NSString self modifying category dilemma - iphone

Both work, but which one would you use and why?
#implementation NSString (Extender)
-(NSString *) stringByTrimmingPrefix:(NSString *)strPrefix
while ([self hasPrefix:strPrefix])
self = [self substringFromIndex:strPrefix.length];
return self;
#implementation NSString (Extender)
-(NSString *) stringByTrimmingPrefix:(NSString *)strPrefix
NSString *returnValue = [NSString stringWithString:self];
while ([returnValue hasPrefix:strPrefix])
returnValue = [returnValue substringFromIndex:strPrefix.length];
return returnValue;

Option #2.
NSString is intended to be an immutable object. All of the standard "stringBy" methods on NSString return new autoreleased NSStrings.
While #1 also ends up returning a new NSString, it is at best semantically incorrect and at worst altering the referenced object of what was supposed to be an immutable object.

Firstly, your Objective-C method definition is exactly equivalent to this C function:
NSString* stringByTrimmingPrefix(NSString* self, SEL _cmd, NSString* strPrefix)
As you can see, self is just another function parameter; you can re-assign it to anything you want and it won't affect the state of the original NSString* instance it was originally pointing to.
So there's nothing wrong with what you're doing in your first implementation, in that respect.
However, neither of your implementations are very efficient, and both have bugs (what happens if you pass a prefix with more than one character?)
I would use rangeOfString:options:range: to find your prefixes, so that you're only creating at most one extra NSString instance.
See Searching, Comparing, and Sorting Strings

so this just chops off a single letter from the front of a string (if that letter is there more than once, it will cut off as many as there are)?
Since NSString is immutable, I don't there is a difference either way, performance wise. In the first case you are replacing self with a new string object each time, and in the second case, you are replacing returnValue with a new string object each time. I guess since the first option saves a line of code i would use that one.


Does NSStringFromCGPoint return an autoreleased object?

Question #1
Will NSStringFromCGPoint() return an autorelease object or does the object needs to be released?
Question #2
When you have a property : #property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *someString;
And you set it like so: self.someString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Something"] autorelease];
Is this:
[someString release];
someString = nil;
equal to
self.someString = nil;
I haven't checked that one specifically, but by convention those sorts of functions return autoreleased objects. You might be able to test this yourself by setting up a minimal, non-ARC project and calling -retainCount on what you get out of the function, but I'm not sure. (And in general, retainCount isn't something you want to use.)
Yes. The synthesized setter looks something like:
- (void)setSomeString:(NSString *)string
if (string != someString) {
[someString release];
someString = [string retain];
So, whether you call it explicitly or using the dot notation, the old value gets released (and the underlying ivar gets set to nil or whatever you pass in).
Also, I'm not sure if you were just doing it for a random example, but you don't have to wrap a string literal in memory management code to pass it to the property accessor. (That is, self.someString = #"Something" is fine.)
Does the call include the term "new", "alloc", "copy", or "create"? If not, you're getting back an object that you do not own (you may assume it is either autoreleased or that the reference is owned elsewhere).

I have a Objective C function that takes any type of object by reference. But when i pass a NSMutableArray My function does not recognise It

