Mem management for returned local variable - iphone

I am a little confused about retain/release count when a local variable is allocated within a method, then returned to its caller. For example
-(NSMutableString*)foo {
NSMutableString *str = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease];
[str appendString:#"Just a test"];
return str;
NSMutableString *myString = [self foo];
Questions: (as you can see I am quite confused by this case)
1. Will str retain count increment when it is assigned to myString?
2. Is it safe to autorelease in this case?
3. Who should clean up the memory?

I would suggest you read the Cocoa memory management guidelines. All your questions are answered in there.
To answer about this particular code example: It's managing memory properly. This is what autorelease is for — where you need an object to stick around past a particular method invocation but still get released. You essentially turn ownership over to the autorelease pool.
And there's no magic to retaining and releasing. Assigning a local variable won't affect an object's retain count — it has to be sent retain or release for that to happen.

There's no special magic involved.
When a retain message is sent to an object, its retain count increases.
When a release message is sent to an object, its retain count decreases.
When an autorelease message is sent to an object, it adds itself to a pool.
When the pool is drained (which may be at the end of a run loop or thread), anything in that pool gets sent a release message.
When an object receives as many release messages as it has retain messages (assuming there's an implicit retain caused by alloc), the object sends itself a dealloc message.
The retain count of an object is otherwise untouched (barring any optimisations).

1) No
2) Yes - that's the correct pattern for this case. (You don't want callers to have to track and release this NSMutableString instance)
NSMutableString *str = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
return str;
Would be bad because your caller is now forced to manage the returned variable.


Correct use of autorelease

I am trying to understand why my application crashes and I am going through my code. I am pretty sure that this is a valid use of autorelease:
(part of the code)
- (NSArray *)allQuestionsFromCategories:(NSArray *)categories {
NSMutableArray *ids = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
[ids addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:sqlite3_column_int(statement, 0)]];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:ids];
Is this valid? The NSArray arrayWithArray returns an autorelease object doesn't it? I also have some difficulties in understanding the scope of autoreleased objects. Would the autoreleased object (if it is in this case) be retained by the pool through out the method that invoked the method that this code is a part of?
- (void)codeThatInvokesTheCodeAbove {
NSArray *array = [self.dao allQuestionsFromCategories];
Would the array returned be valid in the whole codeThatInvokesTheCodeAbove method without retaining it? And if it was, would it be valid even longer?
Got some issues understanding the scope of it, and when I should retain an autorelease object.
That is valid, but -- really -- you can just skip the [NSArray arrayWithArray:ids]; entirely as there is no need to create a new array.
An autoreleased object is valid until the autorelease pool is drained, which typically happens once per pass through a run loop (or "periodically, but never while your block is executing" when enqueuing stuff via GCD).
The documentation explains it all better than I.
There is no need to create an immutable array because the return will effectively "up cast" the NSMutableArray to NSArray. While this is meaningless at run time, it means that the caller cannot compile a call to a mutating method of the returned value without using a cast to avoid the warning. Casting to avoid warnings in this context is the epitome of evil and no competent developer would do that.
If it were an instance variable being returned then, yes, creating an immutable copy is critical to avoid subsequent mutations "escaping" unexpectedly.
Have you read the memory management documentation? Specifically, the part about autorelease pools? It makes it quite clear how autorelease works. I hate to paraphrase a definitive work.
[NSArray arrayWithArray:] returns an autoreleased object. If you want codeThatInvokesTheCodeAbove to take ownership of the array, you should call retain on it (and rename codeThatInvokesTheCodeAbove according to apple's guidelines). Otherwise, if you don't care that ownership of the object is ambiguous then your code is okay.
In other words, [NSArray arrayWithArray:] returns an array that you don't own, but you have access to it for at least this run cycle. Therefore, codeThatInvokesTheCodeAbove will have access to it for at least this run cycle. Ownership is not clear, since nobody called alloc, copy, new, or mutableCopy or retain. It is implied that NSArray called autorelease before returning the new array, thus relinquishing ownership.
My information comes from
So, to answer your question, yes your posted code is valid. Whether it's correct depends on what it is you are trying to accomplish.
Autoreleased object are objects that are marked as to be release later.
There is a very particular object that is automatically created by UIApplicationMain: an UIRunLoop.
Imagine it like a while structure, it cycle until application is terminate, it receives every event and properly resend it to your interested classes, for example. Just before UIApplicationMain there is a command to create an NSAutoreleasePool that, once the NSRunLoop is ready, attach to it. When you send an -autorelease command to an object, the NSAutoreleasePool will remember to release it when is released itself. It's dangerous to use it many times in platforms that has less memory (iOS devices), because objects aren't released when you send an -autorelease command but when the NSAutoreleasePool is drained (when app releases it).
If you want to free the non-mutable list before you return, you can use something like this:
- (NSArray *)allQuestionsFromCategories:(NSArray *)categories {
NSArray* result;
NSMutableArray *ids = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // AUTORELEASE REMOVED FROM HERE
while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
[ids addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:sqlite3_column_int(statement, 0)]];
result = [NSArray arrayWithArray:ids]; // COPY LIST BEFORE IT IS FREED.
[ids release]; // MUTABLE LIST FREES _NOW_
It is not worth doing this unless your mutable array is likely to sometimes use a lot of memory.

