Can I control process priorities through perl - perl

I am wondering if it is possible to control the priorities through perl.
Basically I want my perl script to keep running in my box if some process take up the cpu. This perl script either reduce the priority or if process is too much CPU taking, perl script can kill that too.
I hate to be operating System specific, But I am trying to design this for Windows system.

You can use getpriority and setpriority to handle priorities in Perl.

From POSIX::nice():
This is similar to the C function nice() , for changing the scheduling preference of the current process. Positive arguments mean more polite process, negative values more needy process. Normal user processes can only be more polite. Returns undef on failure.


Executing system commands safely while coding in Perl

Should one really use external commands while coding in Perl? I see several disadvantages of it. It's not system independent plus security risks might also be there. What do you think? If there is no way and you have to use the shell commands from Perl then what is the safest way to execute that particular command (like checking pid, uid etc)?
It depends on how hard it is going to be to replicate the functionality in Perl. If I needed to run the m4 macro processor on something, I'd not think of trying to replicate that functionality in Perl myself, and since there's no module on that looks suitable, it would appear others agree with me. In that case, then, using the external program is sensible. On the other hand, if I needed to read the contents of a directory, then the combination of readdir() et al plus stat() or lstat() inside Perl is more sensible than futzing with the output of ls.
If you need to execute commands, think very carefully about how you invoke them. In particular, you probably want to avoid the shell interpreting the arguments, so use the array form of system (see also exec), etc, rather than a single string for the command plus arguments (which means the shell is used to process the command line).
Executing external commands can be expensive simply because it involves forking new process and watching for its output if you need it.
Probably more importantly, should external process fail for any reason, it may be difficult to understand what happened by means of your script. Worse still, surprisingly often external process can be stuck forever, so will be your script. You can use special tricks like opening pipe and watching for output in loop, but this itself is error-prone.
Perl is very capable of doing many things. So, if you stick to using only Perl native constructs and modules to accomplish your tasks, not only it will be faster because you never fork, but it will be more reliable and easier to catch errors by looking at native Perl objects and structures returned by library routines. And of course, it will be automatically portable to different platforms.
If your script runs under elevated permissions (like root or under sudo), you should be very careful as to what external programs you execute. One of the simple ways to ensure basic security is to always specify commands by full name, like /usr/bin/grep (but still think twice and just do grep by Perl itself!). However, even this may not be enough if attacker is using LD_PRELOAD mechanism to inject rogue shared libraries.
If you are willing to go very secure, it is suggested to use tainted check by using -T flag like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
Taint flag will be also enabled by Perl automatically if your script was determined to have different real and effective user or group ids.
Tainted mode will severely limit your ability to do many things (like system() call) without Perl complaining - see more at, but it will give you much higher security confidence.
Should one really use external commands while coding in Perl?
There's no single answer to this question. It all depends on what you are doing within the wide range of potential uses of Perl.
Are you using Perl as a glorified shell script on your local machine, or just trying to find a quick-and-dirty solution to your problem? In that case, it makes a lot of sense to run system commands if that is the easiest way to accomplish your task. Security and speed are not that important; what matters is the ability to code quickly.
On the other hand, are you writing a production program? In that case, you want secure, portable, efficient code. It is often preferable to write the functionality in Perl (or use a module), rather than calling an external program. At least, you should think hard about the benefits and drawbacks.

how DOS executed multiple processes simultaneously?

