How can I get structured exceptions from Moose? - perl

Consider this simple class:
package Foo;
use Moose;
has foo => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
And then this code:
use Try::Tiny;
use Foo;
my $f = try {
Foo->new( foo => 'Not an Int' );
catch {
warn $_;
The code dies with a nice big error message about type constraints failing.
I'd like to be able to extract what attribute failed (foo), what the reason was (failed type constraint) and what the value passed was (Not an Int) without having to parse an error string to get the info.
Something like this:
catch {
if( $_->isa( 'MooseX::Exception::TypeConstraint' ) ) {
my $attrib = $_->attribute;
my $type = $_->type;
my $value = $_->bad_value;
warn "'$value' is an illegal value for '$attrib'. It should be a $type\n";
else {
warn $_;
Is this possible? Is there a MooseX distribution that can make this happen? Better yet, is there some Moose feature that I missed that will make this possible?
Update: I am particularly interested in type constraints, but other Moose errors would be very good as well. I am also aware that I can throw objects with die. So, structuring exceptions in code I write is relatively easy.

I haven't tried it myself, but I think MooseX::Error::Exception::Class might be what you're looking for.

Check out MooseX::Throwable, which replaces the error_class value in the metaclass. The code looks a little old however (metaroles do support error class roles now), but the current method looks like it will still work.

I had the same question about a year ago and asked at the #moose IRC channel. The answer was that Moose doesn't really support structured exceptions.... yet.
There is a general agreement that it is a shortcoming of Moose that should be fixed, but the task of introducing exceptions everywhere is tedious and hasn't (afaik) been carried out yet.
The approach in MooseX::Error::Exception::Class is very brittle, since it is based on parsing the messages from Moose.
Since you can't really get reliable structured exceptions from Moose, consider using introspection to test each of your type constraints one by one when setting a new value. Some times this is a feasible approach.
Btw: note that there is a nasty bug in the way Moose handles composite constraints.


