Following a html link from an iphone app - iphone

I have a couple of html links attached to buttons in my app.
I'm just wondering whats the best practice for following a html link in an iphone app.
I'm not sure if the app should exit and open safari or if a web container should be used etc.

There's no real best practice, it's whatever you think your users would appreciate. Some apps offer the best of both worlds, by putting a UIWebView in their app to view web content and then a button to open the same page in Safari.


How can I load Flutter WebView on app start?

I am developing an app where there is a WebView that will be viewed a lot. The people telling me what to do therefore wants the website to load when the app starts, so that it will be ready when the user decides to open the page with the WebView.
One of my ideas were to use a Future<http.Response>, as described Here, but I don't think that will work since WebView expects a string as initialUrl.
Do you have any ideas on how I can achieve this?

Iphone storyboard application with game in webview

I made a HTML5 game for web browsers. Some of the players asked me if I could make it available as an App. Now I have a developer key, but just a VERY basic knowledge of Xcode / objective-c and I dont actually own an Apple computer. (But I can run Leopard/Xcode in VMWare).
Is it very bad practice to make a storyboard application that basically consists out of a splashscreen and a webview that loads my html game page with some added js/css to match the resolution?
Will Apple allow a game developed like this? It seems way easier to update etc...
Can I remove the bottom status bar from a webview using the meta tag? Or does that just work in safari, and will localstorage work?
Are there other, better, faster ways to port html5 to an app?
Sorry for the huge amount of questions, but I couldnt find satisfactory answers to all my questions, and I guess more people will have the same...
Let me try to help you:
No, its not a "bad practice", but maybe for your app it's simple to do just a normal Single View Application. It doesn't mean that it's going to be wrong doing a storyboard, it;s just simpler.
Your App is only going to open a WebView with an URL, so, if you dont do anything weird, it's not going to be rejected.
If you are talking to the status bar, yes, it's possible to remove it easily.
I think that's the best way, just open a view with a webview on it. Another way is making your app call Safari with that URL, that's up to you (your app will go to the background and Safari will be called)
And an extra one: Its totally ok doing it with VMWare, I develop like that sometimes with my PC ;)

Open links from non-native app in Safari app

We are creating a non-native iPhone app that will eventually go through the phonegap process. But what I'm trying to do right now is: We have links that open in Twitter and LinkedIn, but when clicking them they open right in the same app window. Is there any way to force the links to open in the actual Safari app. It looks like this is possible with Objective-C, but I don't see how to do it with HTML. Thanks!

Jquerymobile HTML5 Iphone App Add to Home screen

I'm creating a Mobile App with JQM and JSP I'm using Bookmark bubble to do this, but I just want to ensure I understand what is happening behind the scenes here.
Is the static HTML generated by my JSP saved locally on the iPhone?
Does clicking on the APP always get fresh info from my online server or does it cache?
I'm assuming it still uses Safari to render? And just hides the toolbar etc?
If instead of hosting this online, I packaged it as an Apple App and it went on App store,
would the device still use safari to render it?
Documentation is at:
It's possible to cache the page(s) locally.

How to make web site that is compatible to mobile(Blackberry,Android,iPhone) screen sizes?

Hi I am developing a site for desktop.The site renders the contents for desktop size.But when I see it in mobile the content is not properly rendered.
How can I make a site that fits all mobile screen sizes say Blackberry,Android,iPhone, etc. Can anybody mention any articles. I know only HTML. Thanks in advance.
I remember looking into myself a while ago and finding this video tutorial on net-tuts+ to be a good starting point
It is hard to make a single site that looks good on both mobile and desktop. Resolution is not the only problem, the very way the user interacts with you site changes on a mobile device. That said, the typical thing to do is to have a mobile style sheet which is loaded for mobile, and a desktop sheet for desktop. You might even go so far as to limit some of your content on mobile to make the page lighter.
I found to be a good source of info.