar and property both in ___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___AppDelegate.m and GLView.m, and I was looking at the latter. (In the former, the setter is indeed synthesized, and it will retain the controller. On lines 77-81, you can see the code I mentioned, and he doesn't actually retain the controller — only the AppDelegate retains it.)
In the app delegate code, the synthesized setter will retain the GLViewController, so my one-line replacement advice still stands. One can argue both ways about readability, but for those who understand the retain-release idiom well, I would suggest that the one-line version is much more readable. It communicates the intent succinctly, and even provides an implicit hint that the setter will retain the controller. The extra local variable is really just unnecessary fluff.
As Quinn pointed out, the assignment to the controller ivar may be written in one line using autorelease method. The reason to use more verbose version is exactly to avoid autorelease and use manual release instead. This is due to Apple recommendation to minimize the use of autorelease pools on iPhone. So you must store the reference to the newly allocated object in a local variable to release it after a call to setter.
Considering the question when to use direct assignment to an instance variable (as in the case of window ivar) and when to use a setter method (as in the case of controller ivar), it is mostly a question of style, but you better be consistent.
There are two styles of ivar setting:
Always use direct assignment to an ivar. Switch to setter methods only for ivars for which setter must perform some additional work beside assignment.
Always use setter methods for all ivars.
Personally, I think that use of the second style results in more consistent and maintainable code. If some day you realize that your setter must perform more work you should change only the setter, while when using the first style you also should change all occurrences of direct assignment to the setter call.
Just found the good discussion of the issue in another thread: instance variable/ method argument naming in Objective C.