AjaxControlToolkit: HtmlEditor Textarea not showing in Chrome/Safari - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I am using the HtmlEditor Control included in the AjaxControlToolkit (patched version v62210 because I needed some of the included fixes).
Unfortunately the textarea in the Html Editor control is never displayed in Chrome and Safari (both latest version). It doesn't matter if there is text in it or not.
It does work on the AjaxControlToolkit Sample page with both browsers though.
Any ideas?

fixed it with the following css definition:
height: auto !important;
The selector is page specific but can be determined easily using Firebug.

Try to set this property of the editor:
InitialCleanUp = true
This should resolve chrome and IE9 postback issue also.

just define height and width in chrome browser, so text area will appear. as example.
height="300" and width="500" in Editor property.

Ok, I know this is a year too late, but I had this same exact problem, and I fixed it by setting the height property from the code-behind. I wasn't able to use #simmonw 's answer because I am adding mine to the page dynamically and I had no way of knowing what the selector would be named. Anyways, hopefully this will help someone.


TinyMCE menus don't show

I'm trying to get TinyMCE to work for my site at https://nicer.app/apps/eyJjbXMiOnsicGFnZSI6ImluZGV4In19
But for some reason, the menus won't show.
Not for their simple example code, nor for their full-featured example code.
I'd love some pointers on what i'm doing wrong here.
with help from the bug reporting section at github, the problem was localized to my usage of overflow:hidden on the HTML tag instead of the BODY tag.
changing this fixed the problem :)
You have
menubar: false
...in your configuration so TinyMCE is just doing what you are asking it to do?

window.title not updating on ie9

I´m setting the title of a popup window on ie9, but it´s not getting updated.
Strange thing is that inspecting the elements, the title is correctly setted, but the browser displays the url regardless.
Also, if I open the window like this:
window.open(url,"_blank") then it works
window.open(url,"_blank",'height=200, width=400') (i.e with any specs setted) triggers that strange behaviour
Anyone has any clues on it? any workaround appreciated.
It only happens if the site is marked as trusted, and this solves it:
Trusted Site in IE - html title is ignored

TinyMCE - editor changing pasted content

Two questions and maybe they are caused by the same thing/setting.
Using TinyMCE with full corporate account. Many of the publishers are just pasting HTML into the HTML Source Editor... we are just getting this going the results are very mixed.
So if someone has a well coded page it works well - as far as we think.
But if you create a page with a couple of (or one) open div tag. Holy cow! The editor can throw divs everywhere - 30 extra on one page someone sent me. Why is the editor changing content? Can we keep this from happening? If a publisher makes an HTML mistake we would rather that the mistake shows - not be scrubbed.
Also I noticed myself when creating menus that if you put in anything inside a link tag (like a div, ul, li, dd, dt, dl, h1-6... pretty much any tag) other than a span, that the editor will either push the tag content outside of the link tag or it will change the tag to a span.
Looks like the verify html is the new setting. Will report back after testing.
David - I would have marked yours as right if you answered. Looks like that works for 3.4 and below.
For version 3, use
verify_html : false
From here http://archive.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration3x:verify_html

JToolBarHelper won't work on IE8 and IE9 Browsers?

I'm working on joomla 1.5 and I have this form and it has a Save and Close button but it is not working on IE browsers. The conflict on MooTools.js and jQuery.js is resolved but still the buttons don't work. What is the possible cause of this?
Steps to trace the bug.
1. form name should be "adminForm"
all hidden variable present in the form like option, task, view, controller. whatever you are using in your component.

Why doesn't my <select> work in IE8?

So I have a <select> element on my page, and it worked fine in all browsers until IE8 came along. I've seen all the literature about the IE7 compatibility view and how to use <meta> to force the browser into that mode. But the question still remains: why the heck does IE8 fail to display a simple <select> properly? Has anyone figured this out yet? Here are two URLs that demonstrate the problem. The first one displays properly in IE8, but only because I'm using the <meta> tag to force it into IE7 compatibility mode. The second one is identical to the first, except that I'm not forcing IE7 compatibility.
Anyone have any ideas?
Apparently, IE8 doesn't like one of your CSS styles.
SELECT { display: table }
Removing the above style displays the drop down list.
Update: more information from W3School, the value of "table" is not supported by IE.
You have a css property setting display: table on select elements. This seems to be the problem.
I ha d the same problem, not solved with the display:table thing, but it was an issue with the font-family...seems that you have to use standard font only (i used fontface for my site...)
so change the font family to a standard one and should be ok(i don't know why but it worked for me)