DOS is always given as an example of single tasking operating system. However when a command is issued through command-line, control switches from the shell to the command and then switches back to shell when the command completes.Thus there are two processes executing simultaneously. Is there something wrong in my understanding ?
No, they weren't executing simultaneously.
COMMAND.COM had a resident portion that was in memory all the time and a transient portion that could be tossed out at will.
When you ran a program, it typically got loaded in place of the transient portion and then run. When the program exited, it did so by calling code in the resident portion which would then reload the transient portion if necessary and continue.
The fact that some of the code remained resident in no way means that it was "running". In a similar way, vast tracts of MS-DOS (the kernel) stayed continuously in memory yet they weren't "running", unless called explicitly by a non-kernel program.
Now there were things can could be said to run concurrently, DOS had plenty of TSR (terminate and stay resident) programs that would run, hook into an interrupt or DOS in some way, then exit but leaving some memory allocated (where its code was).
Then, in response to certain events, that code would be run. Perhaps one of the famous ones was Borland Sidekick which was a personal information manager that would pop up instantly with a keypress.
While the other process is running, the command line processor is not running: it is suspended. The only "multitasking" facility that was available in DOS was "Terminate and Stay Resident".
It doesnt matter whether you are running DOS or Windows or Linux or BSD or whatever on that processor it is all the same. At that period of time you for purposes of this discussion had a single execution unit, a single core executing the instructions, mostly in order. Makes no difference if those instructions wear the name DOS or Linux or windows. Just instructions.
Just like now as then when a windows program decides to terminate it tries to do it nicely with some flavor of exit call. When a linux program terminates it tries to do so nicely with some flavor of exit call to the system. And when a dos program terminates it tries to do so nicely with some flavor of exit call to the system. In a shell, command prompt, etc linux, windows, dos, that shell, which is a program itself, loads and branches to the program you have loaded and your program runs for a while and as mentioned tries to return to the prior program nicely with some flavor of exit. Just like when the shell you were running wants to return when it is done running it tries to do so nicely.
As with linux or windows, easier to see back then, you dont run anything "at the same time" or "in parallel" one instruction stream at a time. (today we have multiple execution units and/or cores that are designed to each be doing something in parallel with something managing them, so today you can actually say "in parallel") You want to switch "tasks" or "threads" or "processes" you needed an interrupt, that switched to you different code, an interrupt handler, and that handler could return to the same program that was interrupted or switch to another. You can put whatever name on it you want it is how you make things look like they are running at the same time. dos, linux, windows, etc, this is typically how you switch from one "program" or bit of code to another. linux and windows have their kernels and operating system behind them that was called during the interrupts, and dos had that as well (dos HAS that, dos is still alive you touch a dos machine every few days most likely (gas pump, atm machine, etc), dos is also still used in the development and testing of x86 motherboards/computers, nothing can compete with it as an embedded x86 platform, nothing has the freedom that dos has to do what you want, this is why bios upgrades are still distributed as a dos program). The interrupt handlers would give time slices to the various bios handlers and dos handlers. task/process/thread switching was not as designed or planned as an operating system like linux or windows, but it was there, for each version of dos there were rules you followed and you could switch tasks (tsrs are a popular term). Just talking to a floppy, hard disk, etc there was code involved in the whole process, it wasnt buried in the hardware, lots of things happened in parallel. no different than a hard disk controller driver in something more complicated like linux or windows. At least one, maybe some, non-microsoft dos clones could multitask.
The short answer, When you have a function bob() that calls a function ted().
int bob ( int something )
...some code
...more code
...some code
...more code
is bob() still running? Are they running in parallel? No, the bob() code is still there, somewhere, waiting for the ted() code to finish what it was doing and return. So long as ted() doesnt crash it will return and bob() can continue to execute. bob is suspended while ted executes. Not much different with a shell or command line in an more complicated operating system. There is some function somewhere that has loaded your program into memory and called it, it might be a fork or clone of a command line that you were running so that that command line can continue "in parallel" or the clone can continue in parallel. but the concept is the same.
The difference from a trivial C program like the one above is that the code above can be thought of being resolved at compile time where loading and running a program is definitely runtime, basically self modifying code, the program modifies memory then jumps to it. When it returns that code, cleans up, unwinds, and exits itself or waits for another command depending on the design. DOS was just very very simple, a bunch of system calls, combined with a bunch of BIOS calls, and a very simple command line that could load programs and do a small number of other commands. It didnt have any rules you couldnt get around (windows is a dos program), if the program you launched didnt want to return (you could at least at the time launch linux from dos through an intermediate dos program) well it kind of messes up your question of what happens when the program completes, well linux didnt return, it took over the system.