Simulating aspects of static-typing in a duck-typed language

In my current job I'm building a suite of Perl scripts that depend heavily on objects. (using Perl's bless() on a Hash to get as close to OO as possible)
Now, for lack of a better way of putting this, most programmers at my company aren't very smart. Worse, they don't like reading documentation and seem to have a problem understanding other people's code. Cowboy coding is the game here. Whenever they encounter a problem and try to fix it, they come up with a horrendous solution that actually solves nothing and usually makes it worse.
This results in me, frankly, not trusting them with code written in duck typed language. As an example, I see too many problems with them not getting an explicit error for misusing objects. For instance, if type A has member foo, and they do something like, instance->goo, they aren't going to see the problem immediately. It will return a null/undefined value, and they will probably waste an hour finding the cause. Then end up changing something else because they didn't properly identify the original problem.
So I'm brainstorming for a way to keep my scripting language (its rapid development is an advantage) but give an explicit error message when an object isn't used properly. I realize that since there isn't a compile stage or static typing, the error will have to be at run time. I'm fine with this, so long as the user gets a very explicit notice saying "this object doesn't have X"
As part of my solution, I don't want it to be required that they check if a method/variable exists before trying to use it.
Even though my work is in Perl, I think this can be language agnostic.
If you have any shot of adding modules to use, try Moose. It provides pretty much all the features you'd want in a modern programming environment, and more. It does type checking, excellent inheritance, has introspection capabilities, and with MooseX::Declare, one of the nicest interfaces for Perl classes out there. Take a look:
use MooseX::Declare;
class BankAccount {
has 'balance' => ( isa => 'Num', is => 'rw', default => 0 );
method deposit (Num $amount) {
$self->balance( $self->balance + $amount );
method withdraw (Num $amount) {
my $current_balance = $self->balance();
( $current_balance >= $amount )
|| confess "Account overdrawn";
$self->balance( $current_balance - $amount );
class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount {
has 'overdraft_account' => ( isa => 'BankAccount', is => 'rw' );
before withdraw (Num $amount) {
my $overdraft_amount = $amount - $self->balance();
if ( $self->overdraft_account && $overdraft_amount > 0 ) {
I think it's pretty cool, myself. :) It's a layer over Perl's object system, so it works with stuff you already have (basically.)
With Moose, you can create subtypes really easily, so you can make sure your input is valid. Lazy programmers agree: with so little that has to be done to make subtypes work in Moose, it's easier to do them than not! (from Cookbook 4)
subtype 'USState'
=> as Str
=> where {
( exists $STATES->{code2state}{ uc($_) }
|| exists $STATES->{state2code}{ uc($_) } );
And Tada, the USState is now a type you can use! No fuss, no muss, and just a small amount of code. It'll throw an error if it's not right, and all the consumers of your class have to do is pass a scalar with that string in it. If it's fine (which it should be...right? :) ) They use it like normal, and your class is protected from garbage. How nice is that!
Moose has tons of awesome stuff like this.
Trust me. Check it out. :)
In Perl,
make it required that use strict and use warnings are on in 100% of the code
You can try to make an almost private member variables by creating closures. A very good example is "Private Member Variables, Sort of " section in . They are not 100% private but fairly un-obvious how to access unless you really know what you're doing (and require them to read your code and do research to find out how).
If you don't want to use closures, the following approach works somewhat well:
Make all of your object member variables (aka object hash keys in Perl) wrapped in accessors. There are ways to do this efficiently from coding standards POV. One of the least safe is Class::Accessor::Fast. I'm sure Moose has better ways but I'm not that familiar with Moose.
Make sure to "hide" actual member variables in private-convention names, e.g. $object->{'__private__var1'} would be the member variable, and $object->var1() would be a getter/setter accessor.
NOTE: For the last, Class::Accessor::Fast is bad since its member variables share names with accessors. But you can have very easy builders that work just like Class::Accessor::Fast and create key values such as $obj->{'__private__foo'} for "foo".
This won't prevent them shooting themselves in the foot, but WILL make it a lot harder to do so.
In your case, if they use $obj->goo or $obj->goo(), they WOULD get a runtime error, at least in Perl.
They could of course go out of their way to do $obj->{'__private__goo'}, but if they do the gonzo cowboy crap due to sheer laziness, the latter is a lot more work than doing the correct $obj->foo().
You can also have a scan of code-base which detects $object->{"_ type strings, though from your description that might not work as a deterrent that much.
You can use Class::InsideOut or Object::InsideOut which give you true data privacy. Rather than storing data in a blessed hash reference, a blessed scalar reference is used as a key to lexical data hashes. Long story short, if your co-workers try $obj->{member} they'll get a run time error. There's nothing in $obj for them to grab at and no easy way to get at the data except through accessors.
Here is a discussion of the inside-out technique and various implementations.

Perl - Calling subclass constructor from superclass (OO)

