string value stored in NSDictionary - iphone

I am trying to implement this button action, but the if statement is not evaluating to be true. I have a situation where the value in that "School" dictionary will not always have a website stored. For that reason i want to check, but what do i check against. If "nil" is not stored there when there is not a value, then what is?
-(IBAction) btnVisitWebsite_clicked :(id)sender {
if([School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY] == nil){
UIAlertView *NoWebsite = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle: #"No Website"
message:#"The selected school has not listed a website"
NoWebsite.tag = 15;
[NoWebsite show];
[NoWebsite release];
NoWebsite = nil;
NSMutableString *WebsiteVisit = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString: #"http://"];
[WebsiteVisit appendString:[School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY]];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: WebsiteVisit]];
[WebsiteVisit release];

If it is possible that the Website is an empty string you should use the following:
if(![School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY]
|| ([[School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [(NSString*)[School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY] length]==0)){
// no website
} else { /* has website*/ }

Have you tried to use NSLog to print the object for the key ?
NSLog(#"School[WEBSITE_KEY]=<%#>", [School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY]);
Maybe it is not nil ?

See if the requested school is in the NSDictionary by checking if it has an entry
BOOL containsKey = [[School allKeys] containsObject:WEBSITE_KEY];
If there is no school website, there should not be an directory entry for the WEBSITE_KEY.

An NSDictionary cannot contain nil. If the key exists it has to contain an object. The objectForKey: method will return nil if there is no object defined for a specific key. You can however store [NSNull null] as a null placeholder in a dictionary or array. So you can check for that, it all depends how your dictionary is populated.
[School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY] == nil || [School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY] == [NSNull null]
Also ensure you're not confusing #"" with a nil or no value. If it's not nil and not [NSNull null] then it's best to log it, and perhaps look at what object is being stored:
NSLog(#"Description: %#", [School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY]);
NSLog(#"Class: %#", [[School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY] class]);
If the class returns a NSString or NSCFString then it looks like it contains an empty string. Which you can check for. Here is the full blown statement:
id schoolWebsite = School objectForKey:WEBSITE_KEY];
if (schoolWebsite && schoolWebsite != [NSNull null] && [schoolWebsite isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [schoolWebsite length] > 0)) {
// There is definitely a non-empty string for that key!
} else {
// Not valid
This will be good to use as you may be unsure of exactly what is stored in the dictionary as others will be populating it. You can never be too careful!


How to check if value in array is not NULL?

So I am parsing a twitter timeline. There is a field called "following" in the JSON response. It should be true or false.
But sometimes the field is missing.
When I do:
NSLog(#"%#", [[[timeline objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"user"] objectForKey:#"following"]);
This is the output:
So how to check for those values?
NSArray and other collections can't take nil as a value, since nil is the "sentinel value" for when the collection ends. You can find if an object is null by using:
if (myObject == [NSNull null]) {
// do something because the object is null
If the field is missing, NSDictionary -objectForKey: will return a nil pointer. You can test for a nil pointer like this:
NSNumber *following = [[[timeline objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"user"] objectForKey:#"following"];
if (following)
NSLog(#"%#", following);
// handle no following field
NSLog(#"No following field");
It's not the timeline element that's null. It's either the "user" dictionary or the "following" object that's null. I recommend creating a user model class to encapsulate some of the json/dictionary messiness. In fact, I bet you could find an open source Twitter API for iOS.
Either way, your code would be more readable as something like:
TwitterResponse *response = [[TwitterResponse alloc] initWithDictionary:[timeline objectAtIndex:i]];
NSLog(#"%#", response.user.following);
TwitterResponse above would implement a readonly property TwitterUser *user which would in turn implement NSNumber *following. Using NSNumber because it would allow null values (empty strings in the JSON response).
Hope this helps get you on the right track. Good luck!
for checking array contain null value use this code.
if ([array objectAtIndex:0] == [NSNull null])
//do something

