How do I get the PID of the process I start with Perl's system()? - perl

I'm writing a Perl script that runs 4 simultaneous, identical processes with different input parameters (see background here - the rest of my question will make much more sense after reading that).
I am making a system() call to a program that generates data (XFOIL, again see above link). My single-core version of this program looks like this:
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub{die "TIMEOUT"};
alarm 250;
system("xfoil <command_list >xfoil_output");
alarm 0;
if ($#){
# read the output log and run timeout stuff...
system('killall xfoil') # Kill the hung XFOIL. now it's a zombie.
Essentially, XFOIL should take only about 100 seconds to run - so after 250 seconds the program is hanging (presumably waiting for user input that it's never going to get).
The problem now is, if I do a killall in the multi-core version of my program, I'm going to kill 3 other instances of XFOIL, and those processes are generating data. So I need to kill only the hung instance, and this requires getting a PID.
I don't know very much about forks and such. From what I can tell so far, I would run an exec('xfoil') inside the child process that I fork. But the PID of the exec() will be different than the PID of the child process (or is it? It's a separate process so I'd assume it is, but again I've no experience with this..), so this still doesn't help when I want to forcefully kill the process since I won't have the PID anyway. How do I go about doing this?
Thanks a ton for your help!

If you want the PID, fork the process yourself instead of using system. The system command is mostly designed as a "fire and forget" tool. If you want to interact with the process, use something else. See, for instance, the perlipc documentation.
I think you've already looked at Parallel::ForkManager based on answers to your question How can I make my Perl script use multiple cores for child processes?


Can I control process priorities through perl

I am wondering if it is possible to control the priorities through perl.
Basically I want my perl script to keep running in my box if some process take up the cpu. This perl script either reduce the priority or if process is too much CPU taking, perl script can kill that too.
I hate to be operating System specific, But I am trying to design this for Windows system.
You can use getpriority and setpriority to handle priorities in Perl.
From POSIX::nice():
This is similar to the C function nice() , for changing the scheduling preference of the current process. Positive arguments mean more polite process, negative values more needy process. Normal user processes can only be more polite. Returns undef on failure.

Perl, waiting for non-child process to exit

I have a script which is used to redeploy a couple programs in a custom server environment, (ie: not an established standard container which has code hotswapping). To do this, it takes down the server processes, but these take some time to fully close all their connections. These aren't child processes of the perlscript. They run for hundreds of days at a time normally, so I'd rather not have to wrap the server processes in perlscripts just so I can fork them to shut them down elegantly months or years later.
So currently to wait on them to die during redeployment, I'm parsing the output of ps -ef, grabbing the pid field, killing that pid, waiting 60 seconds, (which seems a reasonable time with these processes), rechecking the ps -ef to make sure they're dead, etc. Go on with copies, chmods, etc.
This solution feels lame/clunky to me. I've google'd all over and have not seen anything on this particular topic; there's a pile of material about waiting on forked children, and waitpid would be perfect if only it operated in this way.
From reading How to wait for exit of non-children processes (which is c specific)I'm guessing there's really not much else I can do, apart from reading /proc/pid instead, but I thought maybe there'd be a perl-specific solution out there somewhere. Any ideas?
You can use kill 0, $pid (returns 1 on success and 0 on failure) instead of rechecking ps -ef, but that has the possible gotcha that the pid may have been reused.
If you already have ps-parsing code, it's probably not worth it to switch, but there's Proc::ProcessTable.
Other than that, no ideas.
In Unix \ Linux only the parent process gets a signal when a process exits parent process - This is an OS feature, and not language specific.
Other solutions will be equivalent to yours - checking the process table for the existence of the process (although the specific method may vary - like using ps or directly querying the kernel)

How can I run my program code after fixed intervals?

