Where can I find a list of pushViewController transitions? - iphone

Where can I find a list of transitions for bringing a new Viewcontroller onto the stack.
My line of code is:
[peoplePicker pushViewController:myDetail transition:6];
after selecting a contact. Where can I find a list of transitions, and why does "6" work correctly?
Also I get a warning with this code saying it may not respond to transition, even though it produces the transition correctly. What is the proper way to do these animations?

That method is a private method that isn't intended to be used by 3rd party developers.
The reason it works is because of Objective-C's dynamic design. While Apple can hide their methods in private categories, they can't prevent them from being called during runtime.
I assume you're getting a warning explaining that UINavigationController (or whatever the class is) may not respond to that method and will assume it returns (id) and takes ... as arguments. That is unless you've exposed the method yourself.
Either way, this will be caught by Apple during review and your app will very likely be rejected. Private API usage is forbidden by the terms of the SDK.

I suspect that the exciting new types of transitions might come out as soon as 3.2 gets released. Or when 4.0 gets released, whenever that is. Until that time, I think you might be stuck with pushViewController:animated:. If you're looking for other ways to make views show up, you could use a modal view controller. Check out the UIViewController documentation and you'll see presentModalViewController:animated:.


Need of Delegation in iPhone Development or Objective C

What is the need of delegation in iphone/ipad development or objective C?
I read so many articles on it. All were telling how to implement the concept, but no one was telling why we need to implement that, in which case we should implement it.
Suppose you want to implement Login functionality in your app ... now you won't show Login screen every time you run your app.. only when it is first started and you don't have a login and password...
So in this case..
Your app starts :
View 1 loads (default view )
You check no Login name is there..
You load a new view..(Login View ) .
User enter his details..you get your login and password...
now you want to go back to default view and load the main app with
the names the user entered in Login View....
Now you will use delegate to pass these information(login details) back to default View..so that it knows..its details. now there are many different ways to do these things...like notification and singleton classes.. but when you want to sent more than 3-4 sets of data.. it is best to use delegates
Think of all the components that iOS and Cocoa provide you with. TableViews, TextFields, PopOvers...etc.
When the developers wrote these components, they couldn't possibly know all the various implementations that us developers were going to create using these components. But we need somehow to communicate with them in a generic way.
These components use delegates. The delegate is an implementation independent way of describing some behaviour that your component can conform to.
When UITableView need to find out what is the height of the rows, the UITableView only needs to know about UITableViewDelegate. It doesn't need to know about MyTableViewController, JohnsTableViewController, BobsTableViewController... etc.
So the delegate is decoupling the component from the implementation and the type.
Decoupling is a good thing. It makes maintaing and changing code a lot easier, and makes code reusable.
Delegation is a simple and powerful pattern in which one object in a
program acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object.
The delegating object keeps a reference to the other object—the
delegate—and at the appropriate time sends a message to it. The
message informs the delegate of an event that the delegating object is
about to handle or has just handled. The delegate may respond to the
message by updating the appearance or state of itself or other objects
in the application, and in some cases it can return a value that
affects how an impending event is handled. The main value of
delegation is that it allows you to easily customize the behavior of
several objects in one central object.
Use a delegate if you want to talk to only one object. For example, a
tableView has a delegate - only one object should be responsible for
dealing with it.
Use notifications if you want to tell everyone that something has
happened. For example in low memory situations a notification is sent
telling your app that there has been a memory warning. Because lots of
objects in your app might want to lower their memory usage it's a
this was an answer posted to my question here
There are two key benefits of delegation: customizing objects without subclassing, and improving encapsulation.
Customization without subclassing is a benefit you get from many of the Cocoa and Cocoa-Touch APIs using the delegate pattern. If they didn't do so, you might have to subclass a UITableView every time you wanted to change its behavior by using different types of cells or a different data source. Instead, you just set the table view's delegate and data source to customize its behavior.
As for encapsulation, the delegate pattern helps you keep the different components of your code separate. For example, if your custom View needs to have some data, it would be bad practice to simply give it access to your Model, or even full access to your Controller. Instead, you'd probably set up some kind of delegate protocol for your View that your Controller would implement. That way your classes know no more about each other than they need to, so that changes in one part would be less likely to break others.