I have a function That takes by reference any kind of object
in the implementation i use [*DataClass isMemberOfClass:[NSMutableArray class] to find out the type of the object. The problem is it does not work with NSMUtableArrays Does anybody have a solution to this problem ? Here is the relevant code:
if([*DataClass isMemberOfClass:[NSMutableArray class] ] == YES)
NSMutableArray * SW =(NSMutableArray *)*DataClass;
//do something with SW
DataClass= (id**)SW;
return TRUE;
Any help and I mean anything at all will be appreciated, I'm stuck.
Method Call:
NSMutableArray * channelArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]
Services * serv = [[Services alloc] init];
return [serv RemoteCall:&channelArray];
Pass by reference in Objective-C is almost never the right way.
There are a number of problems with that code.
(id**) is a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to an object. Probably not at all what you want.
YES and NO are BOOL return types; not TRUE
there is no reason in that code to be returning something by reference.
method names start with lower case letters. Arguments do, too.
There will never be an instance of NSMutableArray in an application; just subclasses
You can't tell the difference between a mutable and immutable array in the first place; check for isKindOfClass: or isMemberOfClass: for an NSMutableArray won't do you much good (it is useful, but misleading).
This is better:
-(BOOL)remoteCall: (id) dataThing
if([dataThing isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]] == YES)
NSMutableArray *swArray = dataThing; // not strictly necessary, but good defensive practice
//do something with swArray
return YES;
return NO;
To be called like:
NSMutableArray * channelArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; // you'll need to release this somewhere
Services * serv = [[Services alloc] init];
return [serv remoteCall:channelArray];
Since you don't return a different array in remoteCall:, channelArray's contents will be manipulated by the method and the YES/NO return value.
If there is some reason why the above seemingly won't work for you, please explain why.
Note: The code obviously requires an NSMutableArray if you are going to muck with the contents. The isKindOfClass: could be checking for NSMutableArray or NSArray and it wouldn't matter either way. When using arrays in your code and requiring a mutable array, it is up to you to make sure the data flow is correct such that you don't end up w/an immutable array where you need a mutable array.
If you don't need to reassign your variable, then don't use this. id or NSObject * is just fine and works by reference anyway. id * or NSObject ** would be references. id ** doesn't make sense at all here.
Also, learn naming conventions (like upper/lowercase).
NSArray is a class cluster. That means that every NSArray instance is actually an instance of some subclass. Only isKindOfClass: is useful for class-membership testing with class clusters.
Also... thats horrible code - please accept this:
-(BOOL)remoteCall:(id)dataClass {
if([dataClass isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) {
NSMutableArray *sw =(NSMutableArray *)dataClass;
return YES;
that should work.
Constructive critisism of coding: You need to adhere to coding conventions. Although your code will work... its not brilliant to read and theres a lot of unnecessary *s and such.
Function names should be camel coded with a preceeding lower-case letter as should variable names. Passing (id) into a function doesn't require *s at all. Objects you pass into a function only available throughout the scope of the method anyway and that method doesn't own it, I'm not sure what you're trying to do with all the extra *s, but just treat objects you pass into the method as if you don't own them. :)
As Eiko said before, i'd use just id and not double pointers to ID.
I'm also pretty sure that isMemberOfClass is your Problem. isMember does not check for inheritance, so you're only asking for Top level Classes. isKindOfClass is probably the better choice, as there is no guarantee that Apple doesn't use an internal subclass of NSMutableArray internally. Check the Apple Docs.
i'd write it as such:
if([dataClass isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class] ] == YES)
NSMutableArray * SW =(NSMutableArray *)dataClass;
//do something with SW
return TRUE;

iphone NSString Array

I declared
NSString *dayinfield[43];
and fill it in
-(void)DrawDemo {
dayinfield[2] = #"hallo";
dayinfield[3] = #"test";
// also i can read it
NSLog (#"show: %#",dayinfield[2]);
//works fine
but when i like to read its content in another function (same class)
NSLog (#"show: %#",dayinfield[2]);
// I get random infos or “EXC_BAD_ACCESS
How do I initialize the NSString Array correct so I can reach its content in each of my functions??
If you only assign literals to the array elements, this should not be a problem. But if you use other strings, you have to retain the instances manually when using a C array.
By the way: Objective-C methods start with a lowercase letter.
This would happen if you never initialized the array (or the parts of it you are accessing) - if you haven't called -DrawDemo before -ReadData or used different indices than the ones posted here, the array would simply contain garbage values.
Try to initialize the array contents to nil or #"" in your initializer method and see if the problem persists.
Alternatively consider using a suitable Cocoa container.
It's memory is probably being released before your second call. Assuming you have declared dayinfield as an ivar (and the fact that you don't get bad access all the time) your string aren't properly retained.
Initialise the strings like this:
dayinfield[2] = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"hallo"];
dayinfield[3] = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"test"];
and you should release them after you're class is being deallocated (See Memory Management Guide).
Also, obviously it depends on what you want to do, but it might be easier if you use NSArray instead of C arrays.
What you have in the OP should work although it is an exercise in sheer masochism to use old school C arrays with objects.
I ran this code:
#interface TestClass : NSObject {
NSString *a[1];
- (void) drawDemo;
- (void) readData;
#implementation TestClass
- (void) drawDemo{
a[0]=#"A Zero";
a[1]=#"A One";
}//------------------------------------- (void) drawDemo------------------------------------
- (void) readData{
}//------------------------------------- (void) readData------------------------------------
TestClass *tc=[[TestClass alloc] init];
[tc drawDemo];
[tc readData];
... and got this output:
a[0]=A Zero,a[1]=A One
Your problem is elsewhere in your code. There is no compelling reason to use C arrays with objects. You gain nothing and you have to watch them like a hawk to prevent errors.

