Resources To Learn REXX [closed] - rexx

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to travel in the past and learn REXX, but I don't know where to start, then I want some help from someone that can point me to the right place to start.

Check IBM publib on the subject (which was (is still?) backed by REXX programmed application, at least, during my IBM times, a colleague maintained it). You can find there all free books in either HTML or PDF format. The REXX Guide (available as PDF or HTML) is good to get started. If you intend to run (emulate) it on Windows, I can recommend Regina Rexx.

Have a look at Open Object ReXX, which came out of IBM object ReXX. It's on SourceForge.
Documentation starts here -

If you're willing to invest some time and money, this book is good (so is Mike Cowlishaw's, but I think that one's out of print and so could perhaps be pricey or slow to get). If you can't invest the time and/or money, this tutorial is fast-paced and quick to get through, and gives you good links to other resources.

Logic at
Bible - from WROX
REXX Programmer's Reference - Howard Fosdick

Check out the many resources at the Rexx Language Association (, especially the links section.


Marklogic or MongoDB [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would to know which one choose MarkLogic vs MongoDB, I know its properties but in term of learning which one is more acceptable to choose? I have chosen MarkLogic but I think it's difficult to learn because it has a lot of documentation and it hasn't much comunity developers.
I have to choose one option for project our company and my boss is worried about MarkLogic's curve learning.
Help me which one choose.
Disclosure: I work for MarkLogic.
You mention your concern about learning how to work with MarkLogic. We have a MarkLogic University team that has excellent training resources. Take a look at their Developer Track courses. These courses are free and are available with in-person, via-Internet, or self-paced formats. Once you've learned the basics, you can follow that up with tutorials, the technical blog, On Demand videos, guides, and maybe a local Meetup, based on your needs. Our community may not be as big, but those who work with MarkLogic tend to be very helpful. You can post specific technical questions here on Stack Overflow.
The bigger question is what do you need from your database? For that, I'll join #Tamas in referring to his article comparing the two.

Where to find a complete "hello world" example/tutorial for XBMC addon development? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to start studying xmbc plugin development.
I read official documents, but I'm asking you if there are some resource taking a really step-by-step into an hello-world example.
I google for very long time yesterday and today but I'm not able to have a full picture of the development process.
I'm looking for detailed information about:
directory structure
creating the simplest GUI for an hello world (no alert, a Window)
code with explanations
creating a zip
installing via repository
The best resources I can point to is:
It provides a lot of information which should be good for your first steps.
And of course the forum is a goog place to gather information:
I'm from the Kodi/XBMC team and have just updated the Hello World tutorial on our wiki:
Its a work in progress but hopefully should be a good starting point for anyone writing an add-on.
We have other tutorials as well on our main developers page:

Zend Framework for Absolute Beginners? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you recommend any book or other resources for learning Zend Framework for absolute beginngers with moderate PHP skills.
For me, the three definitive ZF Getting Started tutorials are:
Quick Start from Zend
Album tutorial from Rob Allen
Surviving the Deep End from Padraic Brady
Two additional applications which I have found helpful, though a little more advanced, are:
Dasprid's blog (src), from Ben Scholzen
PHPPlaneta, from Robert Basic
Learned a lot from all of them.
And, of course:
In the end, Rob Allen's answer says it all.
Survive The Deep End is a good resource to start with a concrete project.
I just started 4 days ago to use Zend Framework together with Doctrine ORM.
To be honest it's very complicated to get started with it. I used the zend documentation, for example the quick start guide.
There is an irc channel on freenode
In addition I googled a lot, there are some good answers here on stack overflow.
Sometimes it is good to search for "[what you wanna do] tutorial" this way you get quicker solutions, because the manual often does not give you the general overview, it just explains one or some components.
You can reffere below link for detail study of how zend frameworks basics work.

Where can I find some open source implementations of the Boids algorithm, for the iOs? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question says it all: I'm looking for working, open source, implementations of algorithms (or derivatives there of) initially described in the Boids paper.
It looks like most of the code out there was written before "Open Source" really meant anything. I asked Mr Google:
Craig Reynolds's Boids page has a bunch of links for various languages and some mostly-original Lisp. Embedding a Lisp interpreter should not be that hard.
Christopher Kline, C++, Not-For-Profit. Licence terms for commercial apps negotiable with the author.
Tom Bak, Thong Chau, Visual C++/OpenGL/GLUT, no licence. You could try contacting them.
Robert Platt, VC++/D3D, no licence. You could try contacting him too.
You're unlikely to find anything specifically "for the iOS" (or even written in Objective-C), but C and C++ versions should be easy to port. .NET versions should be easy enough to run using MonoTouch.
This might help: Chapter from Killer game programming in Java about Flocking Boids

Are there any competitors to Atlassians Fisheye? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for alternatives to view my source code repository and run metrics on it.
Have you looked at Review Board? It's an open source tool that is used on google code and is picking up some steam in general. I ended up not using it for my particular project because it didn't provide a user-friendly way to do post-commit reviews. I imagine the web interface has improved dramatically since I evaluated it last year.
If Review Board doesn't match your requirements, consider posting more detail on what your looking for so we can have a better chance of pointing you in the right direction
You should checkout ZebraPlan.
From my experience, ZebraPlan is a much better and easier alternative to Atlassian Fisheye and Crucible. ZebraPlan has a built-in code review feature that allows you to easily connect to your source code repository. Keep in mind that you can’t validate code with Fisheye, but you can with ZebraPlan. You will definitely save time and money using ZebraPlan. Fisheye charges $800/month for 10 users and unlimited repos and ZebraPlan charges $43/month for 10 users and unlimited repos.
Here’s a short video that showcases ZebraPlan’s “Code Review” feature:
I hope this helps!