How to work around/handle delegation EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors? Obj C

I'm coding a library (Obj-C for iPhone) that I want to package and sell, so I obviously need to work out any design kinks before listing it for sale. I am also utilizing this library to help me develop another app.
My library is heavily built on task delegation. The primary function I have is to launch a (potentially) long-running process, and when it's done, I call a Delegate Protocol method in the class's delegate.
An additional complicating factor here is that I will often schedule this task to fire off every 30 seconds or so. Usually, I do this with [self performSelector:#selector(someMethod:) withObject:nil afterDelay:30] rather than using an NSTimer. Then, when the delegate method successfully returns, I process the returned data and trigger the method to fire in another 30 seconds. This gives me 30 seconds BETWEEN method calls, rather than 30 seconds FROM THE START OF ONE CALL TO THE NEXT. (This is mainly just in case the call ever takes more than 30 seconds, which shouldn't happen.)
The error that I'm catching is that sometimes, the Delegate callback method is failing with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. Based upon my investigation, it appears that the delegate of my class library has disappeared (been released/dealloced) since the long-running process was initiated. Thus, when it calls [[self Delegate] doSomeDelegateMethod], it's accessing a released object.
I tried first checking [[self Delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(doSomeDelegateMethod)], but even that access apparently also throws the EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
It doesn't yet seem that checking for [self Delegate] == nil is the right way to go, either.
One way I think I have solved the problem, in this specific instance, is when the view controller that instantiates my object is disappearing (and therefore on its way to the garbage dump), I call [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self]. This apparently fixes the problem. (Does this "fix" also indicate that my object "knows" about the call to come and keeps itself in memory until it can successfully, desperately, fire off its final shot?)
This appears to put a band-aid on a bullet wound. Yes, it appears to stop my app from breaking this time, but my gut tells me that this is a poor solution.
I've also considered setting the custom object to nil in my viewWillDisappear:animated: method, which is probably the correct coding pattern, but it doesn't seem right that the customer has to be so precise in handling my objects.
What's really bugging me, though, is that I haven't yet found a way, as a library developer, to "box in" my code so that it won't throw an exception for the user if they don't do just the right things. Basically, I'd like a way to have my object:
Get a request.
Go look for the answer.
Find the answer.
Try to return the answer.
Realize that there's nothing on the other end.
Give up and die on its own. (OK, so "die on its own" probably won't happen, but you get the point.)
One interesting side point:
A main reason I have for preventing this type of error from occurring is this:
I did the following steps:
Built my library's .h/.m files.
Generated my library's .a output file.
Imported my library's .a/.h files into another project.
Had the error described above.
Got to peruse the code from one of the .m files that SHOULD have been hidden inside the .a file.
Am I missing something here? Am I really risking exposing my entire source code if it ever throws an error for a client? (This is just a side issue, but I'm fairly concerned here!)
Thanks for any help you can provide to help me be a better programmer!
I have found another reason why this is important. In another view controller, where I am using this library, I implemented the NSTimer strategy. If the view is popped from the navigation stack (i.e., in the viewWillDisappear:animated: method), I invalidate said timer. So, no more calls will go to my library after the view disappears.
Here's the rub: what if the view disappears IN THE MIDDLE of the long-running call? Yes, it's tricky and unlikely to do, but I just had it happen on the simulator. In particular, THIS is why I'm looking for a workaround to let my code realize "hey, there's nothing on the other end of this pipe" and then fail gracefully. Anyone?
There are several approaches to this problem:
The traditional delegate approach (UITableViewDelegate) makes it a requirement to clear yourself as delegate before going away. This is traditionally done in dealloc of the delegate with otherObject.delegate = nil. Failure to do so is a programming error. That's basically what you're seeing. This is the common pattern when the delegate and the delegator have basically the same lifespan.
Another approach is how NSURLConnection handles it: retain your delegate until you're done. The key to this working well is that NSURLConnection has a lifespan of its own, so the retain loop will work itself out automatically. UITableView could not retain its delegate because this would almost always create a permanent retain loop. If your object lives for a while and then goes away, then this makes sense. Typically here the delegate has a much shorter lifespan than the delegator, so the retain loop doesn't hurt anything.
Any object that calls performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: should always call cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self in its own dealloc. This has nothing to do with your delegate, though. It should be self-contained to the object itself. (I don't know why I keep thinking this is true, and then proving to myself again that it isn't. When you call performSelector:...afterDelay:, you are retained, so you can't deallocate before it fires. My SIDE NOTE, while true, isn't relevant here.)
SIDE NOTE cancelPrevious... is really expensive in my experience. If you have to call cancelPrvious... very often, I recommend keeping your own one-shot NSTimer and just resetting it when it fires to get the same effect. performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is just a wrapper around a one-shot timer.
I'm answering myself because the page warned me to not have extended discussions in the comments... :)
OK, so it appears that part of my answer is that [self performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:] automatically retains my object until it gets to "fire that shot", at which point I'm guessing the view controller dies.
So, now it makes sense why my custom class is trying to access a released object when it tries to return its answer to its delegate, which is an __unsafe_unretained object, meaning that it can die at will (I think).
What I'd like now is a way to prevent this from causing an error. In .NET, I've got all sorts of error handling options to do this, but I'm unable to think of a fail-safe "bail out" here.
I've tried [[self Delegate] isKindOfClass:..., but can't be sure what kind of class the delegate will be, so it won't work.
I've also tried [[self Delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(...)]. I'm not sure why this fails, but I get the EXC_BAD_ACCESS here, too.
What I don't want is my customers to be able to crash my product with such a simple, innocent mistake.
As an aside, does anyone know why this sort of failure gives me such easy access to the contents of the .m file that should be hidden inside my .a file? Did I build my library incorrectly?
Try setting Delegates to nil in dealloc.
self.fetchedResultsController.delegate = nil;
I've seen this problem a lot lately and usually fix the problem. Even though delegates are supposed to be weak references, sometimes some private implementation is using them as well.
If I release, I get bad access, if I retain, I leak
That's where I had a similar problem.
Edit: When using ARC, you can still override dealloc for cleanup, you just can't call [super dealloc] or release anything.