Not Null validation for JSON Response iPhone App

Currently I am using the following method to validate the data for not being Null.
if ([[response objectForKey:#"field"] class] != [NSNull class])
NSString *temp = [response objectForKey:#"field"];
NSString *temp = #"";
Problem comes when the response Dictionary contains hundreds of attributes (and respective values). I need to add this kind of condition to each and every element for the dictionary.
Any other way around to accomplish?
Any Suggestion for making any change to the web service (except not inserting the null value to database)?
Any Idea, Anyone ??
What I've done is put a category on NSDictionary
#interface NSDictionary (CategoryName)
* Returns the object for the given key, if it is in the dictionary, else nil.
* This is useful when using SBJSON, as that will return [NSNull null] if the value was 'null' in the parsed JSON.
* #param The key to use
* #return The object or, if the object was not set in the dictionary or was NSNull, nil
- (id)objectOrNilForKey:(id)aKey;
#implementation NSDictionary (CategoryName)
- (id)objectOrNilForKey:(id)aKey {
id object = [self objectForKey:aKey];
return [object isEqual:[NSNull null]] ? nil : object;
Then you can just use
[response objectOrNilForKey:#"field"];
You can modify this to return a blank string if you'd like.
First a minor point: your test is not idiomatic, you should use
if (![[response objectForKey:#"field"] isEqual: [NSNull null]])
If you want all keys in your dictionary that have a value of [NSNull null] to be reset to the empty string, the easiest way to fix it is
for (id key in [response allKeysForObject: [NSNull null]])
[response setObject: #"" forKey: key];
The above assumes response is a mutable dictionary.
However, I think you really need to review your design. You shouldn't be allowing [NSNull null] values at all if they are not allowed in the database.
It's not quite clear for me what you need but:
If you need to check whether the value for key is not NULL you can do this:
for(NSString* key in dict) {
if( ![dict valueForKey: key] ) {
[dict setValue: #"" forKey: key];
If you have some set of required keys, you can create static array and then do this:
static NSArray* req_keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: #"k1", #"k2", #"k3", #"k4", nil];
Then in the method where you check your data:
NSMutableSet* s = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: req_keys];
NSSet* s2 = [NSSet setWithArray: [d allKeys]];
[s minusSet: s2];
if( s.count ) {
NSString* err_str = #"Error. These fields are empty: ";
for(NSString* field in s) {
err_str = [err_str stringByAppendingFormat: #"%# ", field];
NSLog(#"%#", err_str);
static inline NSDictionary* DictionaryRemovingNulls(NSDictionary *aDictionary) {
NSMutableDictionary *returnValue = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:aDictionary];
for (id key in [aDictionary allKeysForObject: [NSNull null]]) {
[returnValue setObject: #"" forKey: key];
return returnValue;
response = DictionaryRemovingNulls(response);

