What's the current App Store Review turnaround time? - iphone

Have heard of developers waiting 2 to 6 weeks in 2009. When they reject the app, you resubmit and wait another 2 to 6 weeks. So finally the review takes a few months. Same for fixing bugs. Does this rule still apply?

Someone created a neat website to answer this question based on information ios developers share on twitter:
However I've also heard there's various factors at play. Review times might be longer if it's a more complex app, or an app using certain features, or if it's your first app submitted with this developer account. The above site just shows the average time people report.

For anyone finding this post in the 2020s, there's a new resource for this! Current average App Store review times (plus TestFlight beta review times and build processing times), all backed by real world data and regularly updated:

The iOS Dev Center News indicates that in the last week, 56% of new app submissions were reviewed and 71% of app updates.


Apple dev program expiration, can I renew later?

I signed up for an iPhone development program last December hoping to develop an app but got carried away by other projects in my life. Now I get messages from Apple that my developer account is expiring in a week. I will not be able to post anything in the App Store for the next 6 months at least, thus the question -- if I let it expire now, can I renew, say, in summer of the next year? And, will it have any consequences on my apple ID?
PS. I currently do not have any apps in the App Store, nor that I plan on testing my apps on a real device.
Yep, you can renew/reactivate. Went through a similar experience myself.
The answer is no. There no consequences. You can let your apple Dev expire since you don't have any apps and not wanting to test you don't need it for now. When you get ready again apply and get another one.

What happens after submitting an iOS app for review?

I have been looking around for an answer for a specific question but just got hints for it here and there. I want to know when i submit an app for review for the AppStore:
First, how long does the review process usually take? I know that it may vary but just want to have rough estimate if possible
Second, when an app is accepted does it go automatically to the app store or the developer has the control over when to release it there?
check out details, which is my recent app on appstore,
It take 1 week for approval , As I remember, it was taken 3 days too once.
Time taken to publish is all in their hand.
App will be publish directly to appstore.
But you can remember the option for publish by you or apple :) at the time of submitting app
From my experience review takes about 2 weeks recently, but it varied from 2 days to about a month in the past.
When you submit an application you have an option - whether to make application available on appstore immediately after it was approved by Apple, or hold it before developer does that manually, so if you did not select that option then Application should be published on Appstore by default. (See pages 75-76 in iTunesConnect Guide (warning - large pdf file here))

Time-sensitive in-app purchase on iPhone

With apple's in-app purchase approval system, is it not possible to have new in-app purchase content available every day? I've read in various places that the process typically takes 1-2 days .. sometimes longer. I know the typical answer to this would be to create a back log, but we're working with time-sensitive content and need it to be delivered every day (think newspaper-esk). What's the next best solution other than back logging?
Any ideas?
Use the same in-app purchase identifier for rotating consumables.
It might be against Apple's policies, though it's highly unlikely that your app will be reviewed regularly after it's approved. I recommend checking the developer agreement before you move ahead with this.
Several years later ...
A good way to do this is to submit several in app app purchase items ahead of time via iTunesConnect. I recommend you submit these IAPs at the time of your app submission. If you have any IAPs waiting for review at the time your app is being reviewed, they will also get reviewed at the time.

iphone app avaiblity

We have just had our iPhone Application approved. Review App Store is set to USA.
When we uploaded the app we first made the availability date the 14th of Jan. Seeing is is now live, we have changed the availability date to the 12th.
The app still isn't able to be viewed or downloaded though.
How long does it take for the availability date to update?
The updates to itunes go out several times a day. A friend of mine at Apple calls it the 'train.' It can take anywhere from a few minutes if you are right on time, up to 8 hours if you just missed the last train.
In my experience, I've never seen one of my apps take more than 4 hours.
BTW, Congratulations on the launch!

iPhone:How many days Apple reviews an application?

I submitted my iPhone application in Apple Store through online. It is in Review status. I just want to know how many days generally Apple will take to review an application?
There is no way to give a precise time. I have had apps take anywhere from 3 days to 6 months. Apple does claim to do something like 90% in under 2 weeks though.
Generally about two weeks.
The current velocity seems to be about 2 weeks.
Apple has a 'App Store Review Status' widget on their website. No clue how accurate it is.
Last app I submitted took them about 22 days to get back to me, resubmitted a binary and t only took about 8 or 9 days. It really just depends on the volume they have right now and what arbiterary rules they decide to pull out on you (see google voice app)