iPhone: I've come up with an interesting way I could get around an API limitation. Will this work?

The problem that I'm trying to solve is this:
When using a UIImagePicker, it adjusts itself as the device is rotated. I don't want it to do this, rather it should constantly stay in the portrait orientation. I've googled aplenty and haven't found any solution (just others with the same unsolved problem). The only answer was to use a private API call, I would rather not risk doing this.
However, I came across 'method swizzling' - a way of swapping method names at runtime. What I'm planning to do:
Add a category to UIViewController that defines a methods such as 'customShouldRotate' defining custom behavior that won't allow rotation.
Swizzle these methods with the default rotation methods of UIViewController at runtime.
After a bit of thought though, it might not be that simple. Here's why - any answers to the following would be much appreciated.
The method I'm swizzling is in UIViewController, not UIImagePickerController. I can't swizzle in the image picker directly, I've already tried via subclassing and it appears to be a subview's controller that's handling the rotation rather than UIImagePickerController itself. Will swizzled methods pass down to subclasses, if not then is there a workaround to do this?
It may not be a normal rotation method from UIViewController that is being used in UIImagePickerController. Is there any way to tell?
Will Apple be OK with method swizzling? I'm not using a private API call, but then again I wouldn't be overly surprised if they rejected it anyway.
Is this whole idea feasible/worth trying - or, if someone's actually solved the original problem in a different manner then that would be even better.
Method swizzling is fine: Apple check for private APIs using a static analyzer. If you can overload, swizzle, or do what you will to achieve the same effect without calling a private API it won't be picked up by the analyzer.
The only reason Apple may reject you for is for modifying 'standard' behaviour - but I suspect this won't happen. The worst thing is your app gets kicked back to you and you have to reinstate the original behaviour.

