How can I convert a timestamp to a user-friendly time string - iphone

I want to be able to present "today" and "yesterday" for recent dates in my application. I've got a date formatter in use currently to show dates (retrieved from data records) and will keep using this for anything more than a couple of days old. I just really like the way the SMS app in the iPhone shows dates for recent messages and would like to emulate this.
The time-stamps that I have to work with are generated on a server that the phone downloads the data records from. All times are therefore generated at UTC (i.e. GMT) time.
I've been fiddling about with this for a while the solutions I've devised just seem horribly long-winded.
Can anyone suggest how to implement a method that could do this?
Cheers - Steve.

If this is a web app, you might find PrettyDate useful. I made a implementation that could easily be converted to another language:
Public Function formatDate(ByVal time As DateTime) As String
Dim datediff As TimeSpan = Now.Subtract(time)
Dim days As Integer = datediff.TotalDays
If days < 1 Then
Dim seconds As Integer = datediff.TotalSeconds
Select Case seconds
Case 0 To 60
Return "just now"
Case 61 To 120
Return "1 minute ago"
Case 121 To 3600
Return Math.Floor(seconds / 60) & " minutes ago"
Case 3601 To 7200
Return "1 hour ago"
Case 7201 To 86400
Return Math.Floor(seconds / 3600) & " hours ago"
End Select
ElseIf days < 31 Then
Select Case days
Case 1
Return "yesterday"
Case 2 To 7
Return days & " days ago"
Case Is > 7
Return Math.Ceiling(days / 7) & " weeks ago"
End Select
Else : Return time.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
End If
End Function


Kotlin: Getting the difference betweeen two dates (now and previous date)

Sorry if similar questions have been asked too many times, but it seems that there's one or more issues with every answer I find.
I have a date in the form of a String: Ex.: "04112005"
This is a date. 4th of November, 2005.
I want to get the difference, in years and days, between the current date and this date.
The code I have so far gets the year and just substracts them:
fun getAlderFraFodselsdato(bDate: String): String {
val bYr: Int = getBirthYearFromBirthDate(bDate)
var cYr: Int = Integer.parseInt(SimpleDateFormat("yyyy").format(Date()))
return (cYr-bYr).toString()
However, naturally, this is quite innacurate, since the month and days aren't included.
I've tried several approaches to create Date, LocalDate, SimpleDate etc. objects and using these to calcualate the difference. But for some reason I haven't gotten any of them to work.
I need to create a Date (or similar) object of the current year, month and day. Then I need to create the same object from a string containing say, month and year (""04112005""). Then I need to get the difference between these, in years, months and days.
All hints are appreciated.
I would use java.time.LocalDate for parsing and today along with a java.time.Period that calculates the period between two LocalDates for you.
See this example:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// parse the date with a suitable formatter
val from = LocalDate.parse("04112005", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("ddMMyyyy"))
// get today's date
val today =
// calculate the period between those two
var period = Period.between(from, today)
// and print it in a human-readable way
println("The difference between " + from.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE)
+ " and " + today.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE) + " is "
+ period.getYears() + " years, " + period.getMonths() + " months and "
+ period.getDays() + " days")
The output for a today of 2020-02-21 is
The difference between 2005-11-04 and 2020-02-21 is 14 years, 3 months and 17 days
It Works Below 26 API level
There are too many formates of dates you just enter the format of date and required start date and end date. It will show you result. You just see different date formate hare and here if you need.
tvDifferenceDateResult.text = getDateDifference(
"12 November, 2008",
"31 August, 2021",
"dd MMMM, yyyy")
General method to calculate date difference
fun getDateDifference(fromDate: String, toDate: String, formater: String):String{
val fmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(formater)
val mDate1: DateTime = fmt.parseDateTime(fromDate)
val mDate2: DateTime = fmt.parseDateTime(toDate)
val period = Period(mDate1, mDate2)
// period give us Year, Month, Week and Days
// days are between 0 to 6
// if you want to calculate days not weeks
//you just add 1 and multiply weeks by 7
val mDays:Int = period.days + (period.weeks*7) + 1
return "Year: ${period.years}\nMonth: ${period.months}\nDay: $mDays"
For legacy Date functions below api 26 without running desugaring with Gradle plugin 4.0, java.time.* use:
fun getLegacyDateDifference(fromDate: String, toDate: String, formatter: String= "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" , locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): Map<String, Long> {
val fmt = SimpleDateFormat(formatter, locale)
val bgn = fmt.parse(fromDate)
val end = fmt.parse(toDate)
val milliseconds = end.time - bgn.time
val days = milliseconds / 1000 / 3600 / 24
val hours = milliseconds / 1000 / 3600
val minutes = milliseconds / 1000 / 3600
val seconds = milliseconds / 1000
val weeks = days.div(7)
return mapOf("days" to days, "hours" to hours, "minutes" to minutes, "seconds" to seconds, "weeks" to weeks)
The above answers using java.time.* api is much cleaner and accurate though.

