Sending Facebook notifications to multiple users from index.php - facebook

We have an app with 100.000 users. We want to send weekly notifications to all of them at one instance.
We've read all the documantation and sent notifications to test users one by one. But unfortunately we wewren't able to send them all at one instance.
Any one can help and show us a way to do that?


Send reminder notifications for user's birthday

I am creating an app using Swift and Parse as my backend platform. In my application a User can send an invitation to be connected to another user and as soon as they are connected the app should send notifications to remind the user about his friend’s birthday.
In this scenario I have two moments in which the app should send a notification:
1- When user A sends an invitation to user B, user B should receive a notification
2- When it’s user’s B birthday, user A should receive a notification and vice versa
I created a Parse object called AppNotification that is responsible for storing information about the notifications the user should receive. So when a user sends an invitation to another user I am adding a line in the AppNotification table, the same happens when it’s a birthday of a friend. Using this I can calculate the number of unread notifications and show it to the user in the UI using the components badge.
My question is more related to the best way to send the birthday notification. What I am considering is:
1- When user A sends and invitation to user B I have to send a push notification to user B.
2- As soon as the users are connected I can schedule local notifications to remind them about the birthday. This solution would use Local Notifications instead of Push Notifications.
3- Or create a Job in Parse that will be executed every day and will read all the users whose birthday is today and send a push notification to his friends. This solution would use Push notifications and I would not need to worry about scheduling local notifications.
Between the points 2 and 3 which one is the best solution? Is there any other approach I could use? When should I consider using Local Notifications other than Remote Notifications?
Thank you in advance.
Regarding points 2 and 3: there are pros and cons for both options: Having the reminders as local notifications is basically what your local calendar app does, i.e. you don't need a connection the Internet / Parse. However: what happens if one party (A) decides that she no longer wants to be a "friend" (of B)? Should notifications still be sent? If not, you could easily delete the scheduled notification on the server. This would also ensure that the other party (B) wouldn't receive notifications of a former friend (A) if she didn't open the app in the meantime and synced the list of friends.
There are of course more pros and cons, so it is really a matter of your preference and possibly other constraints (e.g. should an active internet connection be necessity?).

How to send mass notification to all users who is using my application

i am developing a Facebook application using PHP SDK. According to FB Developer docs, notifications can be send with this metdod;
POST /{recipient_userid}/notifications?access_token= … &template= … &href= …
but This Methot let me send notification to user with "{recipient_userid}" value. But i am trying to send all users a notification. How can i do it?
By finding all members who is using Application and in a loop one by one Notification sending?
thank you for your Help.
I haven't try this yet but i think facebook batch requests is the answer.
I frequently have to send notification to all my app users (about 30000 users) and it takes too long. Sending by one by method can't let you send instant notification for all your users, if it works, then it will be also possible.

How can my app facilitate a message to multiple friends?

I have a facebook app that needs to allow a user to send a message to multiple friends (potentially all their friends) at once. This isn't any kind of spam, and I don't need the app to send the message incognito (behind the scenes), I just need to open a dialog with specific friends pre-populated (that the user has selected within my app in a prior step) and then send them a custom message. Is this possible? I see the api for sending a message to a single friend, and I see the API for inviting users to my app (but that's limited to some very small number of invitations per day)... what I need is a dialog that lets me send messages to as many of the user's friends as they want, but for me to control *which friends are selected... I don't want to give them control to add/remove from the friends list.
Is this possible?
No, the Send Dialog allows prefilling only a single friend, but would otherwise be the best option here if you need a custom message displayed to the recipient. You could get the user to send to several friends in a loop by prefilling this - or fire the dialog without prefilling and let the user chose who to send to - your app won't receive a callback with the recipient IDs but you could put a referrer param in the URL sent?
Failing that, the Requests dialog / 'invites' are the only thing you can prefill with multiple recipients without the expectation that your app will be shut down for spam shortly thereafter - there's no limit per day on the number of requests sent, but you don't get to set the message shown to the recipient.
In case this is helpful to anyone else, I just found this... it's a relatively new API (still in beta) that allows for (just about) exactly what I was asking for. I've tested it and it appears to work...

Notifications when new RSS is available

I've created an app that displays an RSS feed.
I wonder if it is possible to get a notification when a new rss update.
Do I have to use push notification? (have heard that it is difficult)
Yes, push notifications are the way to go. It's not that complicated but you need some infrastructure on your side.
You'll need a server with a database that stores all the push notification recipients.
If you only have one hardcoded RSS feed just send a notification to all your clients if a new item is available.
If one can add own feeds to the app you need a database which saves the subscribed feeds for each push notification recipient. Then you have to check for new feed entries and send out notifications to the devices that are subscribed to that feed.
There are plenty of tutorials for push notifications out there. Both server and client side.
depending on the user base of your app, is probably the easiest way to implement push in your app. With them they handle all server side pushes and you can send a million free push notifications a month.
So if you add their codebase to you app, you can send 200000 users upto 5 notifications a monthm each.

Send Facebook Notifications

I am working on "courses 2.0" application development team.This is one of the best application in facebook.
I want to send facebook notification to all our application user at once. I have all user id's as a string format separated by commas. I am able to send the notifications to these users but some times some notifications are not sent.
Is there any limit for the notifications per day? If so , can we over come this limit? please help me in this task
Yes there are limit per day and you can do nothing about it as far as i know. It is the policy of facebook to limit those to a certain number on daily basis.
See your allocations:
Go to link developers->your application->statistics->allocation