Check if key exists in NSDictionary is null or not

I did search on how to check if NSDictionary key exists or not and came up with the solution. But still it throws me an error saying adding null value to the key.
I am not sure if my code is correct or not. If anyone has any idea about this can help me.
NSDictionary *result;
id myImageURL = [result objectForKey:#"url"];
if ((NSNull *)myImageURL == [NSNull null])
myImageURL = #"";
id myImage = [result objectForKey:#"image"];
if ((NSNull *)myImage == [NSNull null])
myImage = #"";
Check if null add nothing and if not add the value. But it still gives me an error dont know why.
2011-08-11 14:56:06.668 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] RESULTS : {
image = "<UIImage: 0xbc332c0>";
url = "";
2011-08-11 14:56:06.669 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] url :
2011-08-11 14:56:06.670 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] IMage : <UIImage: 0xbc332c0>
/*****Breaks Here ***/
2011-08-11 14:56:06.876 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] RESULTS : {
2011-08-11 14:56:06.878 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] url : (null)
2011-08-11 14:56:06.879 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] IMage : (null)
2011-08-11 14:56:06.881 Tab_Table_Win[6510:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil key'
Correct answer is :
NSDictionary *result;
NSURL *myImageURL = [result objectForKey:#"url"];
UIImage *myImage = [result objectForKey:#"image"];
/**** Correct way ****/
if (myImageURL != nil && myImage != nil) {
[images setObject:myImage forKey:myImageURL];
Thank you for all the explanation.
Tommy explained this perfectly.
What I recommend is create an extension of the NSDictionary class like:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface NSDictionary (Safety)
- (id)safeObjectForKey:(id)aKey;
And the implementation file:
#import "NSDictionary+Safety.h"
#implementation NSDictionary (Safety)
- (id)safeObjectForKey:(id)aKey {
NSObject *object = self[aKey];
if (object == [NSNull null]) {
return nil;
return object;
And instead of using [dictionary objectForKey:#"keyName"]; in your code, use
[dictionary safeObjectForKey:#"keyName"];
This way, as Tommy explained, you'd be sending a method call to a nil which wouldn't crash the app but your object would get a nil value.
Hope this helps.
Whenever I try to check if an object being returned from a dictionary is null, I do this:
id obj = [myDictionary objectForKey:entityKeyName];
if (obj == [NSNull null]) {
// do something
Then in your code, it would be:
NSDictionary *result;
NSString *myImageURL = [result objectForKey:#"url"];
if (myImageURL == [NSNull null])
myImageURL = #"";
That's what I would do in your code.
Also, just making sure, is the NSDictionary result defined? In your code, it doesn't have anything it's being set to. It's just being defined as variable you plan on using called results
the answer below worked for me:
if ([dictionary objectForKey:key]) {
// previously stored data for "key"
Also note that you can get array of the keys in a dictionary using
[dictionary allKeys]
If an object doesn't exist for a key, NSDictionary will return nil. An NSNull is an actual object, and therefore a distinct thing. It's like the distinction between being able to record that there was a value and the value as null, and not recording whether there was a value. It also rests a bit on you thinking in C terms of the indirection of a pointer to an object rather than just an object, so it's not completely semantically pleasing from that perspective.
In Objective-C, you may send any message to nil and the result is guaranteed to be nil (or 0). So if your code is designed to ensure that you have a safe object reference, as you might in C++, then what you're doing is unnecessary. Compound statements like:
object = [[Type alloc] init];
Are always explicitly safe, even if alloc fails and returns nil. All that'll happen is that the call to init won't do anything at all, and object will end up with the value nil because the result of sending of init to nil is also nil.
That being said, the answers provided by Bill and Emmanuel should be correct. Compare your result either directly to nil or implicitly to zero. If you're getting a crash later on, I'll guess it's because you're expecting myImageUrl and myImage to be types other than NSString (I notice you've used the typeless id in your original code) and sending them a message they don't respond to.
NSDictionary *result;
NSString *myImageURL = [result objectForKey:#"url"];
if (myImageURL == NULL)
myImageURL = #"";
NSString *myImage = [result objectForKey:#"image"];
if (myImageURL == NULL)
myImage = #"";
See if that works, rather than overthinking the NULL class.
this another option:
if (![result objectForKey:#"image"])
NSLog(#"doesn't exist");
if ([result objectForKey:#"image"])
that was not work for me, i figured it out like this
id myImageURL = [result objectForKey:#"url"];
if ([myImageURL isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]])
myImageURL = #"";
Alright here's the actual answer which #Iomec almost had
UIImage *myImage = ([result objectForKey:#"image"] != [NSNull null] ? [result objectForKey:#"image"] : nil);
That is the actual correct answer because, it comes as null and when you say myImage = [receivedObject...]; then if myImage = nil, you are in effect casting a null value(nil) into a class which is an exception, if not a running bug.
You should:
1) test for NSNull null value
2) if not nil then assign
If you code hasn't bugged out yet, it will in production when you have 8 apps running in the background one day.
I got the same issue with JSONKit. The implementation there is
- (id)objectForKey:(id)aKey
return((entryForKey != NULL) ? entryForKey->object : NULL);
So this will definitely return NULL if the object isn't there. I check it like the following
NSArray* array = [myDictionary objectForKey:#"a"];
if((NSNull*)arrays!=[NSNull null])
1. Results Dictionary after JSON parsing:
//if hits success
error, operation
//Data is Dictionary inside Result
I had an error showing : NULL DATACould not cast value of type 'NSNull' (0xda7058) to 'NSDictionary' (0xda6d74) and the result was
the following.
Username or Password","count":null,"data":null}})
I fixed the Null check of dictionary.
if (result.objectForKey("data") is NSNull)
print ("NULL DATA")
let data = result["data"]as! NSDictionary
print (data)
Might want to add a bit more safety by checking to make sure it is NOT a string instead of just checking if it IS a nil. (To make sure it is not a number or anything else you might not want.)
id myImageURL = [result objectForKey:#"url"];
if (![myImageURL isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
myImageURL = #"";
When you call objectForKeyin nullable dictionary, app gets crashed so I fixed this from this way to avoid from crash.
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
id object = dictionary;
if (dictionary && (object != [NSNull null])) { = [dictionary objectForKey:#"name"];
self.age = [dictionary objectForKey:#"age"];
return self;

NSString contains : <null> and is crashing my app

I've an NSString thats populated from some data returned via JSON.
The code works great under normal circumstances but there is an occasion when i get returned by the JSON.
When i do a check to see if my NSString == nil or == null it fails the test.
But the fact that the NSString contains crashes my app.
So does have some special meaning in Objective C? Or should i just do a string compare and see if the string is equal to rather than being nil and handle it that way.
This has me a little confused.
Many Thanks,
<null> is what NSNull returns for its -description method. You need to also check for
myString == [NSNull null]
in this case.
Additional info: IIRC the common Objective-C JSON stuff will use [NSNull null] for nulls in the JSON structure, to differentiate the value from one that simply isn't there.
NSString * is just a pointer to a NSString object.
To test for null pointer:
NSString *str;
if (str) {
// str points to an object
if ([str length] == 0) {
// string is empty
} else
// str points to nothing
If you want to check for whitespace, you can trim the NSString with stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet.
You could check to see if it's null by.
if ([str isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
// str is null.
I did it this way:
if([string isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
NSLog(#"This is JSON null");
} else {
NSLog(#"This is a string, do what you wanna do with it");

