Updated iphone application not live yet - iphone

3 weeks back we uploaded an application on the iTunes(V1.0). On Thursday we updated that application with new build (V1.2). I clicked the "Update" button on itunesconnect.apple.com and followed uploaded the new binary and new contents.
On the next day the Description and price tag are updated successfully, but the build version number and screens shots are still from the previous version. And the amazing thing we noticed is that application status is "Waiting for Review" from last 2 days... :(
I tried to play with release date, but still application status is "Waiting for Review".
Its been 2 days that there is no activity happening from apple... :(
Please help me in this scenario.....
Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the App Store. Apple has to approve all apps and new versions before they can go up. This can take some time. For some devs it has taken upward of a month. Lately they've been better about response time, but it's still basically out of your hands.

Once new version of App is submitted for review all you can do is wait for Apple to approve it. From my own experience (5 Mobile App Releases so far) approval time is always different however usually takes between 3-7 days.


Update ready for sale, not showing up in App Store under "Update" (6 days)

So I applied for an expedited review on the 8th of december and it was approved, processed and ready for sale on the 9th of December.
I have version 2.0.1 on my phone, and the version 2.0.2 is not showing up as an "Update" in app store. When going to app store it will show me the date I upgraded to 2.0.1 and shows that is the newest one.
If i then click on the cell to show more info, it takes me to my page listing 2.0.2 and all the correct details.
If I search my app on the store, it shows correct info 2.0.1, it is just everyone who already has my app, is not being promoted to update.
It has been 6 days, and Ive contacted ItunesConnect support, they tell me everything is fine on their end and if I have users who are having problems, to instruct them to call Store Support. So I told them its all 50,000 users who are having the issue, and they instructed me to inform 50,000 people to contact Store support.
So at this point Im all out of ideas.
iTunes connect called me back after a few hours, they had spoken to Store support and there is an active bug they are trying to fix. They said this is a not a wide spread issue, but it is affecting many Devs.
They told me to sit and wait.
They never were able to fix it, after 7 days of error, I uploaded a new build, submitted for review, once approved, it kick started the process again, and was pushed correctly to the iTunes Servers.

Updating IOS App. Do updates need to be reviewed?

I've just got an app in the app store and realised theres a spelling mistake on the first view! As the app is intended for an upcoming event occuring in 3 days I am nervous about uploading an update. If I upload new binary to iTunes Connect will that mean my previous version will not be available on the app store? Also, will I need to have Apple approve my latest version prior to releasing it?
Any advice would be awesome, thanks!
When you push a new update it has to be reviews but will likely take more than 3 days to do so. While it is waiting to be reviewed your current version will be live.
Don't worry, your previous version won't be affected. Just upload the new one, but know that it's gonna take more than 3 days (pretty much always 7, if you submit during work hours). You can file for an expedited review, but even that can sometimes take more than 3 days.
And you don't need to remove the old version to put in the new one. You just submit the new one. You can determine whether you want it to automatically become available on the app store as soon as it's approved, or give it a specific release date.
Just know this: If your update has issues and you're forced to remove it AFTER it has become available on the app store, then you can't just revert back to the old version. You have to resubmit the old version and wait a week for that to get reviewed again.

What happens after submitting an iOS app for review?

I have been looking around for an answer for a specific question but just got hints for it here and there. I want to know when i submit an app for review for the AppStore:
First, how long does the review process usually take? I know that it may vary but just want to have rough estimate if possible
Second, when an app is accepted does it go automatically to the app store or the developer has the control over when to release it there?
check out details, which is my recent app on appstore,
It take 1 week for approval , As I remember, it was taken 3 days too once.
Time taken to publish is all in their hand.
App will be publish directly to appstore.
But you can remember the option for publish by you or apple :) at the time of submitting app
From my experience review takes about 2 weeks recently, but it varied from 2 days to about a month in the past.
When you submit an application you have an option - whether to make application available on appstore immediately after it was approved by Apple, or hold it before developer does that manually, so if you did not select that option then Application should be published on Appstore by default. (See pages 75-76 in iTunesConnect Guide (warning - large pdf file here))

What's the current App Store Review turnaround time?

Have heard of developers waiting 2 to 6 weeks in 2009. When they reject the app, you resubmit and wait another 2 to 6 weeks. So finally the review takes a few months. Same for fixing bugs. Does this rule still apply?
Someone created a neat website to answer this question based on information ios developers share on twitter:
However I've also heard there's various factors at play. Review times might be longer if it's a more complex app, or an app using certain features, or if it's your first app submitted with this developer account. The above site just shows the average time people report.
For anyone finding this post in the 2020s, there's a new resource for this! Current average App Store review times (plus TestFlight beta review times and build processing times), all backed by real world data and regularly updated:
The iOS Dev Center News indicates that in the last week, 56% of new app submissions were reviewed and 71% of app updates.

iphone app avaiblity

We have just had our iPhone Application approved. Review App Store is set to USA.
When we uploaded the app we first made the availability date the 14th of Jan. Seeing is is now live, we have changed the availability date to the 12th.
The app still isn't able to be viewed or downloaded though.
How long does it take for the availability date to update?
The updates to itunes go out several times a day. A friend of mine at Apple calls it the 'train.' It can take anywhere from a few minutes if you are right on time, up to 8 hours if you just missed the last train.
In my experience, I've never seen one of my apps take more than 4 hours.
BTW, Congratulations on the launch!