What's the recommended approach for allocating an object in an instance methode, which will later on be returned?

For example look at the following example:
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"test"] autorelease];
NSString *testStr = self.getString;
[testStr retain]
[testStr release]
return [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"test"];
NSString *testStr = self.getString;
[testStr release];
Code 1 and Code 2 should be valid Code Snippets and no leaks should appear.
Code 1 uses autorelease so the return variable has to be retained in printTestString and after using it released. So there is a small Overhead here because of autorelease.
Code 2 doesn't release the NSString in getString so you have to only release it after using it. Seems your have to write less and you dont have overhead because no autorelease is used.
Which one is the de facto "standard" approach that is used out there?
Another thing I was asking myself. Could the autorelease in getString and the retain with
[testStr retain]
be a problem, when the autorelease pool releases the variable right after
NSString *testStr = self.getString;
then the string would be gone. Is that possible or does the compiler prevent that sort of thing?
Do this:
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"test"] autorelease];
NSString *testStr = self.getString;
Your getString method autoreleases the NSString, which means printTestString doesn't need to retain or release it. Autoreleasing in getString makes sense, because it alloced the object and is therefore the 'owner' of the object. I suggest studying Objective-C's memory management rules before proceeding, as they are very important.
Jake's answer is correct for almost all of the situations you'll need to return an object from a method, but there are cases where you might want to return something that isn't autoreleased. From the Memory Management Programming Guide (Mac version, but they're the same rules):
You take ownership of an object if you
create it using a method whose name
begins with “alloc” or “new” or
contains “copy” (for example, alloc,
newObject, or mutableCopy), or if you
send it a retain message.
Also, from the Coding Guidelines for Cocoa:
In your methods and functions that
return object values, make sure that
you return these values autoreleased
unless they are object-creation or
object-copy methods (new, alloc, copy
and their variants). “Autoreleased” in
this context does not necessarily mean
the object has to be explicitly
autoreleased—that is, sending
autorelease to the object just before
returning it. In a general sense, it
simply means the return value is not
freed by the caller.
For performance reasons, it’s
advisable to avoid autoreleasing
objects in method implementations
whenever you can, especially with code
that might be executed frequently
within a short period; an example of
such code would be a loop with unknown
and potentially high loop count.
Therefore, methods containing the prefix alloc or new, or those that contain the word copy by convention will have you returning objects that are not autoreleased. In fact, the Clang Static Analyzer understands this convention and will assume non-autoreleased objects being returned from methods that follow these naming rules.
I've used the new prefix in situations where I preferred not to return autoreleased objects (tight loops where I didn't want to manage an autorelease pool, etc.). Again, returning autoreleased objects is what's recommended in almost all cases, but there are some times where you might want to avoid that.

iPhone - What happens if retain after autorelease?

Do you know what happens if I retain an autoreleased object ?
Will it be released or does the retain wins ?
Do you know what happens if I retain
an autoreleased object ? Will it be
released or does the retain wins ?
The retain "wins" but thinking of it that way is full of fail.
retain and release are merely mechanisms via which you increase or decrease the retain count of an object. Autorelease is simply a delayed release; no more, no less.
If you retain an autoreleased object you are increasing the retain count NOW while the retain count will be decreased LATER. This happens all the time; [NSString stringWithFormat: #"...."] returns an autoreleased string that you retain if you want it to stick around beyond [most typically] the current pass through the event loop.
If you want to keep your variable around, you need to retain it. For example:
myButton = [[UIButton buttonWithType:...] retain];
The buttonWithType: method returns a UIButton that's been instantiated with autorelease. It'll take care of releasing itself (so to speak) when needed.
The retain will win out. This is very common, and is an excepted practice.
Usually convenience methods return autoreleased objects like
[NSString stringWithFormat:#""];
It is expected that you retain whatever objects you need to, so long as you remember to release them later.
Remember that autoreleases will happen at the end of the current system message.
From the article below:
"an autorelease pool is created for each message that is processed by the system and the objects in the pool are all automatically released after processing on that message has completed."
Some great explanations of this can be found here:

Is release without prior retain dangerous?

