Changing number of button rows in UIAlertView using public API's - iphone

In a UIAlertView I need to align buttons into rows so that there are either 2 in each row or 3 in each row. This is for an appstore app so I need to use documented methods. So obviously I can't use setNumberOfRows: for this. Suggestions on how I could achieve the same effect?

You can't customize UIAlert to any meaningful extent.
In any case, it sounds like you don't want an alert view but rather sheet or a modal view.
UIAlert is restricted for a reason. It's supposed to present a simple, standardized (and easy to call) view to draw the users attention to a specific issue. You don't want to use it for complex choices.
If you create your own view and present it modally. It will popup above the other views just like an alert but you will be able to customize its appearance and behavior as you wish.


How to add more than eight buttons in a UIAlertView?

I want to add more than 8 buttons in UIAlertView but when I am adding buttons, they are covering each other and not scrolling. The title is also hiding.
How can I resolve this and add some scrolling in the alertview ??
Seems like this kind of question comes up at least once a day on StackOverflow, but if you want to mess around with the various components within a UIAlertView, the short answer is: DON'T.
If you look at Apple's documentation for UIAlertView, within the first screenful of text it states:
Subclassing Notes
The UIAlertView class is intended to be used as-is and does not
support subclassing. The view hierarchy for this class is private and
must not be modified.
This means that there's a decent chance that any mucking around within UIAlertView hierarchy could catastrophically break your app in future iOS release.
So if you want to add scroll bars or bells & whistles, you really should create your own custom UIView (which looks like a UIAlertView, but is wholly of your own creation)
If you have more buttons then UIActionSheet is the best option than using UIAlertView. If you dont want to use UIActionSheet there is always a custom View to your rescue!
You should really rethink your UI if you need more that 8 button in a UIAlertView. 8 button is the maximum the standard alert view can handle.
Either build your own alert view or use a normal view controller with a table view.
Not sure if it's necessary but as an alternative, you can present another ViewController/ModalVC that will have all the attributes that you may require....
Just move ahead with CustomView, Otherwise not possible with UIAlertView to meet up with your requirement :
Reference links :
If you want to add many buttons you can use a custom implementation for the alertView.
A nice example is FUIAlertView
Or you could use WEpopover and add to it a table view.

How to build this screen in iOS?

I'm new to iOS development and am trying to build something like the screen below:
If I was doing it in Android, I can easily build the above UI in a few minutes. However, I don't know how to go about it with iOS.
I understand that the whole ViewController can be embedded in a navigation controller, which produces the title bar above. What about the bottom part though? I'm thinking of using something like a grouped UITableView but I'm not sure, since every cell will have very different contents:
A search bar, perhaps a subclassed UISearchBar, which I also don't know how to customize--the Search button at the right is required but isn't in the default UISearchBar. When the user taps on it, the UISearchBar must be translated to the navigation bar, no need to display a UITableView of suggested results. I don't know how to do that, too.
A button that, when tapped, flies in a modal from the bottom (I imagine it to be another ViewController with a grouped UITableView), to allow the user to choose from defined locations. Once selected, the modal closes and the button text is replaced with the selected location. This sounds much easier to do.
A header ("Item categories") and the list of categories, which may change in number. If the parent isn't a grouped UITableView, I think this part can be a UILabel and a non-scrolling UITableView with a height that changes depending on how many cells it has. If there are plenty table cells that don't fit given the screen's height, everything below the navigation bar can be scrolled vertically. That, I also don't know how to do.
If anyone can just guide me to what native iOS components I can use to build the above screen, and maybe a couple of tutorials to the things I just said I don't know how to do, I'd appreciate it.
You said it right .All the basic info you need is with you.
To build a searchbar like that i dont think you have to subclass it.
Bottom comprises of tableview.
Actually these Questions are seperately available in SO itself.So search seperately for your needs and you can achieve whatever you want
One basic principle : You cant achive anything by just thinking.Trying and get to it and if you have any issues look forward at it.All the issues will have an answer on the way.
Lots of components you need there.. Search Bar, UIPickerView and UITableView. I would like to give you some pointers.
1) You can refer for Search bar
2) When clicking on the Button, you can bring up a UIPickerView instead of another controller. For that you can refer
3) You can use a normal Tableview with a single section, configure the section header to display Item categories.
You are asking too much to ask how to do every component of your UI. I will just answer a little.
Yes, a grouped table view is a good design. I am using a grouped table view for varying types of input. I have an actual table, with rows that can be added, and deleted, and contain an editable text area. Then I have three groups that only really show one piece of content each: two are sliders and one is a switch.
For choosing the location, pushing another view controller on your navigation stack would be the more typical way to handle it. You will save some effort that way, with some buttons and behaviors built in, but a modal view controller is not much harder. I'm not sure if you can make a navigation view fly in vertically, but does your app have to be frame-for-frame identical to the android version?

