I am getting SvnRepositoryIOException: OPTIONS while trying to access the repository using sharpsvn in asp.net 3.5 - sharpsvn

OPTIONS of 'http://websvn.tigris.org/svn/websvn': Could not resolve hostname `websvn.tigris.org': No such host is known.

This indicates that your DNS is not setup directly. Try ping websvn.tigris.org on the server that you use for running your code.


apache camel - deploying with cxfs web service

I'm trying to deploy my camel app which on start is creating a cxfrs endpoint. The url is like this: http://localhost:9876 . When I try to hit this one on a rest client or anywhere within my machine it works. But when I try to access it using my phone or other external devices, I'm not able to connect.
Am I missing something?
Using localhost will mean it is only accessible to your local machine, using instead should make it publicly accessible. should bind all available network interface on your remote machine, but from your description, somehow it only bind to localhost| so only accessible from local machine, could you use
instead to see if it helps?
Also, you can try to access other network service(for example start a tomcat on remote machine and see if you can access it from your local machine) from that remote machine to see if it works, this can determine if your DNS correct or if there's really no firewall between them.

java.net.BindException when trying to run Jboss on remote system connecting it using RDC

I am trying to run JBoss(5.1) on remote system connecting it using RDC. Which ever port I try, it's says already in use and throwing java.net.BindException Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
I have tried to change the port using jboss service binding configuration located at below path:
I have tried various options like ports-01, ports-02 ,ports-03 and then customizing the default port configurations as well with No luck.
I am just wondering how it is possible that it's not allowing any port whichever I try. One thing I would like to let you know here is that the remote system has 3 different logins and all of the users are using the system.
Appreciated if you can provide me any assistance please.
You can pass the -b ${IPofMachine} to bind to an IP. This will also make it externally accessible. You can do which will bind to all available IP's

Binding to alternative IP in HttpWebRequest doesn't work in Windows Server 2008

I am trying to bind a HttpWebRequest call to a specific IP on my server (which has many IPs). I have successfully written this code using BindIPEndPointDelegate and it works well on my local machine (Windows 7)
My issue is with Windows Server 2008. When I run the same console app on Windows Server 2008 it fails to bind to the IP when using the delegate. To complicate matters further, it seems to work for some destination URLs (http://www.microsoft.com) and doesn't work for some (http://www.google.com, http://www.facebook.com)
If I remove the IP specific binding (delegate) and run the app it works for all URLs.
The IP I am binding to is the default server IP address - meaning, in both scenarios the same IP should be used. I have verified this and it uses the same IP if I don't bind using the delegate. If I explicitly specific the IP it fails as described above.
I have tried turning off firewall, IIS & Antivirus - the problem persists.
Alright finally figured it out.
Upon testing again I found that specifying IPAddress.Any did not work either. On the other hand, IPAddress.IPv6Any worked fine.
Finally, I unchecked the IPv6 protocol in network adapter settings and the app starting working properly for all URLs and binding for all local IPv4 addresses.
Not sure if this is a bug in .NET code or feature - but disabling IPv6 fixed it for me.
Lastly, if anyone is facing "The requested address is not valid in its context" while making calls with binding, try disabling your antivirus.

How to access JBOSS Restful web service using IP and Port

I created a test JBOSS web service and there is only one test method in it. I access this using http://localhost:8070/MyWebService/MyRESTApplication
and it shows the result from the web service. I tried this in both Eclipse and Browser and it works.
But when i want to access this web service using IP address of my system then it shows ERROR message that Page cannot be displayed (in fact browser is not able to find this web service).
I want to access like this http://IPaddress:8070/MyWebService/MyRESTApplication
what should i do so that i can access it using my IP from some computer
You have to start JBoss using :
./run.sh -b [your_IPaddress]
On windows:
start run.bat -b
This will tell it to start and bind to all network interfaces. You can also replace with your actual IP if you only want it to bind to that network interface.
I find it easier for debugging to have it come up on all network interfaces because this will work when you are running a virtual machine to debug something like Internet Explorer.
Open your server setting in Eclipse and set Host name as your IP address or

Unable to Connect my server within my local network

I have created a account at no-ip.com to access my oracle server from out side. when i'm trying to access my server within my local network using my no-ip url, it's not worked. got error message:
can't establish a connection to the server at
what is the matter?
I used to have this problem as well. My guess is it has something to do with NAT - because once I changed my router the problem went away. You could definitely solve the problem by referring to your server by its internal name when within the same network.