Can someone please explain delegates in objective-c?

I have been using Objective-C for a while and pretty much understand most of its features. However, the concept of delegates eludes me. Can someone please give a succinct and easy to comprehend explanation of what delegates are, how they are used in the iPhone SDK, and how I can best make use of them in my own code?
Thank you!
There are a couple main reasons to use delegates in Objective-C, which are subtly different:
Enhancing the base functionality of a framework class. For example, a UITableView is pretty boring on its own, so you can give it a delegate to handle the interesting bits (creating table cells, adding text to section headers, what have you). This way, UITableView never changes, but different table views can look and act very differently.
Communicating to parent objects in your dependency hierarchy. For example, you may have a view with a button that the user may push to do something that affects other views. The view will have to send a message to its parent view, or perhaps the view controller, so that it can create or destroy or modify other views. To do this you'd pass the parent object into your view, most likely through a protocol, as a weak reference (in Objective-C, an assign property). The view could then send any message declared in the protocol to the parent, or delegate, object.
This approach need not involve views. For example NSURLConnection passes event back to its delegate, which may be the object that created it, using this mechanism.
Essentially, all a delegate is, is an object that accepts feedback from another object. Put simply, when stuff happens to an object, it tells its delegate (assuming it has one).
For instance, lets say I have a UIViewController with a UITextView placed in the middle of the view. I set up my UIViewController to be the delegate of the UITextView. Then, when certain actions are performed on the text view (begin editing, text changes, end editing, etc), it tells it's delegate so it can do whatever logic it needs to do, like spell checking every time characters change, or dismissing the keyboard when it receives a return key press.
Delegate methods perform a similar function to callback functions in C.
Hope that makes sense :)
Best and simple concept I got from a Lynda.com Tutorial was: When you set a Delegate it means you have been given work to do. So, if you want to use methods that are written in a protocol method, you must implement them by searching in the Delegate Class Reference and using them. I hope it helped.
By the way, Delegates are excellents. They are your friends. They have been made to make your life as a programmer much easier.

UITableViewController.view crash

So I'm trying to use a UITableViewController (let's call it homeView) in my iPhone application to display a simple table with only a few rows of text which are loaded from an NSArray in the controller. I want to display the table in the grouped style in a subview of a subview (let's call it subSubView) of my main controller. When I try the following: [subSubView addSubview:homeView.view], my app crashes on launch. However, when I allocate the object without adding it to any views, it launches fine.
What's the best way (or rather a working way) to display the table generated by my UITableViewController?
There isn't enough to tell for sure what is going on, but if I had to guess I would think that you probably aren't retaining homeView. Normally I would say that as a comment to your question, since it is not really an answer, but I have a completely separate answer:
Just use a UITableView, not a UITableViewController. Instead of trying to embed a controller within a controller (which is quite difficult since Apple doesn't expose the necessary tools to actually modify the view controller hierarchy), just make the VC you are writing support the appropriate delegate/dataSource methods and directly create the view.
While it might make some logical sense to try to embed VCs inside of each other, with the exception of the builtin container VCs (UINavigationController, UITabBarController) it Really Doesn't Work™. The technical reason for this is that internally some of the event routing and messaging depends on parentViewController being correct, but since you can't set it (setParentViewController: is private) tons of latent bugs in UIKit start rearing their head. The internal collection classes can set the parentViewController correctly, so everything works right.
Also, one last thing. In your question you named your view controller homeView. Please, please on't do that. A view controller and a view are separate things, call it homeViewController. Aside from the fact that a lot of new iPhone developers get confused about what the distinction is, there is nothing more aggravating then tracing through someone else's code and realizing that something you are assuming is one type is another.