Joomla - Contact form error - forms

I have a working contact form in Joomla however when the user submits the form they are taken to a page that doesn't exist so they see the 404 error.
Is it possible to change the page they are taken to after they click submit?
It's a contact page made from a contact in the Contact Manager...
Thanks a lot,

your link on contact form is wrong ,just put manually link on it.


Captcha in Tuleap

I am very new to Tuleap. I need to integrate captcha. I did and got the success but the problem is, the captcha is displaying on register form only.
I need to display on the register page as well as the login page.
Please help me
This is actually not possible to do that on Tuleap, captcha is only for registration

Linking a contact submit form to an email in joomla 3

I'm having a really difficult time with figuring out how to link a contact form to a specific email in joomla 3.
I've gone to Content --> Categories --> Contact --> and then clicked the Edit button. I've put the specific email into what I believe is the correct box and it doesn't work.
I've checked out a few tutorials on, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions or a link they can send me to try and figure this out?
You have to go to:
Components -> Contacts -> *Contact_Name
And set Linked user with the user account you want to receive contact e-mails.
Hope this helps

show error during registration in typo3

For providing registration option in typo3 website I insatll sr_feuser_register_3.0.1 extension. In addition to this extension I install static info table & div 2007 extension.
I included registration form in a page by including sr_feuser template css in typoscript template and also insert plugin. But when I register myself in registration form it shows error:-
"You must enter the same password twice.
The password must contain at most 40 characters.
Please enter a password!"
Password is entered correctly but it shows this problem again & again & I am not able to register because of this problem. Please help me to solve this problem
I got the problem. Problem is that when I put registration form & login form in same page then it starts showing problem. But if I put only registration form then it starts working.
But I have to put both forms in one page. Please tell me how can I do that.

I am having issue with my contact form for my Magento website

I have set a contact form in Magento and it is not working please help. The URL is
You can use this page to learn how to POST form data, and this one to actually grab the form data and send an email.
I checked your page, it has many forms. Kindly check the score-code and use a single form.

Zend Framework: How to POST data to some external page (e.g. external payment gate) without using form?

I would like to have a user redirected to an external credit card gate. Of course I have to POST some user info to that gate, but I don't know how exactly can I do this.
I know that I could do this by generating a html form with hidden or read-only fields and have a user click "Submit" button. But this solution is not perfect, because all the form data could be easily changed using e.g. Firebug. I think you cannot do this using $this->_redirect(...). But maybe there is some other solution?
Many thanks for any tips or suggestions.
I would like to have a user redirected to an external credit card gate. Of course I have to POST some user info to that gate, but I don't know how exactly can I do this.
Using a form is the only method available. The RFC states that the user should explicitly agree to sending a POST (i.e. click on a submit button).
I know that I could do this by generating a html form with hidden or read-only fields and have a user click "Submit" button. But this solution is not perfect, because all the form data could be easily changed using e.g.
It is no more secure that using a redirect as the header data can be modified without too much of a problem. There are even Firefox plugins to do it.
use cURL to post data