ipad logo while submitting app - iphone

Hi I have to submit my first iPhone app. I have tested it on iPod touch and iPhone. While submitting, is it necessary to add the iPad logo. if yes how to do it. my application is a small utility application...and I have not programmed it keeping iPad GUI guidelines in mind for example it doesn't have the landscape layout.
how is it normally...if I submit an app is it automatically considered for iPad as well.

Your info.plist specifies which devices you support. Apps build with SDK level prior to 3.2 can't support iPad. You only need the iPad icon if your app supports iPad, so you will be ok.
HIG strongly recommends landscape support for iPad, but it isn't required; it isn't essential for iPhone apps, either.

iPad app icon is 72 x 72 pixels, png format (that's your application icon)
the AppStore icon is 512 x 512 pixels (that's required when submitting via itunesconnect.apple.com)
landscape support is optional.

You should not include any Apple trademarked images including the iPhone and iPad logos. Also, your app could be rejected if it doesn't support the landscape orientation unless you have a good reason not to.


Iphone only app cuts of the bottom of the screen when viewed in Ipad mode (2x)

my app is very basic and looks great on the iphone but in compatability mode 2x on the ipad it does not show the same screen as on the iphone. it was built as an iphone only app and has no major graphs. this is what Apple told me. 2.10: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
I've had the same behavior on a physical iPad 2 for an existing working iPhone-only app.
In fact, after adding for each Retina images (suffixed by #2x) a corresponding non-Retina version in the project, my app launched successfully on the iPad, without any modifications...
I'm not sure it will work for you, but might worth to try ?

Iphone resolution on an Ipad

We have an app that has been rejected in the review process by the Apple app review people. The cause for the rejection is that the app is not scaling properly when run on an Ipad.
The app was never meant to be run on an Ipad, but there seems to be no point in arguing with them about that.
Apple sent us a couple of screenshots that show our app being run on an Ipad with the top portion of the view cut off. Notice how the app is run in some mode where it looks like an Iphone app and does not fill out the entire display area. When we bring up the app on an Ipad, it fills out the screen and does so without any edges cut off.
Can anyone please tell me how to run the app on an Ipad the way the Apple guys have - Iphone-sized? We believe we have a fix for the issue but we need to reproduce the error and then be able to verify that the fix solves the issue.
(the logotypes in the images are intentionally blurred)
I just went through this myself and here is how I resolved it:
Go into info.plist and see if any of the supported interface orientations are set for iPad. Despite selecting iPhone only, I had iPad supported orientations for four (portrait, portrait upside down, landscape left, landscape right). I deleted those.
I also deleted any reference to the launch screen in the info.plist. My app is pretty simple and there's no preloading of data so I don't really need a launch screen. If you do, you could go old school and make your first VC the launch screen.
I then made these changes in Target-->General-->App Icons and Launch Images
That was the only way I could get it in the sim to run the app at iPhone resolution while running an iPad (iPad2, iPad Air).
If Apple is going to force developers to ensure an app runs on an iPad even if it is made just for iPhone, they should eliminate the iPhone Only and Universal options and just have iPad Only as an option.
To run an iPhone app on an iPad, you just need to:
Acquire an iPad (you can also use the simulator)
Set the target device family in Xcode (it's under your target) to iPhone
Connect your iPad, perform any necessary certificate dances
Run the app on the iPad.
As long as the target device family is set to iPhone, the iPad will show your app in this mode.
Apple is likely running your app on a simulator, not on a real device. Notice the "2X" on the top right. In XCode - you should run the app on iPad Retina Simulator. On the bottom right you will see a button that you can toggle from 1X to 2X.
If you place the simulator in "2X" mode, you will see what Apple is seeing.
What OS are you running on your iPad? Things have changed in iOS 8 - and that's likely why you're not seeing what Apple is seeing. My guess is that your are running an app that was initially developed for iOS 7 or earlier - which means that you need to upgrade from scaled resolution to native resolutions to resolve this issue. Here is how you do it:
How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

Testing iPhone-only app on iPad without zooming?

My case is:
I am building an iPhone-only app.
My test devices are iPhone 4s and iPad 4.
I would like to support iPhone 5/5c/5s screen sizes, but I don't have the actual devices.
Can I use the iPad to test the UI for iPhone 5/5c/5s screen size, but without the automatic zoom of the app - simply taking only the 640×1136?
No, the iPad has not setting to allow this, neither did Apple release any API to do this.

Running Iphone App on Ipad

how do you make the Iphone app run as 2X on Ipad automatically?
Building the app as both Iphone and Ipad would require you to build the Ipad from scratch right?
I prefer the 2x mode on IPad, but the build says its only geared toward Iphone. I like the user to use this app for both Iphone and Ipad, and 2x inside IPAD.
Any app built for the iPhone will run on iPad either at default size or zoomed in to 2X size, but you can't control what the user selects.
It is possible to create a universal application where you design an interface for both the iPhone and the iPad within the same app. The alternative is creating an entirely separate app for the iPad.
Whether to run an iPhone app in 1x or 2x mode on an iPad is entirely up to the user. It's not something you can control. If you want it to be fullscreen always on an iPad, you'll need to make your app handle iPads.

iPhone SDK: How to make 3hg app iPad Compatible?

From Apple Review Guidelines
iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
I tried running my app on the iPad simulator. I thought it would be centered in the iPad screen but it was instead in the upper left hand corner. The size that of an iPhone app. Is that typical.
My questions:
a.) Why would the main view be located in the upper left hand corner?
b.) Is there anything special I need to do to an iPhone app to make it pass the above rule. At this time, we are not ready to release an iPad version.
That is strange indeed. Did you try testing it on an iPad device?