[NSNull isEqualToString:]

Im trying to set a string to "No Display name if [object objectForKey#"display_name"] is NULL". It crashing with this in the log
2011-06-16 10:58:36.251 BV API[15586:ef03] displayNameType is: NSNull
2011-06-16 10:58:36.251 BV API[15586:ef03] +[NSNull isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1228c40
2011-06-16 10:58:36.253 BV API[15586:ef03] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[NSNull isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1228c40'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x1198f1c 0x132b52e 0x119bb2b 0x10f3076 0x10f2bb2 0x116d9 0x112ad 0x8b0e17 0x8b9783 0x8b43ae 0x8b9d20 0xb6312b 0x815c35 0xac2e1e 0x8b7583 0x8b771d 0x8b775d 0xc1b5 0x7ed84c 0x7ed7e2 0x89477a 0x894c4a 0x893ee4 0x813002 0x81320a 0x7f960c 0x7ecd52 0x211b8f6 0x116831a 0x10c3d07 0x10c1e93 0x10c1750 0x10c1671 0x211a0c3 0x211a188 0x7eac29 0x1b29 0x1aa5)
terminate called throwing an exceptionsharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
Current language: auto; currently objective-c
NSString *displayNameType = (NSString *)[[object objectForKey:#"display_name"] class ];
NSLog(#"displayNameType is: %#", displayNameType);
NSString *displayNameString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [object objectForKey:#"display_name"]];
displayNameString = [displayNameString uppercaseString];
if ([displayNameType isEqualToString:#"NSNull"]) {
NSLog(#"dnt is null");
NSString *displayNameString = #"No Display Name";
displayNameString = [displayNameString uppercaseString];
A cast will not change an object class (type).
You have to manage the case when your value is [NSNull null] with something like :
id displayNameTypeValue = [object objectForKey:#"display_name"];
NSString *displayNameType = #"";
if (displayNameTypeValue != [NSNull null])
displayNameType = (NSString *)displayNameTypeValue;
I created a category on NSNull, works well for me:
#interface NSNull (string)
-(BOOL) isEqualToString:(NSString *) compare;
#implementation NSNull (string)
-(BOOL) isEqualToString:(NSString *) compare {
if ([compare isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || !compare) {
NSLog(#"NSNull isKindOfClass called!");
return YES;
return NO;
You might want something like this:
NSString *displayNameType = NSStringFromClass([[object objectForKey:#"display_name"] class]);
And btw in your question, it shouldn't read "if it's NULL", but rather "if it's an NSNull instance".
I'll throw in my answer to clarify a bit. The problem is that the object in the NSDictionary has [NSNull null] value (slightly different to both nil and NULL). The issue comes from some libraries (a particular JSON parser comes to my mind) set the value for some keys with NULL value to [NSNull null]. Why? Because sometimes it is needed to differentiate in a NSDictionary the case when a key is not present from the case when the key has NULL value. In an NSDictionary there is no way of telling, but JSON structures do convey such difference. When you get a a variable that comes from a library or parser that does that the value may be [NSNull null]. NSNull is a singleton thus just checking for equality (pointer equality) is enough. For example I would do:
NSString *value = [object objectForKey:#"display_name"];
if (value && value != [NSNull null]){
// Here I have the value I expect
// Do something
// The value is null ... don't display
To my experience, the font may be well missing. If you got the problem, you could check where you set the new font and if it exists.
let font = UIFont.init(name:"YOUR_FONT_NAME", size: 16) -> is it nil or not ?
Detect whether or not the object is null instead of trying to infer from the class name.
// if you're key may not exist (NSDictionary will return nil... not sure what type
// you are using
if (![object objectForKey:#"display_name"]){
// ...
// or if the value may actually be an NSNull object
if ([[object objectForKey:#"display_name"] == (id)[NSNull null]){
// ...
I haven't tested the second argument, but look here for more about testing null.
I solved this by doing a check against [NSNull null]. The code I used in my app:
_lblBusinessName.text = _business.BusinessName != [NSNull null] ? _business.BusinessName : #"";
However XCode threw some warnings so to get rid of those I casted to an NSObject* type, like this:
_lblBusinessName.text = **(NSObject*)**_business.BusinessName != [NSNull null] ? _business.BusinessName : #"";