PayPal REST API - how to obtain API credentials? - rest

I'm currently trying to get access to the PayPal REST API with my company's Business Account, but I don't seem to be able to choose an account from the dropdown menu (I've created several different Sandbox accounts already).
Thanks in advance for any help.

On this screen, on the left side, under "Sandbox", choose Accounts. Create a new Business account and then try again.
If this does not work, I would suggest the following:
1) Try in a different browser
2) Clear cache & cookies
3) Delete existing sandbox accounts and then create a new one.
4) Nuclear option: Open a brand new PayPal account for use in the sandbox and create a new sandbox account there.


How to move PayPal Checkout to live production?

I've set up a PayPal Checkout button with my sandbox account, which works, and now I want to change it to use my live business account. There seems to be conflicting information out there on what to do next:
The docs say that I need to submit my app for approval (but it doesn't say how)
This stack question says that with PayPal Checkout you don't need to submit your app for approval
In paypal.php (I'm using laravel) there is a parameter called PAYPAL_LIVE_APP_ID, which I didn't need with the sandbox and I've been trying to find. This stack question from 2016 tries to find the app id but all links provided there are broken. Do I need the app id for PayPal Checkout?
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but when I set the PAYPAL_MODE in .env from sandbox to live, the PayPal button in my app stops working and shows:
at n.dispatch (
The information on that doc page is out of date. An "app id" is only used by Adaptive Payments integrations, which are obsolete and cannot be used for new integrations anyway.
For REST applications, a live "client id" and "secret" can be created in the dashboard My Apps & Credentials. They do not require any additional approval/registration unless you are using partner (multi-party) or log in with PayPal features.
The error "INVALID_RESOURCE_ID" is usually caused by mixing things from sandbox and live. Ensure that:
The <script> element with src specifies a live client ID, not a sandbox/test one.
Any fetch calls the button code might make (if using a server integration pattern) retrieve a newly-created and valid live order ID or classic API EC token, not a sandbox one. The browser dev tools "Network" tab is useful for debugging and verifying such an XHR is working.
Any plan_id (if using a Subscription button) was created with the corresponding live client ID .. not a different client ID nor a sandbox one.

Remove Business Solution Provider (BSP) from Facebook (WhatsApp)

I'm trying to connect directly to WhatsApp API.
I'm already connected using a business solution provider (twilio) but I can't find how to remove it.
I couldn't find any sign for Twilio in my business settings and when I'm trying to use my own number, I have this message.
If you go back to Business Manager where you see all the WhatsApp Accounts > click on your WABA (WhatsApp Business Account) > Partners tab > click the delete button to remove sharing your account with the BSP.

Unable to use sandbox accounts

I really need your help guys. Since two hours I'm facing with a very strange problem related to Paypal Sandbox. I read lot of answers here on stack overflow but none of them helps me.
I'll try the explain my problem: when I create a new sandbox account (respecting all rules like password strength, load balance etc.) I receive the "success" message, the account is created and visible in the list, but when I open it using "Profile" button I receive this error message (and is really a problem because I need to get the username, password and signature to work in sandbox mode):
Account Details
Your request is still processing, please wait...
No difference between "Buyer" or "Seller" account, it always fail.
I've tried in many ways (using notes, changing email address, using custom numbers into email) but nothing is work for me.
Someone can suggest me what can I do?
Thank you very much.
I think I've found a temporary solution to works with PayPal sandbox.
Instead of create an account using "Create Account" button you have to register a new account using sandbox website.
In details:
Go To:
Register a Business Account
Go To: and click con "Click Here". This link is placed in the Second paragraph of the page:
Want to link existing Sandbox Account with your developer account? Click Here and provide credentials of your sandbox account
You will be redirect to sandbox paypal web site, if you don't do anything it will recognize your previous register account (anyway, if not, you have to login with the new created account), procede with linking process and after you will have, in the list of accounts, a new one with "Profile" button ready to show you informations necessary to works.
I don't understand way paypal release an important tool like this with a lot of bugs. No response received from no one.
BugPal your are luky because we needs you but please, improve your development process! :#
Looks like a general problem on Paypal side. We see same issues with two of our accounts. It was working last friday.

CreateAndSend Invoices User Access

So I was able to test CreateAndSend Successfully in sandbox, and have now moved my credentials to the live versions.
I created a new business account for using the live version, and have gotten my api credentials for it.
Replaced API ID,PASS,SIGNATURE with those credentials.
Connecting to
and an error I'm getting back is user is not allowed to perform this action.
I set the merchant and payeremail to my email (I tried the paypal email and then the api1 email)
I was wondering if my paypal account needs to be verified to do this API call.
Thank you.
Make sure that you have a live app id and that it is approved for this feature.
Following up on this. Having my business account verified fixed the "user is not allowed to perform this action" problem I was having.


I'm trying to implement PayPal Adaptive Payments API. Into the headers I should include these informations:
headers.put("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID", "");
headers.put("X-PAYPAL-DEVICE-IPADDRESS", "");
headers.put("X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID", "APP-80W284485P519543T");
I've created test accounts for both, buyer and seller. But I don't really know what are these first three items. I couldn't find that information. There are multiple sites, so it's confusing. I don't know which USERID and SIGNATURE should I use.
I found it on -> Profile link(on top right)
You can find these information at
Click to your relevant Paypal profile and see API CREDENTIALS tab.
The #pocoa's answer is not working anymore. You can find Classic API credentials on and navigating Account - Profile - My Selling Tools - API Access.