This may turn out to be an embarrassingly stupid question, but better than potentially creating embarrassingly stupid code. :-) This is an OO design question, really.
Let's say I have an object class 'Foos' that represents a set of dynamic configuration elements, which are obtained by querying a command on disk, 'mycrazyfoos -getconfig'. Let's say that there are two categories of behavior that I want 'Foos' objects to have:
Existing ones: one is, query ones that exist in the command output I just mentioned (/usr/bin/mycrazyfoos -getconfig`. Make modifications to existing ones via shelling out commands.
Create new ones that don't exist; new 'crazyfoos', using a complex set of /usr/bin/mycrazyfoos commands and parameters. Here I'm not really just querying, but actually running a bunch of system() commands. Affecting changes.
Here's my class structure:
package Foos, which has a new($hashref->{name => 'myfooname',) constructor that takes a 'crazyfoo NAME' and then queries the existence of that NAME to see if it already exists (by shelling out and running the mycrazyfoos command above). If that crazyfoo already exists, return a Foos::Existing object. Any changes to this object requires shelling out, running commands and getting confirmation that everything ran okay.
If this is the way to go, then the new() constructor needs to have a test to see which subclass constructor to use (if that even makes sense in this context). Here are the subclasses:
As mentioned above, this is for when a Foos object already exists.
This is an object that will be created if, in the above, the 'crazyfoo NAME' doesn't actually exist. In this case, the new() constructor above will be checked for additional parameters, and it will go ahead and, when called using ->create() shell out using system() and create a new object... possibly returning an 'Existing' one...
As I type this out, I am realizing it is perhaps it's better to have a single:
(an alternative arrangement)
Foos class, that has a
->new() that takes just a name
->create() that takes additional creation parameters
->delete(), ->change() and other params that affect ones that exist; that will have to just be checked dynamically.
So here we are, two main directions to go with this. I'm curious which would be the more intelligent way to go.
In general it's a mistake (design-wise, not syntax-wise) for the new method to return anything but a new object. If you want to sometimes return an existing object, call that method something else, e.g. new_from_cache().
I also find it odd that you're splitting up this functionality (constructing a new object, and returning an existing one) not just into separate namespaces, but also different objects. So in general, you're closer with your second approach, but you can still have the main constructor (new) handle a variety of arguments:
package Foos;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new
my ($class, %args) = #_;
if ($args{name})
# handle the name => value option
if ($args{some_other_option})
# ...
my $this = {
# fill in any fields you need...
return bless $this, $class;
sub new_from_cache
my ($class, %args) = #_;
# check if the object already exists...
# if not, create a new object
return $class->new(%args);
Note: I don't want to complicate things while you're still learning, but you may also want to look at Moose, which takes care of a lot of the gory details of construction for you, and the definition of attributes and their accessors.
It is generally speaking a bad idea for a superclass to know about its subclasses, a principle which extends to construction.[1] If you need to decide at runtime what kind of object to create (and you do), create a fourth class to have just that job. This is one kind of "factory".
Having said that in answer to your nominal question, your problem as described does not seem to call for subclassing. In particular, you apparently are going to be treating the different classes of Foos differently depending on which concrete class they belong to. All you're really asking for is a unified way to instantiate two separate classes of objects.
So how's this suggestion[3]: Make Foos::Exists and Foos::Pending two separate and unrelated classes and provide (in Foos) a method that returns the appropriate one. Don't call it new; you're not making a new Foos.
If you want to unify the interfaces so that clients don't have to know which kind they're talking about, then we can talk subclassing (or better yet, delegation to a lazily-created and -updated Foos::Handle).
[1]: Explaining why this is true is a subject hefty enough for a book[2], but the short answer is that it creates a dependency cycle between the subclass (which depends on its superclass by definition) and the superclass (which is being made to depend on its subclass by a poor design decision).
[2]: Lakos, John. (1996). Large-scale C++ Software Design. Addison-Wesley.
[3]: Not a recommendation, since I can't get a good enough handle on your requirements to be sure I'm not shooting fish in a dark ocean.
It is also a factory pattern (bad in Perl) if the object's constructor will return an instance blessed into more than one package.
I would create something like this. If the names exists than is_created is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.. I would merge the ::Pending, and ::Existing together, and if the object isn't created just put that into the default for the _object, the check happens lazily. Also, Foo->delete() and Foo->change() will defer to the instance in _object.
package Foo;
use Moose;
has 'name' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'is_created' => (
is => 'ro'
, isa => 'Bool'
, init_arg => undef
, default => sub {
stuff_if_exists ? 1 : 0
has '_object' => (
isa => 'Object'
, is => 'ro'
, lazy => 1
, init_arg => undef
, default => sub {
my $self = shift;
? Foo->new
: Bar->new
, handles => [qw/delete change/]
Interesting answers! I am digesting it as I try out different things in code.
Well, I have another variation of the same question -- the same question, mind you, just a different problem to the same class:subclass creation issue!
This time:
This code is an interface to a command line that has a number of different complex options. I told you about /usr/bin/mycrazyfoos before, right? Well, what if I told you that that binary changes based on versions, and sometimes it completely changes its underlying options. And that this class we're writing, it has to be able to account for all of these things. The goal (or perhaps idea) is to do: (perhaps called FROM the Foos class we were discussing above):
Foos::Commandline, which has as subclasses different versions of the underlying '/usr/bin/mycrazyfoos' command.
my $fcommandobj = new Foos::Commandline;
my #raw_output_list = $fcommandobj->getlist();
my $result_dance = $fcommandobj->dance();
where 'getlist' and 'dance' are version-dependent. I thought about doing this:
package Foos::Commandline;
new (
#Figure out some clever way to decide what version user has
# (automagically)
# And call appropriate subclass? Wait, you all are telling me this is bad OO:
# if v1.0.1 (new Foos::Commandline::v1.0.1.....
# else if v1.2 (new Foos::Commandline::v1.2....
package Foos::Commandline::v1.0.1;
sub getlist ( eval... system ("/usr/bin/mycrazyfoos", "-getlistbaby"
# etc etc
and (different .pm files, in subdir of Foos/Commandline)
package Foos::Commandline::v1.2;
sub getlist ( eval... system ("/usr/bin/mycrazyfoos", "-getlistohyeahrightheh"
Make sense? I expressed in code what I'd like to do, but it just doesn't feel right, particularly in light of what was discussed in the above responses. What DOES feel right is that there should be a generic interface / superclass to Commandline... and that different versions should be able to override it. Right? Would appreciate a suggestion or two on that. Gracias.