AutoHotKey Subtraction and Return Variable

I have started to create a script for WhatsApp web, it is to change a group name and the number of days left till something. However, I want to be able to run the script each day so it takes away one day.
I'm unsure how to do subtraction or how to go about to do this, does AutoHotKey have a return function so I can return the variable at the end.
let's say the number of days is 90
so when I run the script next it will be 89
then the next day after when I run, it will be 87
I'm very new to AutoHotKey and still learning about it but loving it so far.
; FormatTime transforms a YYYYMMDDHH24MISS timestamp into the specified date/time format.
FormatTime, Date, CurrentDate, YYYYMMDD
Expires := 20170611 ; 06/12/2017
; Subtract Date timestamp from Expires timestamp
EnvSub, Expires, CurrentDate, days
; The result is stored in Expires
Msgbox % Expires " days left till ..."
To run the script each day, create a shortcut of it in your startup folder, or use SetTimer.
Time in days, hours and minutes left till a specific time:
FormatTime, Date, CurrentDateTime, YYYYMMDDHHMI
expires := 201706111537 ; 06/11/2017 15:37
; time left in minutes:
expires_minutes := expires
EnvSub, expires_minutes, CurrentDateTime, minutes
; time left in hours:
expires_hours := expires_minutes
EnvDiv, expires_hours, 60
; time left in days:
expires_days := expires_minutes
EnvDiv, expires_days, (24 * 60)
; rest of the division in hours:
rest_hours := expires_hours - (expires_days * 24)
; rest of the division in minutes:
rest_minutes := expires_minutes - (expires_hours * 60)
Msgbox %expires_days% days, %rest_hours% hours and %rest_minutes% minutes left till ...

How to convert an official DateTime to the astronomically exact DateTime?

