I'm trying to implement PayPal Adaptive Payments API. Into the headers I should include these informations:
headers.put("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID", "tok261_biz_api.abc.com");
headers.put("X-PAYPAL-DEVICE-IPADDRESS", "");
headers.put("X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID", "APP-80W284485P519543T");
I've created test accounts for both, buyer and seller. But I don't really know what are these first three items. I couldn't find that information. There are multiple sites developer.paypal.com, x.com so it's confusing. I don't know which USERID and SIGNATURE should I use.

I found it on developer.paypal.com -> Profile link(on top right)

You can find these information at https://developer.paypal.com/developer/accounts
Click to your relevant Paypal profile and see API CREDENTIALS tab.

The #pocoa's answer is not working anymore. You can find Classic API credentials on http://www.paypal.com and navigating Account - Profile - My Selling Tools - API Access.


Is PayPal's Message Centre available via an API?

I am working on a project and my clients want to have the Message centre of Paypal integrated into their system so they won't need to log in every time on PayPal account to check their emails and reply.
I can not find any available option on their developer portal for a call similar to that. But I thought to ask here as may someone had better luck finding that.
Much appreciated.
There is a customer Disputes API for handling that part of backend administration. This is typically only useful for large/enterprise merchants.
Other things require logging into the account. User logins with specific/limited roles can be created.

signature request API wrong url

When I do a Paypal API signature request under business profile, the generated api is using my old website ---whateverAPI.my-old-website.com
I've updated all of my business information and see no instances of the old url in my paypal account or the developer or sandbox accounts.
I do not have the old login information for developer area where I created the original API information as it was changed to my new login/business.
I need to change the URL associated with my account so the api generated has the apicode.new-website.com
I know this is a low level expertise for most of you compared to what you are coding but I am completely stuck and have tried everything I can think of.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
When the API is first requested on an account, it is generated based on the email address associated with the account at the time. Even if you remove the email address and request new API credentials, it will still use that original email address. There is no need for concern, you only set this in your API call or in your shopping cart to use. Buyers are not going to see it or anything, and it's not something you would regularly share or have to use all that often. Once you set it in your code, you don't really mess with it again unless you need to set up the API credentials again.

Unable to use sandbox accounts

I really need your help guys. Since two hours I'm facing with a very strange problem related to Paypal Sandbox. I read lot of answers here on stack overflow but none of them helps me.
I'll try the explain my problem: when I create a new sandbox account (respecting all rules like password strength, load balance etc.) I receive the "success" message, the account is created and visible in the list, but when I open it using "Profile" button I receive this error message (and is really a problem because I need to get the username, password and signature to work in sandbox mode):
Account Details
Your request is still processing, please wait...
No difference between "Buyer" or "Seller" account, it always fail.
I've tried in many ways (using notes, changing email address, using custom numbers into email) but nothing is work for me.
Someone can suggest me what can I do?
Thank you very much.
I think I've found a temporary solution to works with PayPal sandbox.
Instead of create an account using "Create Account" button you have to register a new account using sandbox website.
In details:
Go To: https://sandbox.paypal.com
Register a Business Account
Go To: https://developer.paypal.com/developer/accounts/ and click con "Click Here". This link is placed in the Second paragraph of the page:
Want to link existing Sandbox Account with your developer account? Click Here and provide credentials of your sandbox account
You will be redirect to sandbox paypal web site, if you don't do anything it will recognize your previous register account (anyway, if not, you have to login with the new created account), procede with linking process and after you will have, in the list of accounts, a new one with "Profile" button ready to show you informations necessary to works.
I don't understand way paypal release an important tool like this with a lot of bugs. No response received from no one.
BugPal your are luky because we needs you but please, improve your development process! :#
Looks like a general problem on Paypal side. We see same issues with two of our accounts. It was working last friday.

PayPal REST API - how to obtain API credentials?

I'm currently trying to get access to the PayPal REST API with my company's Business Account, but I don't seem to be able to choose an account from the dropdown menu (I've created several different Sandbox accounts already).
Thanks in advance for any help.
On this screen, on the left side, under "Sandbox", choose Accounts. Create a new Business account and then try again.
If this does not work, I would suggest the following:
1) Try in a different browser
2) Clear cache & cookies
3) Delete existing sandbox accounts and then create a new one.
4) Nuclear option: Open a brand new PayPal account for use in the sandbox and create a new sandbox account there.

How do I find my paypal pro api string in opencart?

How do I find my paypal pro api string in opencart?
I have looked everywhere and even posted this question on opencart forum but I haven't gotten a single answer.
Are your trying to make an API Request?
This will help you:
And if you are looking for your API-Signature do the following:
Login to your account at paypal.com
Choose Profile
Left Column..choose API Access
VIEW code generated.
User name , password and 56-character API Signature Code
should now show.. if it doesn't, delete and generate another
contact paypal for help.
Hope this helps