What's the best way to discover all subroutines a Perl module has?

What's the best way to programatically discover all of the subroutines a perl module has? This could be a module, a class (no #EXPORT), or anything in-between.
Edit: All of the methods below look like they will work. I'd probably use the Class::Sniff or Class::Inspector in production. However, Leon's answer is marked as 'accepted' since it answers the question as posed, even though no strict 'refs' has to be used. :-) Class::Sniff may be a good choice as it progresses; it looks like a lot of thought has gone into it.
sub list_module {
my $module = shift;
no strict 'refs';
return grep { defined &{"$module\::$_"} } keys %{"$module\::"}
ETA: if you want to filter out imported subroutines, you can do this
use B qw/svref_2object/;
sub in_package {
my ($coderef, $package) = #_;
my $cv = svref_2object($coderef);
return if not $cv->isa('B::CV') or $cv->GV->isa('B::SPECIAL');
return $cv->GV->STASH->NAME eq $package;
sub list_module {
my $module = shift;
no strict 'refs';
return grep { defined &{"$module\::$_"} and in_package(\&{*$_}, $module) } keys %{"$module\::"}
Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or all of this information can be found in other ways, but they aren't always very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry, or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide an easier, more friendly interface to this information...
Have a look at this:
The interface is rather ad-hoc at the moment and is likely to change. After creating a new instance, calling the report method is your best option. You can then visually examine it to look for potential problems:
my $sniff = Class::Sniff->new({class => 'Some::Class'});
print $sniff->report;
This module attempts to help programmers find 'code smells' in the object-oriented code. If it reports something, it does not mean that your code is wrong. It just means that you might want to look at your code a little bit more closely to see if you have any problems.
At the present time, we assume Perl's default left-most, depth-first search order. We may alter this in the future (and there's a work-around with the paths method. More on this later)...

How should I handle errors in Perl methods, and what should I return from the methods?