I have this Perl script for monitoring a folder in Linux.
To continuously check for any updates to the directory, I have a while loop that sleeps for 5 minutes in-between successive loops :
while(1) {
sleep 300;
Nobody on my other question suggested using cron for scheduling instead of a for loop.
This while construct, without any break looks ugly to me as compared to submitting a cronjob using crontab :
0 */5 * * * ./myscript > /dev/null 2>&1
Is cron the right choice? Are there any advantages of using the while loop construct?
Are there any better ways of doing this except the loop and cron?
Also, I'm using a 2.6.9 kernel build.
The only reasons I have ever used the while solution is if either I needed my code to be run more than once a minute or if it needed to respond immediately to an external event, neither of which appear to be the case here.
My thinking is usually along the lines of: cron has been tested by millions and millions of people over decades so it's at least as reliable as the code I've just strung together.
Even in situations where I've used while, I've still had a cron job to restart my script in case of failure.
My advice would be to simply use cron. That's what it's designed for. And, as an aside, I rarely redirect the output to /dev/null, that makes it too hard to debug. Usually I simply redirect to a file in the /tmp file system so that I can see what's going on.
You can append as long as you have an automated clean-up procedure and you can even write to a more private location if you're worried about anyone seeing stuff in the output.
The bottom line, though, is that a rare failure can't be analysed if you're throwing away the output. If you consider your job to be bug-free then, by all means, throw the output away but I rarely consider my scripts bug-free, just in case.
Why don't you make the build process that puts the build into the directory do the notification? (See SO 3691739 for where that comes from!)
Having cron run the program is perfectly acceptable - and simpler than a permanent loop with a sleep, though not by much.
Against a cron solution, since the process is a simple one-shot, you can't tell what has changed since the last time it was run - there is no state. (Or, more accurately, if you provide state - via a file, probably - you are making life much more complex than running a single script that keeps its state internally.)
Also, stopping the notification service is less obvious. If there's a single process hanging around, you kill it and the notifications stop. If the notifications are run by cron, then you have to know that they're run out of a crontab, know whose crontab it is, and edit that entry in order to stop it.
You should also consider persuading your company to upgrade to a version of Linux where the inotify mechanism is available.
If you go for the loop instead of cron and want your job run at regular intervals, sleep(300) tends to drift. (consider the execution time of the rest of your script)
I suggest using a construct like this:
use constant DELAY => 300;
my $next=time();
while (1){
sleep ($next-time());
Yet another alternative is the 'anacron' utility.
if you don't want to use cron.
this can be used to babysit processes.
or you can use watch whichever is easier.

How can I debug a Perl program that suddenly exits?

I have Perl program based on IO::Async, and it sometimes just exits after a few hours/days without printing any error message whatsoever. There's nothing in dmesg or /var/log either. STDOUT/STDERR are both autoflush(1) so data shouldn't be lost in buffers. It doesn't actually exit from IO::Async::Loop->loop_forever - print I put there just to make sure of that never gets triggered.
Now one way would be to keep peppering the program with more and more prints and hope one of them gives me some clue. Is there better way to get information what was going on in a program that made it exit/silently crash?
One trick I've used is to run the program under strace or ltrace (or attach to the process using strace). Naturally that was under Linux. Under other operating systems you'd use ktrace or dtrace or whatever is appropriate.
A trick I've used for programs which only exhibit sparse issues over days or week and then only over handfuls among hundreds of systems is to direct the output from my tracer to a FIFO, and have a custom program keep only 10K lines in a ring buffer (and with a handler on SIGPIPE and SIGHUP to dump the current buffer contents into a file. (It's a simple program, but I don't have a copy handy and I'm not going to re-write it tonight; my copy was written for internal use and is owned by a former employer).
The ring buffer allows the program to run indefinitely with fear of running systems out of disk space ... we usually only need a few hundred, even a couple thousand lines of the trace in such matters.
If you are capturing STDERR, you could start the program as perl -MCarp::Always foo_prog. Carp::Always forces a stack trace on all errors.
A sudden exit without any error message is possibly a SIGPIPE. Traditionally SIGPIPE is used to stop things like the cat command in the following pipeline:
cat file | head -10
It doesn't usually result in anything being printed either by libc or perl to indicate what happened.
Since in an IO::Async-based program you'd not want to silently exit on SIGPIPE, my suggestion would be to put somewhere in the main file of the program a line something like
$SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "Aborting on SIGPIPE\n" };
which will at least alert you to this fact. If instead you use Carp::croak without the \n you might even be lucky enough to get the file/line number of the syswrite, etc... that caused the SIGPIPE.

How do I manage multiple subprocesses in Perl?

I have a Perl program that needs to run about half a dozen programs at the same time in the background and wait for them all to finish before continuing. It is also very important that the exit status of each can be captured.
Is there a common idiom for doing this in Perl? I'm currently thinking of using threads.
Don't use threads. Threads suck. The proper way is to fork multiple processes and wait for them to finish. If you use wait or waitpid, the exit status of the process in question will be available in $?.
See the perldocs for fork, wait, and waitpid, and also the examples in this SO thread.
If all you need is to just manage a pool of subprocesses that doesn't exceed a certain size, check out the excellent Parallel::ForkManager.
Normally you would fork + exec (on unix based systems, this is traditional)
The fork call will duplicate the current process, and if you needed to you could then call exec in one of the children to do something different. It sounds like you just want to fork and call a different method/function in your child process.
If you want something more complex, check cpan for POE - that lets you manage all sorts of complex scenarios.
Useful links:
"spawning multiple child processes" on PerlMonks
Google "perl cookbook forking server" too - only allowed to post one link unless I log in.