I've been trying to figure out how to convert a birthday (DateTime) to the astronomically "exact" DateTime value. Timezone: UTC+1.
My friend was born 1984-01-27 11:35
1984 is a leap year. But 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years. So until the 29. February of the year 2000 we are running behind in astronomoically exact time. In 1984 we are "almost" one day behind. So the astronomoically exact time would be after the official DateTime of my friend's birth, right?
These are the Gregorian calendar tweaks I know of:
Every year has 365 days
Every 4th year is a leap year (= has 366 days instead of 365)
Every 100th year is not a leap year
Every 400th year is a leap year (dispite the previous rule)
The additional day is added at the end of February (February has 29 days in a leap year)
Astronomoically a year has 365,2422 days.
Which means that a day is 24,0159254794 hours long.
A time value where the official and astronomoical times are "exactly" the same would be 2000-03-01T00:00:00, right?
So one would need to figure out how big the discrepancy between the official time and the astronomically exact time is at a given official time.
I've been thinking about it for hours, until my head started hurting. I figured I'll share my headache with you. Maybe you guys know any time library that can calculate this?
I came up with a "solution" that seems to be fairly accurate enough. Here's what it does:
The method starts at 1600-03-01T00:00. 18 years after Pope Gregor XIII. (after whom our Gregorian Calendar system is named) fixed the Julian Calendar (named after Julius Caesar) in 1582 by declaring that after the 4th October (Thursday) the next day would be the 15th October (Friday) - so there is actually no 5th to 14th October 1582 in history books - and also adding the 100th and 400th year rules to the calendar system.
The method sums up the discrepany between the official date and the exact date until the given date is reached.
At leap years it applies the correction added by Pope Gregor XIII. It does so at the end of February.
public static DateTime OfficialDateTimeToExactDateTime(DateTime dtOfficial)
const double dExactDayLengthInHours = 24.0159254794;
DateTime dtParse = new DateTime(1600, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0);
double dErrorInHours = 0.0;
while (dtParse <= dtOfficial)
dErrorInHours += dExactDayLengthInHours - 24;
dtParse = dtParse.AddDays(1);
if (dtParse.Month == 3 && dtParse.Day == 1 &&
((dtParse.Year % 4 == 0 && dtParse.Year % 100 != 0) ||
(dtParse.Year % 400 == 0)) )
dErrorInHours -= 24;
dErrorInHours += ((double)dtOfficial.Hour + (double)dtOfficial.Minute / 60 + (double)dtOfficial.Second / 3600) * (dExactDayLengthInHours - 24);
return dtOfficial.AddHours(dErrorInHours * -1);
I did some sanity testing:
If you pass a date before 2000-03-01T00:00 you get a negative correction. Because we measure days shorter as they in fact are.
If you pass a date after 2000-03-01T00:00 you get a positive correction. This is because 2000 is a leap year (while 1700, 1800 and 1900 are not), but the correction applied is too big. In 24 x 400 = 4800 years the correction would be about one day too big. So in the year 1600 + 4800 = 6400 (if man is still alive), you would need to delcare 6400 a non-leap year, despite the rules of the Gregorian calendar.