I've wrapped Perl's Net::SSH::Expect with a small module to reduce the boilerplate code needed to write a new configuration script for use with our HP iLO cards. While on one hand I want this wrapper to be as lean as possible, so non-programmer colleagues can use it, I also want it to be as well-written as possible.
It's used like so:
my $ilo = iLO->new(host => $host, password => $password);
$ilo->command("cd /system1");
$ilo->command("set oemhp_server_name=$system_name", 'status=0');
and this is iLO::command():
sub command {
my ($self, $cmd, $response) = #_;
$response = 'hpiLO-> ' unless defined($response);
# $self->{ssh} is a Net::SSH::Expect object
croak "Not logged in!\n" unless ($self->{ssh});
if ($self->{ssh}->waitfor($response, $self->{CMD_TIMEOUT}, '-re')) {
return {
before => $self->{ssh}->before(),
match => $self->{ssh}->match(),
after => $self->{ssh}->after(),
} else {
carp "ERROR: '$cmd' response did not match /$response/:\n\n",
return undef;
I have two related queries. First, how should I deal with responses that don't match the expected response? I guess what I'm doing now is satisfactory -- by returning undef I signal something broke and my croak() will output an error (though hardly gracefully). But it feels like a code smell. If Perl had exceptions I'd raise one and let the calling code decide whether or not to ignore it/quit/print a warning, but it doesn't (well, in 5.8). Perhaps I should return some other object (iLO::response, or something) that carries an error message and the contents of $ilo->before() (which is just Net::SSH::Expect's before())? But if I do that -- and have to wrap every $ilo->command in a test to catch it -- my scripts are going to be full of boilerplate again.
Secondly, what should I return for success? Again, my hash containing more-or-less the response from Net::SSH::Expect does the job but it doesn't feel 'right' somehow. Although this example's in Perl my code in other languages emits the same familiar smell: I'm never sure how or what to return from a method. What can you tell me?
If you're familiar with exceptions from languages like Java, then think of die as throw and eval as try and catch. Instead of returning undef, you could do something like this:
if ($self->{ssh}->waitfor($response, $self->{CMD_TIMEOUT}, '-re')) {
return {
before => $self->{ssh}->before(),
match => $self->{ssh}->match(),
after => $self->{ssh}->after(),
die "ERROR: '$cmd' response did not match /$response/:\n\n"
. $self->{ssh}->before();
Then, in your calling code:
eval {
$ilo->command("set oemhp_server_name=$system_name", 'status=0');
if ( my $error = $# ) {
# handle $error here
Just like exceptions in other languages, this allows you to bail out of a submethod at any point without having to worry about propagating return values up the call stack. They'll be caught by the first eval block that finds them. Additionally, you can die again to rethrow an exception you can't deal with back up the stack.
Even better, you can use die to throw an object, which your exception handler can interrogate for useful information and error messages. I like to use Exception::Class for this purpose. The Error module provides some syntactic sugar for doing Java-like try/catch blocks, as well.
The usual way to raise exceptions in Perl is with die. The usual way to catch them is using eval with a block as an argument, and testing $# after the eval finishes.
You'll find a lot of discussion of this sort of thing in googlespace. The best practice, no matter what you decide, is to not overload any of the values so the return value means different things. It should always be an error code, or it should never be the error code. People shouldn't have to look at the actual value to decide if it is an error code or not.
Check out the popular Perl modules on CPAN (or the ones you already use) to see what they do. I even talk about this a little in Mastering Perl, but I don't give a black-and-white answer. As with all real code, the real answer is "It depends".
There are a lot of different ways to do this. Unfortunately, that means people do it in every way. Since that is the case, I invoke consistency as the paramount rule. What does most of the code already do (not counting the wrong way)? If I have to fit into an existing codebase, I try to use the same sort of interface that most of the code already uses.
If there is no clear winner, write use cases using a couple of different styles. Which one fits the problem better or more naturally expresses the steps most users will take? That's not always just reading for die and eval. Write sample scripts using your unimplemented interfaces. Which style are you going to want to use? I found that actually writing the script before I implement the interface shows me a lot more than I was thinking about. If I'm writing stuff for other people to use, I show them the scripts in different styles and ask them which one they like better.
And, if all of that fails, reach for the 2d6. :)
In addition to using "die" as exception, you can also add another method:
if (!$ilo->commandSucceeded("set oemhp_server_name=$system_name", 'status=0')) {
#recover here
Of course, the internal implementation of command() becomes
die ... if !commandSucceeded;

Why shouldn't I use UNIVERSAL::isa?

