apache camel - deploying with cxfs web service - deployment

I'm trying to deploy my camel app which on start is creating a cxfrs endpoint. The url is like this: http://localhost:9876 . When I try to hit this one on a rest client or anywhere within my machine it works. But when I try to access it using my phone or other external devices, I'm not able to connect.
Am I missing something?

Using localhost will mean it is only accessible to your local machine, using instead should make it publicly accessible. should bind all available network interface on your remote machine, but from your description, somehow it only bind to localhost| so only accessible from local machine, could you use
instead to see if it helps?
Also, you can try to access other network service(for example start a tomcat on remote machine and see if you can access it from your local machine) from that remote machine to see if it works, this can determine if your DNS correct or if there's really no firewall between them.


Expose Ngrok Web interface in same LAN

I have some issue to configurate Ngrok.
I have installed the Ngrok on linux CentOS server dedicated (IP, it works correctly the tunneling is ok.
My question is: how i can reach the web page on in order to check the traffic on my Ngrok server?
The web interface page is only accessible on the server where ngrok is running, but if this is a linux minimal server (without gui and any type of browser) I can't see it.
is there a way to make it accessible also in LAN?
e.g. I have another client that can reach the IP where ngrok is running but if i put on web browser http:\ nothing is showing.
I see from netstat that this port is not listening so isn't a firewall problem or other.
Is possible to change config of Ngrok? otherwise are there other possibilities ? do i have to use a reverse proxy or something like?
Any ideas?
thanks for your help,
Locate your ngrok's config file:
$ ngrok config check
Valid configuration file at /home/youruser/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml
Add to the config file the following line:
In case you want to expose it to all interfaces, you can replace that value with

Not able to access a rest service in Microsoft Azure VM

I am having problem to access a node js rest service deployed on an ubuntu virtual machine. I am able to access the VM using putty, however I am not able to ping the reserve ip from command line. I have put the logs in the rest service as when it gets the hit it prints the log, the logs are not getting printed. I want to know if there is any additional setting which needs to be done to open a port from the virtual machine or it is supposed to be open by default. If I need to open the port in order to access the service, where should I look for it.
Thanks & Regards
I want to know if there is any additional setting which needs to be
done to open a port from the virtual machine or it is supposed to be
open by default.
No, Azure will not open other ports by default, we should open ports manually.
I am not able to ping the reserve ip from command line
It is a classic VM, am I right? if so, we should make sure the rest service listening on which port, and add endpoints via Azure portal:
More information about create an endpoint please refer to this link.
If your VM in ARM module, we should add a inbound rules to NSG.
More information about NSG, please refer to this link.

Google Cloud SQL VM refusing connection

I have been stuck trying to figure out why my Cloud SQL VM is refusing my connection from my machine (whom ip address I have added as a subnet). I cann SSH into the VM but i cannot access the VM from a browser to make SQLs. I have scoured the internet for days trying to find a fix but i cannot seem to get pass this point. My apache listens to port 80. Also Id like to add that I have been connecting to my Mysql db for months through php and making sqls so I do not believe the problem is with apache. However if it is please point me to where i should be looking.
It sounds like you have MySQL running on a GCE VM, not an actual CloudSQL instance (that is a different service from GCE). Is that right?
If so, then if you are trying to connect from your local machine directly to the mysql instance, you are probably getting blocked by the firewall. Go to the networks tab (under Compute Engine) on the cloud console and see what firewall rules you have enabled. You might need to add one for 3306 or whatever port you are using.

java.net.BindException when trying to run Jboss on remote system connecting it using RDC

I am trying to run JBoss(5.1) on remote system connecting it using RDC. Which ever port I try, it's says already in use and throwing java.net.BindException Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
I have tried to change the port using jboss service binding configuration located at below path:
I have tried various options like ports-01, ports-02 ,ports-03 and then customizing the default port configurations as well with No luck.
I am just wondering how it is possible that it's not allowing any port whichever I try. One thing I would like to let you know here is that the remote system has 3 different logins and all of the users are using the system.
Appreciated if you can provide me any assistance please.
You can pass the -b ${IPofMachine} to bind to an IP. This will also make it externally accessible. You can do which will bind to all available IP's

How to access JBOSS Restful web service using IP and Port

I created a test JBOSS web service and there is only one test method in it. I access this using http://localhost:8070/MyWebService/MyRESTApplication
and it shows the result from the web service. I tried this in both Eclipse and Browser and it works.
But when i want to access this web service using IP address of my system then it shows ERROR message that Page cannot be displayed (in fact browser is not able to find this web service).
I want to access like this http://IPaddress:8070/MyWebService/MyRESTApplication
what should i do so that i can access it using my IP from some computer
You have to start JBoss using :
./run.sh -b [your_IPaddress]
On windows:
start run.bat -b
This will tell it to start and bind to all network interfaces. You can also replace with your actual IP if you only want it to bind to that network interface.
I find it easier for debugging to have it come up on all network interfaces because this will work when you are running a virtual machine to debug something like Internet Explorer.
Open your server setting in Eclipse and set Host name as your IP address or