Send Facebook Notifications - facebook

I am working on "courses 2.0" application development team.This is one of the best application in facebook.
I want to send facebook notification to all our application user at once. I have all user id's as a string format separated by commas. I am able to send the notifications to these users but some times some notifications are not sent.
Is there any limit for the notifications per day? If so , can we over come this limit? please help me in this task

Yes there are limit per day and you can do nothing about it as far as i know. It is the policy of facebook to limit those to a certain number on daily basis.
See your allocations:
Go to link developers->your application->statistics->allocation


Facebook Graph - What is the limit to send private messages from page to users?

I am developing a chat robot that works with private messages on facebook. The person sends a private message to a page that I own, and then I will send an answer for each message.
Everything is working, but I need to be sure facebook won't complain about the amount of messages I will send. This application will receive a lot of interactions at the same time, but in some early tests one of my messages were received like that:
I am now using Batch Requests to send all messages, on an interval of 15s.
Do someone know some way to test it with multiple users and multiple messages at the same time? How the process of identification of spam messages work on facebook? How many messages can I send at the same time and in what time range to prevent that kind of behaviour?
There is no set limit or guideline on volume.
But really volume should not be the issue. There's a huge number of factors that is taken into account to determine if a message is spam... too many to discuss here. But you can assume basics: the content of the messages, the volume per user in a given time period, the content variation per user, has this app been flagged as spammy before, by how many users, etc. I would say its reasonable to assume your test user is probably going to be triggered as spammy because you're likely using it far far more than the average user would.
So, in short: it depends entirely on what exactly you're doing every 15 seconds.
Tip (although I cannot verify it): if you are trying to batch send a message to a number of users at once, without them very recently contacting you, you're probably gonna be flagged as spammy.

Sending Facebook notifications to multiple users from index.php

We have an app with 100.000 users. We want to send weekly notifications to all of them at one instance.
We've read all the documantation and sent notifications to test users one by one. But unfortunately we wewren't able to send them all at one instance.
Any one can help and show us a way to do that?

How to send mass notification to all users who is using my application

i am developing a Facebook application using PHP SDK. According to FB Developer docs, notifications can be send with this metdod;
POST /{recipient_userid}/notifications?access_token= … &template= … &href= …
but This Methot let me send notification to user with "{recipient_userid}" value. But i am trying to send all users a notification. How can i do it?
By finding all members who is using Application and in a loop one by one Notification sending?
thank you for your Help.
I haven't try this yet but i think facebook batch requests is the answer.
I frequently have to send notification to all my app users (about 30000 users) and it takes too long. Sending by one by method can't let you send instant notification for all your users, if it works, then it will be also possible.

How to get Maximum App requests per day

Most of Zynga games use the Maximum App requests per day to show to the user how many requests he can send that day. I couldn't figure out how to get that daily number (dynamically) . Any hints on that? Since, I'm doing this in a flash app. I can't let the user send requests more than he is allowed. Ideas?
You can find out your Requests limit via the Developer Settings page:
Note that limits only apply to the older method of sending requests. If you use the newer Requests functionality, there is no limit to the amount of requests you can send:
Naturally, if you're being spammy, you'll still get reported a lot and automated systems could block you, so remember to keep to a reasonable volume of requests.

Is there a limit to the number of test friend requests that can be sent by a sandboxed Facebook app?

Been tweaking my app's invite process and sending invites to two test accounts. They've worked fine.
In the last few days, my friend requests are not being sent out to the test users. Is there a finite number of times this can be used in a sandboxed app?
I set up another test app and a request went through okay.
In fb docs it says something about limits for invites, but it doesn't say whether or not it is true for the sandbox mode.
A user may invite a number of people each day equal to the maximum number of requests allocated to your application. If a user attempts to go over this limit, the following message appears:
Some interesting discussion is going on in this thread, looks like invite feature could be suspended if they detect fake users.