According to this
I shouldn't use UNIVERSAL::isa() and should instead use $obj->isa() or CLASS->isa().
This means that to find out if something is a reference in the first place and then is reference to this class I have to do
eval { $poss->isa("Class") }
and check $# and all that gumph, or else
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
blessed $ref && $ref->isa($class);
My question is why? What's wrong with UNIVERSAL::isa called like that? It's much cleaner for things like:
my $self = shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__)
To see whether this function is being called on the object or not. And is there a nice clean alternative that doesn't get cumbersome with ampersands and potentially long lines?
The primary problem is that if you call UNIVERSAL::isa directly, you are bypassing any classes that have overloaded isa. If those classes rely on the overloaded behavior (which they probably do or else they would not have overridden it), then this is a problem. If you invoke isa directly on your blessed object, then the correct isa method will be called in either case (overloaded if it exists, UNIVERSAL:: if not).
The second problem is that UNIVERSAL::isa will only perform the test you want on a blessed reference just like every other use of isa. It has different behavior for non-blessed references and simple scalars. So your example that doesn't check whether $ref is blessed is not doing the right thing, you're ignoring an error condition and using UNIVERSAL's alternate behavior. In certain circumstances this can cause subtle errors (for example, if your variable contains the name of a class).
use CGI;
my $a = CGI->new();
my $b = "CGI";
print UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"CGI"); # prints 1, $a is a CGI object.
print UNIVERSAL::isa($b,"CGI"); # Also prints 1!! Uh-oh!!
So, in summary, don't use UNIVERSAL::isa... Do the extra error check and invoke isa on your object directly.
See the docs for UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can for why you shouldn't do it.
In a nutshell, there are important modules with a genuine need to override 'isa' (such as Test::MockObject), and if you call it as a function, you break this.
I have to say, my $self = shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__) doesn't look terribly clean to me - anti-Perl advocates would be complaining about line noise. :)
To directly answer your question, the answer is at the bottom of the page you linked to, namely that if a package defines an isa method, then calling UNIVERSAL::isa directly will not call the package isa method. This is very unintuitive behaviour from an object-orientation point of view.
The rest of this post is just more questions about why you're doing this in the first place.
In code like the above, in what cases would that specific isa test fail? i.e., if it's a method, in which case would the first argument not be the package class or an instance thereof?
I ask this because I wonder if there is a legitimate reason why you would want to test whether the first argument is an object in the first place. i.e., are you just trying to catch people saying FooBar::method instead of FooBar->method or $foobar->method? I guess Perl isn't designed for that sort of coddling, and if people mistakenly use FooBar::method they'll find out soon enough.
Your mileage may vary.
Everyone else has told you why you don't want to use UNIVERSAL::isa, because it breaks when things overload isa. If they've gone to all the habit of overloading that very special method, you certainly want to respect it. Sure, you could do this by writing:
if (eval { $foo->isa("thing") }) {
# Do thingish things
because eval guarantees to return false if it throws an exception, and the last value otherwise. But that looks awful, and you shouldn't need to write your code in funny ways because the language wants you to. What we really want is to write just:
if ( $foo->isa("thing") ) {
# Do thingish things
To do that, we'd have to make sure that $foo is always an object. But $foo could be a string, a number, a reference, an undefined value, or all sorts of weird stuff. What a shame Perl can't make everything a first class object.
Oh, wait, it can...
use autobox; # Everything is now a first class object.
use CGI; # Because I know you have it installed.
my $x = 5;
my $y = CGI->new;
print "\$x is a CGI object\n" if $x->isa('CGI'); # This isn't printed.
print "\$y is a CGI object\n" if $y->isa('CGI'); # This is!
You can grab autobox from the CPAN. You can also use it with lexical scope, so everything can be a first class object just for the files or blocks where you want to use ->isa() without all the extra headaches. It also does a lot more than what I've covered in this simple example.
Assuming your example of what you want to be able to do is within an object method, you're being unnecessarily paranoid. The first passed item will always be either a reference to an object of the appropriate class (or a subclass) or it will be the name of the class (or a subclass). It will never be a reference of any other type, unless the method has been deliberately called as a function. You can, therefore, safely just use ref to distinguish between the two cases.
if (ref $_[0]) {
my $self = shift;
# called on instance, so do instancey things
} else {
my $class = shift;
# called as a class/static method, so do classy things
Right. It does a wrong thing for classes that overload isa. Just use the following idiom:
if (eval { $obj->isa($class) }) {
It is easily understood and commonly accepted.
Update for 2020: Perl v5.32 has the class infix operator, isa, which handles any sort of thing on the lefthand side. If the $something is not an object, you get back false with no blowup.
use v5.32;
if( $something isa 'Animal' ) { ... }