How do I manage multiple subprocesses in Perl?

I have a Perl program that needs to run about half a dozen programs at the same time in the background and wait for them all to finish before continuing. It is also very important that the exit status of each can be captured.
Is there a common idiom for doing this in Perl? I'm currently thinking of using threads.
Don't use threads. Threads suck. The proper way is to fork multiple processes and wait for them to finish. If you use wait or waitpid, the exit status of the process in question will be available in $?.
See the perldocs for fork, wait, and waitpid, and also the examples in this SO thread.
If all you need is to just manage a pool of subprocesses that doesn't exceed a certain size, check out the excellent Parallel::ForkManager.
Normally you would fork + exec (on unix based systems, this is traditional)
The fork call will duplicate the current process, and if you needed to you could then call exec in one of the children to do something different. It sounds like you just want to fork and call a different method/function in your child process.
If you want something more complex, check cpan for POE - that lets you manage all sorts of complex scenarios.
Useful links:
"spawning multiple child processes" on PerlMonks
Google "perl cookbook forking server" too - only allowed to post one link unless I log in.

How do I get the PID of the process I start with Perl's system()?

I'm writing a Perl script that runs 4 simultaneous, identical processes with different input parameters (see background here - the rest of my question will make much more sense after reading that).
I am making a system() call to a program that generates data (XFOIL, again see above link). My single-core version of this program looks like this:
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub{die "TIMEOUT"};
alarm 250;
system("xfoil <command_list >xfoil_output");
alarm 0;
if ($#){
# read the output log and run timeout stuff...
system('killall xfoil') # Kill the hung XFOIL. now it's a zombie.
Essentially, XFOIL should take only about 100 seconds to run - so after 250 seconds the program is hanging (presumably waiting for user input that it's never going to get).
The problem now is, if I do a killall in the multi-core version of my program, I'm going to kill 3 other instances of XFOIL, and those processes are generating data. So I need to kill only the hung instance, and this requires getting a PID.
I don't know very much about forks and such. From what I can tell so far, I would run an exec('xfoil') inside the child process that I fork. But the PID of the exec() will be different than the PID of the child process (or is it? It's a separate process so I'd assume it is, but again I've no experience with this..), so this still doesn't help when I want to forcefully kill the process since I won't have the PID anyway. How do I go about doing this?
Thanks a ton for your help!
If you want the PID, fork the process yourself instead of using system. The system command is mostly designed as a "fire and forget" tool. If you want to interact with the process, use something else. See, for instance, the perlipc documentation.
I think you've already looked at Parallel::ForkManager based on answers to your question How can I make my Perl script use multiple cores for child processes?

In Perl, how can I do a non-blocking system call?

In Perl, without using the Thread library, what is the simplest way to spawn off a system call so that it is non-blocking? Can you do this while avoiding fork() as well?
Clarification. I want to avoid an explicit and messy call to fork.
Do you mean like this?
system('my_command_which_will_not_block &');
As Chris Kloberdanz points out, this will call fork() implicitly -- there's really no other way for perl to do it; especially if you want the perl interpreter to continue running while the command executes.
The & character in the command is a shell meta-character -- perl sees this and passes the argument to system() to the shell (usually bash) for execution, rather than running it directly with an execv() call. & tells bash to fork again, run the command in the background, and exit immediately, returning control to perl while the command continues to execute.
The post above says "there's no other way for perl to do it", which is not true.
Since you mentioned file deletion, take a look at IO::AIO. This performs the system calls in another thread (POSIX thread, not Perl pseudothread); you schedule the request with aio_rmtree and when that's done, the module will call a function in your program. In the mean time, your program can do anything else it wants to.
Doing things in another POSIX thread is actually a generally useful technique. (A special hacked version of) Coro uses it to preempt coroutines (time slicing), and EV::Loop::Async uses it to deliver event notifications even when Perl is doing something other than waiting for events.