Find how many sundays in a month asp classic

I am trying to use asp classic to find how many working days (mon - sat) are in the month and how many are left.
any help or pointers greatly appreciated!
Here's how you can find the number of Sundays in a month without iteration. Somebody posted a JavaScript solution a few months back and I ported it to VBScript:
Function GetSundaysInMonth(intMonth, intYear)
dtmStart = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1)
intDays = Day(DateAdd("m", 1, dtmStart) - 1)
GetSundaysInMonth = Int((intDays + (Weekday(dtmStart) + 5) Mod 7) / 7)
End Function
So, your total work days would just be the number of days in the month minus the number of Sundays.
As #Lankymart pointed out in the comments, the above function gives you the number of Sundays in the month but it doesn't tell you how many are left.
Here's another version that does just that. Pass in any date and it will tell you how many Sundays are left in the month starting with that date. If you want to know how many Sundays are in a full month, just pass in the first day of the month (e.g., DateSerial(2014, 8, 1)).
Function GetSundaysRemainingInMonth(dtmStart)
intDays = Day(DateSerial(Year(dtmStart), Month(dtmStart) + 1, 1) - 1)
intDays = intDays - Day(dtmStart) + 1
GetSundaysRemainingInMonth = Int((intDays + (Weekday(dtmStart) + 5) Mod 7) / 7)
End Function
Edit 2:
#Cheran Shunmugavel was interested in some specifics about how this works. First, I just want to restate that I didn't develop this method originally. I just ported it to VBScript and tailored it to the OP's requirement (Sundays).
Imagine a February during a leap year. We have 29 days during the month. We know from the start that we have four full weeks, so each weekday will be represented at least four times. But that still leaves one addition day that's unaccounted for (29 Mod 7 = 1). How do we know if we get an extra Sunday from that one day? Well, in this case, it's pretty simple. Only if our start date is a Sunday can we count an extra Sunday for the month.
What if the month has 30 days? Then we have two extra days to account for. In that case, the start date can be a Saturday or a Sunday and we can count an extra Sunday for the month. And so it goes. So we can see that if we're X additional days within an upcoming Sunday, we can count an extra Sunday.
Let's put this in tabular form:
Addl Days Needed
Day To Count Sunday
---------- ----------------
Sunday 1
Saturday 2
Friday 3
Thursday 4
Wednesday 5
Tuesday 6
Monday 7
So what we need is a formula that we can apply to these situations so that they all result in the same value. We'll need to assign some value to each day and combine that value with the number of addition days needed for Sunday to count. Seems reasonable that if we assign an inverse value to the weekdays and add that to the number of additional days, we can get the same result.
Addl Days Needed Value Assigned
Day To Count Sunday To Weekday Sum
---------- ---------------- -------------- ---
Sunday 1 6 7
Saturday 2 5 7
Friday 3 4 7
Thursday 4 3 7
Wednesday 5 2 7
Tuesday 6 1 7
Monday 7 0 7
So, if weekday_value + addl_days = 7 then we count an extra Sunday. (We'll divide this by 7 later to give us 1 additional Sunday). But how do we assign the values we want to the weekdays? Well, VBScript's Weekday() function already does this but, unfortunately, it doesn't use the values we need by default (it uses 1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday). We could change the way Weekday() works by using the second param, or we could just use a Mod(). This is where the + 5 Mod 7 comes in. If we take the Weekday() value and add 5, then mod that by 7, we get the values we need.
Day Weekday() +5 Mod 7
---------- --------- -- -----
Sunday 1 6 6
Saturday 7 12 5
Friday 6 11 4
Thursday 5 10 3
Wednesday 4 9 2
Tuesday 3 8 1
Monday 2 7 0
That's how the + 5 Mod 7 was determined. And, with that solved, the rest is easy(er)!
#Zam is on the right track you need to use WeekDay() function, here is a basic idea of how to script it;
Dim month_start, month_end, currentdate, dayofmonth
Dim num_weekdays, num_past, num_future
Dim msg
'This can be configured how you like even use Date().
month_start = CDate("01/08/2014")
month_end = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("m", 1, month_start))
For dayofmonth = 1 To Day(month_end)
currentdate = CDate(DateAdd("d", dayofmonth, month_start))
'Only ignore Sundays
If WeekDay(currentdate) <> vbSunday Then
num_weekdays = num_weekdays + 1
If currentdate <= Date() Then
num_past = num_past + 1
num_future = num_future + 1
End If
End If
msg = ""
msg = msg & "Start: " & month_start & "<br />"
msg = msg & "End: " & month_end & "<br />"
msg = msg & "Number of Weekdays: " & num_weekdays & "<br />"
msg = msg & "Weekdays Past: " & num_past & "<br />"
msg = msg & "Weekdays Future: " & num_future & "<br />"
Response.Write msg
How about using "The Weekday function returns a number between 1 and 7, that represents the day of the week." ?

Comparing two Date values in ActionScript - possible to compare whole day values?

I need to be able to compare the number of whole days between two dates in ActionScript, is this possible?
I'd like to test if one date is 7 days or less after today, and if so is it one day or less (if it's before today this also counts).
The workaround I have in place is using the .time part of the date field:
// Get the diffence between the current date and the due date
var dateDiff:Date = new Date();
dateDiff.setTime (dueDate.time - currentDate.time);
if (dateDiff.time < ( 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ))
return "Date is within 1 day");
else if (dateDiff.time < ( 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ))
return "Date is within 7 days");
As I say - this is only a workaround, I'd like a permanent solution to allow me to check the number of whole days between 2 dates. Is this possible?
var daysDifference:Number = Math.floor((dueDate.time-currentDate.time)/(1000*60*60*24));
if (daysDifference < 2)
return "Date is within 1 day";
else if (daysDifference < 8)
return "Date is within 7 days";