How to access Hudson CI from a mobile device like the iPhone or iPad? - iphone

I really like Hudson CI and I do think it is the most useful and effective piece of software ever made for the Agile Application Lifecycle :-)
Anyway if the CI become unstable, the development is going to be really compromised, so keeping an eye on it is CRUCIAL !
Does anybody know about an effective solution for always monitoring it while you are "on the road" ? (maybe using your iPhone or iPod)

Have you seen:
It provides a lot of views and features.

Hudson has an iPhone view plugin to format the Hudson web pages in a much more friendly format.
As well as email as suggested by #harschware, you could also use the Hudson Jabber plugin to send instant messages to your mobile device.

If you just want to check status configure it to email you when there is build failures. As for being able to view the dashboard via a browser, iPhone/iPad have web browsers.


IPhone Automation

Are there any libraries/tools to automate iphone interactions. My research has turned up UIAutomation but this seems to be limited to apps in a local testing environment.
I would like to automate interactions on apps that have been published and downloaded to my iphone. I am familiar with automating and testing in the web space but I am new to Iphone development. I would even appreciate strategies without libraries.
No, there's no way to automate interactions with other applications. For the most part, iOS apps can't interact with each other at all.
Update: Apple’s Shortcuts app provides a degree of scriptability, as does the popular IFTTT (If This Then That). But it’s still not automation at a fine level… you’re not controlling the app’s UI, just sending it messages to perform canned actions. So likely still not what you’re looking for.

How can I target push notifications to both iPhone and Android?

I am developing apps for both Android and iPhone, and am looking for how I can push notifications to both (if you only have an answer for one, that's ok, I'm sure someone has an answer for the other).
For example, if I'm having a special on something and want to notify people so it sort of dings and a message pops up (I have a Groupon app that does that) how can I accomplish this? And do I have to reprogram each time, or can I do it through an RSS or something else?
For Android 2.2+ use C2DM. Apple also has a proprietary push notification service. In both cases you need to register with the company to use the system. Also in both cases you will need a web server able to communicate to Google and Apple.
If you don't want to have to support an entire server framework for communicating with both iOS and Android devices, take a look at UrbanAirship. It's a dirt-cheap service that allows you to push both plain- and rich- text messages to iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.
Gravy: It also has mechanisms for In-App Purchasing, and statistics tracking.
Maybe PushOver can be a solution but there is probably other web services like that !

Will a Safari-based app for iPhone be accepted to the iTunes store?

I'm about to begin development of an iPhone app. The app itself is fairly basic, and I want a speedy turnaround time.
I'm a web developer myself, specialising in traditional web technologies such as PHP/MySQL; I have no experience in Objective-C.
My plan was to create a very basic iPhone app that is just a Safari service that passes some basic variables to a URL. That URL is the app built in PHP and housed on my servers, this way I can create the app very quickly without needing to outsource anything.
My question is whether apps of this nature would be accepted into the iTunes store, or would they be out-right rejected? Anyone's experiences or comments are very welcome.
It could go either way, but mind bullet 12.3 from the App Store Review Guidelines:
12.3 Apps that are simply web clippings, content aggregators, or a collection of links, may be rejected
In my opinion, a simple UIWebView wrapper around your web site comes close to the definition of a simple web clipping. Your approval may very well hinge on your luck in drawing a sympathetic reviewer.
It really depends upon your application...These kinds of application have been approved in the past but again I am saying that it depends on many factors.
Try to test your app in every possible manner and also keep in mind the memory issues.
Best of luck!!!
Should be fine - its called a web app and there is software out there that will do just this for you.
All you need to do is to make a UIWebView and put your web app into it.
Also look at That gives you some idea of what you can do web-side. :)
Native Hybrid Apps
Native apps can interface more deeply
with the mobile handset modules and
sensors to create an even richer
mobile user experience. Netbiscuits
provides pre-build native apps
frameworks for all major mobile
operating systems to be easily
customized for the needs of
Get "2in1" by combining the power of
mobile websites and native apps by
wrapping mobile websites into hybrid
apps and list them easily in all major
app stores of providers like Apple,
Nokia, Google or Samsung to open a new
mobile distribution channel. The
benefits of this approach are fast
time to market, minimized development
and maintenance efforts and maximum
mobile cross-platform technology
Yes, it will be accepted as long as you stick with HTML, CSS, JS and Obj-C on the client side. You still need to wrap it in an iPhone app. In my experience, the best way to this is to use or a similar framework.
You'll have the option of deploying you app through iTunes or as a regular web app (you users will be able to create a link to your web app right on their springboards)
It SHOULD be accepted, granted you test test test and make it look just like a native application. Also you'll have to make sure that your server is never down, or if the application can't reach it just display an error message. You also have to keep in mind that there are a lot of iPod Touch users, and they don't have access to the internet all the time. Which means that chances are you'll get a BUNCH of 1 star reviews

iPhone + Android App to view Blog

What would be the best way to write an app for the iPhone OS and the Android OS that allows access to a web blog (posted on Are there ways to manipulate the incoming data from the website to fit the UI of the phones, or will I have to re-do a lot of the blogs?
Any help would be nice! And thank you in advance!
The easiest way in both would be to integrate the browser in the web app but perhaps restrict it to the blog.
For example, your app would open and have its own UI, but displaying the actual blog content would be done in an integrated browser (such as a WebView in Android).
Doing it this way isn't the best as it wouldn't be the best experience for the user, but it has the added benefit of keeping all the blog's design and extras, as well as javascript functionality.
"Manipulating incoming data from the website" (otherwise known as scraping) would be tricky for modern blogs since they usually contain so much customised content and are nowadays more like websites with blogs than just regular blogs.
I guess your best bet is to use Phonegap open source framework.
Since it basically creates local webapps and both platforms have very similar browser capabilities this should be a good fit for your intended application.

Beginner Help for Developing Web Pages for Smart Phones

I have just started authoring web pages for use on "smart phones". I need to target Blackberry, WinCE, iPhone, etc. What resources or books would you recommend for someone with ample web and software development experience but no experience developing UI for these devices? What emulation kits would you recommend, and how accurately do they represent the real thing?
Edit: To clarify, I have a web application built in ASP.Net. I want a limited subset of the functionality available in the app to be available to mobile devices. I am writing a separate set of pages to accomplish this. I am starting with two, simple chunks of functionality. In the future I believe I might get requirements for more functionality to be ported.
Check out WURFL - the Wireless Universal Resource File
The WURFL is an XML configuration file
which contains information about
capabilities and features of many
mobile devices.
The main scope of the file is to
collect as much information as we can
about all the existing mobile devices
that access WAP pages so that
developers will be able to build
better applications and better
services for the users
Also Checkout the Wireless FAQ
Telling us the language you are using/know would be very helpful.
From an emulator standpoint, there are good ones out there, but honestly NOTHING beats having the actual device, yes it is expensive, but the user experience on a mobile device is much different than any emulator can illustrate. if you are serious about this, get a device or two for testing!
Documentation on developing web pages for iPhone can be found at Apple's iPhone Dev Center
You can test your site with the iPhone Simulator to get an idea of how it will look on an actual iPhone. Note: You need a Mac to run the iPhone Simulator.
If you are serious, you really need to test on actual devices.