How To Pass a Dictionary To a Function

Alright, so I think I'm doing this the right way. I'm new to objective-C, so I'm not sure about the syntax... I have a set of code that I need to call multiple times, from different files. So I made a new class that has a method in it that I'll call and pass it the values that it needs.
Because I am passing different values I've put them in a dictionary and decided to just pass the dictionary. Here is that code:
NSNumber *testNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:varMoney];
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dictionary setObject:#"OMG, Object 1!!!!" forKey:#"1"];
[dictionary setObject:#"Number two!" forKey:#"2"];
[dictionary setObject:testNum forKey:#"3"];
This code creates a test variable, and then puts it into the dictionary "dictionary." That all works, I have my nice little dictionary. However, now I need to create the class and it's method that will recieve the dictionary, and do something with it.
This is my class header file:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface EndOfTurnObjC : UIView {
And this is the implementation file:
#import "EndOfTurnObjC.h"
#implementation EndOfTurnObjC
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
// Initialization code
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
I haven't created any of the real code, because I'm not sure how to do the passing. I need to create a function (Method?) in the class that will take a Dictionary has a parameter, and then return the dictionary.
I also have no idea how to call such a function because it's in the class. So, the questions are:
1: How do I define the method in the class to accept the dictionary as a parameter (and then perhaps some example code to pull out one of the objects in a dictionary, so I can be sure it works)
2: How do I return the dictionary at the end of the method?
3: How do I call this method, in the class, from another class? (I know it involves making an object of thing class and calling the method of the object... I think, but I'm not sure about the syntax.)
Please include relavent code for the 3 files (header, implementation, and the other class that I call from). Thank you so much, I've been working on this particular problem for a while now.
Apple's The Objective-C Programming Language is a good and pretty concise reference for Objective-C syntax. What you want is just a normal method that takes an NSDictionary as a parameter. So as given in that document:
A message with a single argument affixes a colon (:) to the selector name and puts the argument right after the colon. This construct is called a keyword; a keyword ends with a colon, and an argument follows the colon, as shown in this example:
[myRectangle setWidth:20.0];
So a method call to pass dictionary would look like:
[someObject setAttributes:dictionary];
In the header:
-(NSMutableDictionary *) doSomethingWithDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *) aDict;
in the implementation:
-(NSMutableDictionary *) doSomethingWithDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *) aDict{
//do something with the dictionary
return aDict;
To call the method:
NSMutableDictionary *returnDict=[EndOfTurnObjC doSomethingWithDictionary:dictionary];
Note that as a matter of good design you wouldn't want to pass a mutable dictionary around like a token. That is asking for trouble. Instead pass static dictionaries and get another dictionary back.
You also shouldn't be passing data to a UIView. Instead, your UIViewController should process the data and then populate the view's UI elements as needed.
if you just want to do stuff to your dictionary u just
-(void) changeMyDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary * ) dictionary_
[dictionary_ doStuff];
no need to return the dictionary.

Can't include "self" in Objective-C description method?

I have a very straight forward class with mostly NSString type properties. In it, I wrote a trivial implementation of the description method. I found that whenever I try to include "self" in the description, it crashes my iPhone app. An example is something such as the following:
- (NSString *)description
NSString *result;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"me: %#\nsomeVar: %#", self, self.someVar];
return result;
As soon as I remove the first parameter to the format string, self, it works as expected.
Use %p for self, then it will display the address of self. If you use %#, then it will call description on self, which will set up an infinite recursion.
You can use [super description] instead of self to avoid the infinite recursion, like so:
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#: %#", [super description], [self someVar]];
You do realise that sets up an infinite recursion.
Your description implementation is implicitly calling itself when you pass in self, which then calls itself, and so on.
Your crash is mostly likely due to stack space running out... a "stackoverflow" if you will. Fitting considering the site :-)