How can I use offline access with the Facebook javascript SDK? - facebook

In the Facebook javascript api there is a login function in which you specify extended permissions:
One of these permissions is offline access. So I can save the facebook user's session key and assume it will not expire for a long time. The question I have is simple - how do I use the session key? I understand that the session key will last longer, but I don't understand how to use it in the Facebook API. For one of my products, a user must restart his/her browser and I would like to recognize them when they restart. The problem is that they are logged out of facebook, so they must login on my site again where I would rather just use offline access. Sample code would be great!

Offline access allows you to use the user's access token on the Facebook Graph API indefinitely (unless they revoke your application's access).
It is not intended for logging the user back in. It's intended for you to be able to access their profile (and potentially do stuff to it, if you have permission) at all times, not just when they have a live session on your site.


Is it possible to view/download the content of the POST done via my facebook application?

I have a scenario, where an authorised user through my application is posting status/uploading pictures via my application by granting required permissions. My application uses graph APIs.
Now, as app administrator if I want to see the content of the post, that the user has uploaded via my application. How do i do it?
I know in graph APIs, I have INSIGHTS api. But, it just gives us the statistics of the posts done via my app or user.
Can i really see the posts?
Assuming as an app admin I only have app access token and app ID. I dont store user access tokens with me.
Actually, I worked on the problem with every possible way. Found out that, even being an APP administrator I will need user access token (stored with me), without which these data shall not be retrieved via APIs.
My need was not to use user access token; But, no Its not possible via APIs as of now.

How to retrieve posts of user after he logged out from FB

I'm trying to figure out a core concept in FB that even after reading a lot of FB documentation, couldn't understand.
Let's say I'm building an app (that will reside in a tab), in which I want to see the last post of a user. I want to do this approximately one month after the user approved my app, without him using the app again.
I assume I will need to use a long-lived expiration token that will be saved to my DB.
A month after I will run a procedure that will use this token and check the user posts.
Is this correct?
What about a situation in which the user logged out? The token is no longer valid.. does this mean I will never be able to access user posts unless he will access my app?
Isn't this a bit weird (since he already approved my app)?
Not necessarily.
Firstly, you need the read_stream permission from the user when they authenticate your app. Then, because you are intending to use Facebook as the app, rather than as the user, you need to authenticate as an app, which is a simple process:
In order to get an access token for the app, all you need to do is use the following URL:
Because these tokens are time-limited, it may be easier to request a token each time you use the Graph API, rather than storing it in a database and waiting for it to expire.
Then, all you need to do is use the following request:
The upside to this is that it does not matter whether or not the user is logged into Facebook.
See here for more details:

how to get an access code when a facebook user is not involved

I am the owner of a facebook like page. I want to grab the news feed using php and output it on my website. I know that I can do this using a valid access token:
Problem access tokens expire so I know I need to authenticate periodically to get a new access token.
This is where the problem and confusion arises for me. When I read the authentication guide in the facebook dev docs all it talks about is first authenticating the user to get a authorization code from the user and then authenticating the app using the app secret, app id and auth code fromthe user. But this doesn't apply to my situation - I never have a authorization code form the user - all I'm trying to do is access the feed from a php script running on my server....a user is never involved.
Any ideas anyone?
User has to approve your application only once, and later use they can just access your app and use it without approving
Since you are the owner of the like page, I guess you are also the administrator. What you can do in this case is create an offline access token for this (and only for that) user.
You can then use this access token for your script. No user needs to authenticate anything if you only want to grab the feed of your page with the access token of your administrator.
This token never expires except for changing the user's password or taking away permissions again. Look at this answer to see how to create such an offline access token!
It seems offline_access is no longer available. Now you only get a short-lived access_token and you can ask for a long lived one, which is also renewable. You can't get a permanent one though.

Access "Public" Graph API resources from an app?

I am creating a web application that is trying to use "public" Facebook content.
It is not your traditional "Facebook Application" because I'm not actually signing up Facebook users to use it, but the users will be all server-side.
I've come to a point in which I am having to use an "access_token" for certain "public" pieces of content and I have been able to generate a app access_token but this does not work for the public data I'm interested in accessing.
access_token's created via
do not work for
which is publicly accessable w/o login here...
Any way to give an app itself a user-level access_token?
I had a very similar problem with publicly available event data. What I had to do was to create an offline access token for the admin of the application.
So, log in with your admin and open the following URL (replace APP ID with your ID and eventually you need more permissions, but read_stream and offline_access should do the trick):,read_stream&redirect_uri=
This will give you a code, that you will paste in the following URL (with your APP ID and SECRET):
This will give you an access token that should work forever (or until you change your password).
Recently I used the access token freely available from the Facebook Graph Explorer which will let you browse different graph resources and will let you specify what permissions you need. For this you can tell it you want offline_access and that token can be used to pull this information whenever it is needed without worrying about your token expiring.
Create an user just for your app and let the user authorize your app and get the access token and use it for this kind of data fetching. Some manual work but as long as you have some user authorized access token you should be able get the public contents.

Facebook: how to persist sessions in a (connect/graph) application

I am using the facebook graph api to integrate some facebook functionality for users into a project i am working on. Its very early stages and I am just getting to grips with the Facebook API but it appears that every time a user logs on to my site they will also have to log into Facebook. On the first time they also have to authenticate my application.
I am a little surprised that they have to actually log into Facebook each time they want to use any Facebook features from inside my app.
Isn't there a way to authenticate once, then I can store a token and this would allow me to access Facebook on their behalf in the future (until they de-authorize) without them having to log into Facebook each and every time?
This just seems very cumbersome.
Request the user for offline_access permissions using the scope argument in the authorization request
You can use the session key returned, save it and use it until it expires (this usually is very long) or until the user revokes access to your application
Here is the full list of extended permissions your application can ask for