Rearranging UIAlertView's button layout

just a quick question.
Is it possible to change layout of UIAlertView's buttons? Two of them look nice
However three buttons and more waste so much space with, is there any way to re arrange them? So they are in horizontal order like with two buttons?
Default layout is :
Only thing that come to my mind is to create view, add buttons on that view and add it as a subview to UIAlertView...
You'll have to create your own custom AlertView I'm afraid:
Subclassing Notes
The UIAlertView class is intended to be used as-is and does not support subclassing.
The view hierarchy for this class is private and must not be modified.
- Apple
In regard to custom UIAlertViews, the following link might be what you're after -
Following is best link for custom UIAlertView that you want .
For more get custom UIAlertView this is The Best site for any Custom Controls.
Choose any one form above link and add it with your requirement.

How to add a search bar to pick sorted data from Picker view

Hi guys i have added a picker view to pick areas from it.This picker view contains more than 200 areas so it is difficult to scroll and select from picker view.
Is there any way to add a search bar and connect it with picker view?
I tried doing this by using search bar delegate method by overriding it but i am not able to achieve the goal.
So please help me so that i can do it or if any another way possible then also tell me.
Picker view is for small number of selection. Use table view instead for such big number of options.
Just to back up my statement, the Apple Human Interface Guideline says
Consider using a table view, instead of a picker, if you need to display a very large number of values. This is because the greater height of a table view makes scrolling faster."
I agree with barley that the PickerView is an awful vehicle for large selections; if at all possible to use something else, that would be appropriate and best, but having said that:
The YHCPickerView looks promising from:
From a cursory view of that class, it appears that it has several different and distinct UI elements, the text field for collecting search criteria, the button for enacting the search, and the basic picker view. The search criteria simply and directly filters the picker data/model when the button pressed event occurs. That way you are simply editing the actual data from the picker.
If you handle each of these separately it should make it simpler to create what you want, since you only have to handle the basic functions and delegates of each individual UI element and linking together their effects rather than trying to hijack an existing delegate.

iPhone application - pop up dialogue - sort of

I have an iPhone application which is, in essence, a list. There is a UINavigationBar at the top, and then there is a UITableView which holds the list. I'd like to have an option in some way or another of allowing the user to sort the list in different ways. So, in my mind, I picture having a NavigationItem on the UINavigationBar that, when touched, a little pop up dialogue comes up. You select the "sort" you want, a check mark appears next to it, and the dialogue goes away.
I'm not really sure how to do this. I tried creating a UIView, adding a UIViewController onto it (which held this list of different "sort" parameters (ex. sort alphabetically, sort by date, etc) in a UITableView. But the UITableView isn't responding to any touches, and I'm not sure why.
Does anyone have an idea for using Apples wonderful interface for having an option like this? I can't use a UISegmentedControl below the UINavigationBar, because there are 5 possible options, and I can't fit all that in a single UISegmentedControl.
This sounds like a job for the UIPickerView. You could just slide one up from the bottom of the view whenever that button is pressed. I've done this in the past and it works well.
You won't get a checkmark, but if you want a pop-up I suggest using a UIAlertView.
Have you looked into UIActionSheet at all?
It seems like it might be a good fit for this approach. The action sheet will be a bit tall since you will have 5-6 buttons in it, but it should get the job done and they are really easy to implement.
The way you are approaching it with displaying another view with its own UITableView in it would work also, but it doesn't seem like the best approach to me. Granted, if you are set on going with that approach, provide us with some code so we can try to figure out why the UITableView isn't responding to touches.