Eclipse Pulsar, JavaME, and Hello World - eclipse

I tried to post this over on the Eclipse Pulsar site, but it doesn't seem to want to give me access, so I thought I would try over here.
All I'm trying to do create a basic "hello world" application to test on multiple mobile phones as a proof of concept. I downloaded Eclipse Pulsar and the Samsung SDK (though I have this problem with any SDK) and I created a new MIDlet Project and ME MIDlet and selected the 'hello world' wizard and the resulting code produces these errors:
"the import org.eclipse cannot be resolved" on all of the imports.
I know I'm missing something basic, but I would have expected org.eclipse to already be on the build path. I tried adding eswt-converged.jar as and external JAR to the Libraries on the build path which fixes the import errors, but this seems like a hack and causes other problems.
So my question is: What step have I missed in creating the Project/MIDlet and is there a how-to online somewhere that gives examples on this stuff?

I think you are trying to create a "new eSWT Midlet". eSWT is a new UI toolkit that is not supported by most SDKs. Try using one of the other templates, something like Splash Midlet Template should be simple enough.


How do I use JavaFX in Eclipse 2021-06 JRE x86_64_16.0.2

There are a couple postings on this topic, but I can't get this to work with the latest version of Eclipse. I am using the JRE that comes with 2021-06, the one it puts in p2, x86_64_16.0.2.
I have tried various configurations of User Libraries, Maven dependencies, setting PATH_TO_FX, searching Eclipse Marketplace for JavaFX-as-a-plugin, e.g.,
How do I use JavaFX 11 in Eclipse? (2.5 years old)
On a couple more elaborate examples, a couple builds had a scattering of missing methods, which I assume is due to JavaFX being somewhat in flux or instructions being quite outdated. I can get a simple Hello, World to build with javafx-sdk-17.0.1 as a User Library (what I'm doing now) and also some of the other configurations. When I try to launch Hello, World with various build-able configurations, I keep getting
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
Well, I was a bit too quick. I kept playing around, and adding quotes in the VM arg seems to work,
--module-path="C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls
If the project is not a module project, the Used Library goes on the Classpath in the project properties, Libraries tab. If it is a module project, it goes on the Modulepath,and the following file must be in the src with this minimal information:
module <myProject> {
requires javafx.controls;
exports <myPackageContainingFXAppClass>;
I just don't get it why people prefer to search half of the internet for tutorials instead of just consulting the official documentation first. Here it is: It seems to be the best hidden secret that there actually is documentation for JavaFX that one could start with.
I just did the test. Googling for "javafx documentation" gives as the first search result.
I use --module-path=${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules=javafx.controls.
Obviously PATH_TO_FX needs to be defined in Preferences->Run/Debug->String Substitution.

Flutter driver Test Explorer

is there a way to get some kind of Flutter Test Explorer into the IntelliJ IDE?
I am thinking of something like JUnit has in Visual Studio. Let's say that it should be something like this. My tests are stored in Feature Files.
If yes please send me a link to an addon or tool.
I am talking about the tool which "sees" all feature files and scenarios in it before the run. User than can select which scenario will be executed from the list of scenarios.
If you run tests in IntelliJ you should see something very similar to what you have screen shotted above for VS. You may find if you're using a build tool (Gradle/Maven) that running tests defaults to using the build tool to do so but you can switch this back to IntelliJ alone. What are you currently seeing/not seeing in IntelliJ?
See for more info + screen shot very similar to VS.