I have some code which I think has extra release statements.
Is the code incorrect?
What is the end result?
I don't understand memory management well yet - even after reading lots of articles and stackoverflow answers. Thanks for straightening me out.
Update: The attached snippet works fine, but other code has the over-release problem
NSMutableArray *points = [NSMutableArray new];
for (Segment *s in currentWorkout.segments) {
[points addObjectsFromArray:[s.track locationPoints]];
[routeMap update:points];
[points release];
Your code is correct, but inadvisable. new acts as an implied alloc, which creates the object with a retain count of 1.
I think the last time I used new was in 1992; it's not wrong, but alloc/init is considered better practice, because it is clearer what you are doing. Please read Apple's guide to memory management, it is a comprehensive summary of the situation.
No messages can safely be sent to a deallocated object. Once an object has been released a sufficient number of times, it's deallocated. Any further messages sent to that object are going to an object that isn't there anymore. The precise result isn't completely predictable, but it usually ends in a crash. If you're less lucky, it could end in much stranger ways — for example, you could theoretically wind up with an Object A getting dealloced early and Object B allocated in the same memory location, then Object B receiving messages meant for Object A that Object B does understand but isn't supposed to receive at that time.
Basically, follow the rules. Think of it in terms of ownership. If you've claimed ownership, you need to release that ownership. If you don't own the object, you must not release it.
Take a look at this article online: .
It seems to imply that calls to release without a corresponding preior call to retain will result in a BAD_ACCESS error.
A short answer is, if you increasing the retain count of an object and you no longer are using it you should release it, otherwise you shouldnt...
So when ever you do a [objectName alloc] you are increasing the count by 1, when you use such methods as [NSString stringWithString:] these methods return an autoreleased object so you dont need to release it...if you instead did something like [[NSString stringWithString:]retain] then you are increasing the strings retain count and you should release it after you are done using it.
Im not too sure if new increases the reference count (i suspect that it would), you can always check your retain count by doing [object retainCount]... though note that even if the retain count is greater than 0, it does not mean you need to release the object, because some other class might have a reference to the object and therefore has its retain count increased by one and its the responsibility of the other class holding the reference to release it.
Hope this helps
you should use:
NSMutableArray *points = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[routeMap update:points]; //if routemap stores the points, it will need it's own release retain
[points release]; //if there is a retain in the method above, reference will not be cleared
if unsure, use the build->analyze command, it will search your code for leaked references
you can get the official memory management guide from

Sometimes NSString becomes Invalid?

In my own iPhone Application I have used a number of nsstring variables to store values. But sometimes its value becomes Invalid! Does anybody know what may be the reason? Or tell me about the situation when a nsstring variable becomes Invalid?
NSStrings are also objects. They go by the same memory management rules. If you sin against those rules you will get a pointer to invalid memory and it will look like "invalid" data.
For example:
myString = [NSString stringWithString:#"foo"];
This will create an NSString* that's got autorelease on. When you're assigning it to an ivar that autorelease pool will soon pop putting the retain count back to 0 and dealloc'ing it while you still have a reference to it!
Instead, either retain it or use:
myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#""];
This returns an owning reference. Remember to [myString release]; in dealloc.
This is just one example/case of bad memory management. Read the docs on how to properly manage your object lifecycle. Really.
They are being autoreleased. If you create a string using a convenience method (stringWithString, stringWithFormat) it will be added to the autorelease pool.
To stop it being released automatically, sent it a retain message and a release message when you have finished using it so that the memory is released. You can also set up properties to do this semi automatically when you assign the string to a member variable
There are a lot of articles on iPhone (and Mac) memory management here on SO and on the interwebs. Google for autorelease.
If this is for a device with fairly limited resources such as the iPhone, you should use [[NSString alloc] init*] over the static convenience methods, as you will put less pressure on the autorelease pool and lower your memory usage. The pool is drained every message loop, so the less objects to enumerate the better.
You should also be aware that autorelease objects in a loop will generate a lot of garbage unless you manage a local autorelease pool.
did you copy or retain the NSString ?
I asked the same question. And the following answer was the best of convenience. Just use:
[myString retain];
And then in dealloc method (e.g. viewDidUnload):
[myString release];