I am having issue with my contact form for my Magento website - forms

I have set a contact form in Magento and it is not working please help. The URL is http://v4vintage.com/magento/contact-us-email.

You can use this page to learn how to POST form data, and this one to actually grab the form data and send an email.

I checked your page, it has many forms. Kindly check the score-code and use a single form.


Captcha in Tuleap

I am very new to Tuleap. I need to integrate captcha. I did and got the success but the problem is, the captcha is displaying on register form only.
I need to display on the register page as well as the login page.
Please help me
This is actually not possible to do that on Tuleap, captcha is only for registration

How to add NewForm.aspx to directly into my page in share point 2013 online

I have a custom list in my Share point 2013 site. I need to add the NewForm.aspx of the custom list directly to one of my page , so that users when visit the page, they will be presented with the form.
Once that form is submitted, I need to show a thank you message to the user.
PS: I dont have access to the Share point designer so, looking for a solution in Sharepoint online only.
One way to achieve this is to modify the link you're using to direct users to the form. Send them directly to your form, but modify the default URL so that they are redirected to a thank you page on submit.
Example: http://yoursite/org/hr/Lists/contactUs/Item/newifs.aspx?List=b5b9e317%2D4776%2D4827%2D9d29%2Db4dedc59a75a&Source=http://yoursite/pages/thanks.aspx
Hope that helps.

Moodle: Add variable in 'a href' links in mail template

I have one short question for a hrev link in moodle mail template. When you are subscript to some forum, moodle start to send you a emails from every replay with content where you also have a href links. How can I add same variable in a href link in moodle mail. Explanation, if I reply to some forum , I received email where I have link http://moodle.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=132 , now can I add new variable to link and when I will received mail to have link something like this: http://moodle.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=132&varialbe=germany&variable2=eu
Note:moodle send email when is activate cron.php script, not when submit replay in replay form.
I hope someone before me already have this issue or have some idea how to find solution, I will really appreciate if He/She want to share with me.
Best Regards,
The code is in
Look for the functions
then look for
in the code.
You can add extra parameters there, good luck! :)

How do I post a query string to a form field?

I have a website with a link that says "Click here to claim your prize" and that link goes to a Sales Force catch all web-to-lead form (that multiple sites use and it has a site ID that I append to the URL so the data goes to the right account)
When a user clicks that link and goes to the form page a string (in this case it's the promo code "my prize") needs to be passed to that form page and placed in the comments form field.
My questions are how is this done, are there any tutorials you could point me to, and is there a better method for accomplishing this?
What I'm trying to avoid is having the link say "Click here to win a free prize! Must enter "My Prize" in the comments" and having the user manually enter the promo code.
Thanks muchly in advance for your help!
I've used a handy jQuery script in the past called preset.js, although the instructions are not that great it's fairly simple to implement, you may have to pick through his source code though.
This question may be better on stack overflow but I found this blog post which shows example code using php and cURL to post to the web-to-lead form
This is another post about pushing leads to salesforce with php
And one more for good luck
Hope these help

Joomla - Contact form error

I have a working contact form in Joomla however when the user submits the form they are taken to a page that doesn't exist so they see the 404 error.
Is it possible to change the page they are taken to after they click submit?
It's a contact page made from a contact in the Contact Manager...
Thanks a lot,
your link on contact form is wrong ,just put manually link on it.