Issue running golang Hello World in eclipse

Alright, so just a disclaimer I suspect this question will be a duplicate of another question however I'm not even sure what to search for.
I have never used Eclipse or Golang before and am attempting to get a basic hello world application to work.
I have installed the goclipse plugin, created a new go package and go command source file. From what I have read to run a project in Eclipse you right click the package, select Run as then set the run configurations. The problem occurs when I attempt to select the go package as none shows up and if I leave it blank it throws a 'Go package not found' exception.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
EDIT: Upon the answers advice I have decided to go with the basic command line, however a friend did also recommend LiteIDE. I will "assume" tmichels answer is correct in regards to getting Go to work within eclipse.
If you don't use the GOPATH environment variable and you don't put your project folder under $GOPATH/src the compiler won't find it. As I see it goclipse lets you skip the GOPATH entirely but in this case you have to put your code under the src directory that you can see in the Project Explorer. See the related section of the goclipe documentation.
Although I think you make your life harder by using a full-fetched IDE for go development. Just use the command line tools. And it has the added benefit that you will actually understand what's going on (IDEs hide this from you).
So for building you can use go build or go install. The latter will copy the binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory. For running test just call go test or go test path/to/package. There is a hidden gem in the go tool: when you are working with multiple packages in the same directory you can use go test ./... to test all of them at once. This also works with other go commands.

Can I use Eclipse XQDT to debug Marklogic modules/xquery?

Hi Markloggers out there,
I am working now a coupe of months with Marklogic, developping xquery, modules, applications on the ML app server etc etc. I use eclipse a lot, I have XQDT up and running for several marklogic servers. We use the console also.
What I miss is a debug functionality... in Eclispe with XQDT I cannot get the debug function working?
What I need is a nice and clean way to quickly test and develop modelules and functions...
This is my basic lib from the ML example documentation:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace lib = '';
declare function lib:user()
I have this is my XQDT project in eclipse, I have setup a marklogic XDBC server locally and it works ok.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module to the db etc etc...:
(: XQuery main module :)
import module namespace lib = '' at 'lib.xq';
XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: (err:XQST0059) Module /lib.xq not found
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root? In the docs it says from a XQDT project I could source a module but I cannot get it to work...
Question 2: I can execute arbitrary xquery to the local Marklogic server but if I set a debug flag anywhere in a xgy file in the XQDT project and press the debug button I get a popup saying "The Debug Engine is not properly configured". Can anyone explain to me if it is possible to use the debug option in eclipse XQDT with Marklogic 7 ?
It's best to limit yourself to one question per SO post. After all you can only accept one answer.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT
project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module
to the db etc
That's a problem. You can evaluate an ad-hoc query directly. But if it references a library module, that library module needs to be available to the server. You're going to have to copy it to the server sooner or later anyhow, so do it sooner. I don't use an IDE myself, but can't you set it up to do that for you?
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root?
Not in the broadest sense of "module root", no. The docs at talk about how this works. Somehow or other, you need to make the library module available to MarkLogic.
I can't address your last question. I don't use an IDE, and even if I did I probably wouldn't use a debugger. Instead I xdmp:log messages to ErrorLog.txt, and occasionally I'll plant an breakpoint-like error() call in my code.

I can't get qml to use my custom plugin

I'm working in QtQuick and right now struggling with a weird problem: I can't get my custom plugin to work in Qml. There's a simple demo in the SDK (Examples/4.7/declarative/tutorials/extending/chapter6-plugins) and this doesn't work on my computer either. I don't get any error messages except that it doesn't recognize my custom items. Has anybody seen this problem? Any suggestions?
My setup:
Win 7 Home Premium, Qt Creator 2.1.0, Qt 4.7.3 (MinGW 4.4)
Beside the qmldir issue already mentioned by blakharaz, also make sure to set QML_IMPORT_PATH in your pro file or setting the path via QDeclarativeEngine::addImportPath() so the module can be found on your development environment (if you don't install them systemwide before using).
And when using subfolders, make sure they are part of the import (see
It would be nice to have some code. One possible issue could be the directory structure or the qmldir file. If you want to have a plugin called Foo you basically need a directory Foo which contains the Foo.dll (or and a qmldir file (content is at least "plugin Foo")
If you have that "import Foo 1.0" should load the library.
I just had the exact same problem.
Build your .dlls as release instead of debug, that fixed it for me.