Get gtk widget name - gtk

I'm writing a GTK-Theme that is pretty dark. It works with most programs but some toolbars look pretty strange (in Bluefish and NetBeans for example).
Now I need to get the name of the toolbar widget to write a workaround.

You could use Parasite, although I never used it so I cannot say how it works. Alternatively, you can use the ever working good old way.

Do Bluefish and NetBeans even use Gtk? Not sure what you would in that case, otherwise here is a list of widgets:


How to programmatically change help contents in Eclipse?

I have an eclipse plugin and I would like to programmatically disable help content TOC's based on a variable I define. In a nut shell, I want to prevent some help docs from showing up in the help contents if a specific type of user is accessing the plugin.
Preferably I would like to do this in the ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor somewhere.
One thought would be to modify the "primary" value to be false if the variable were set.
Not sure if it would work, but try using the org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point. The tutorial from Vogella tells it is possible to hide only UI elements like wizards, views and so on, but it is from 2009.. Not sure if hiding TOC is now possible. If you try it out, would be nice to give a feedback ;)

How to tune a GTK theme? Is there an exhaustive list of properties?

I'm trying to make GTK-based applications look more compact by customizing a theme, as suggested by an answer for my other question.
I reduced some values I saw in the gtkrc and it got better, but not enough.
I want to shrink it further:
How to do it?
Are there any tools helps me to adjust various paddings or at least show me the exhaustive list of properties I can set in gtkrc? Is there a document with full list of properties can be in gtkrc?
You can try gtkparasite, which is a Firebug-like for GTK+. You have to run it as:
$ GTK_MODULES=gtkparasite my_program
And then you can inspect the properties of each widget, change its values, etc. In the web page you will also see a screencast on how to use it.

How can I use <ui:style> with a FlexTable?

I'm learning to use GWT 2.0 and I'm trying to convert the StockWatcher demo to use the UiBinder. the demo uses stocksFlexTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(0, "watchListHeader"); to add styles, but when I add <ui:style> to my XML and move my CSS I can't seem to figure out how to make the style work because there is no stocksFlexTable.getRowFormatter().addStyle(). Does <ui:style> just not work with FlexTables?
I tried to deal with it as well with no success. I believe though that dynamic widgets such as FlexTable are not fully supported for obvious reasons - i.e. you can't preset the style for the nth row when you don't really know how many rows the table will hold. Also, providing some arbitrary way to do it for the first only, or odd rows etc. would require more expressive power than what the GWT developers seem keen to offer (they try to stick close to XHTML) and i believe they state at the wiki at somepoint that declarative syntax is by no means a templating language. Anyway, you can always experiment with #UiFactory and #UiField(provided=true) to try and stick close to GWT recommendations. But still, you ll have to set any such values programmatically.
I had success by removing the section completely and moving all of the css for the FlexTable into the application css file.

Creating GTK Widget Using Expander

I am trying to create GTK Widget like shows in following Images
Is it possible to create it in GTK+ under C,
I tried using GtkExpander but it is not working out ...
Can any one Help....
Stripping the arrow is quite trivial. Just append the following code to you $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 (or create it if not found):
style "pradeep" {
GtkExpander::expander-size = 0
GtkExpander::expander-spacing = 0
widget "*.GtkExpander" style "pradeep"
This is done by customizing the appearance using resource files. You can get the same result programmatically by changing the GtkExpander style properties.
Furthermore, you can connect your own callback to its "activate" signal and switch the background color of the widget whenever is active or not. And a lot more...
Just remember someone loves to have a consistent user interface.
If what you want is to duplicate the look, then there are two very inefficient solutions to the problem:
Write your own GTK theme engine (see Murrine or Clearlooks).
Replace your entire program by a GtkDrawingArea widget and use Cairo to draw exactly the look you want. You'll be on your own then, though, so you'll have to write all your widget placement algorithms, buttons, expanders, menus, and whatnot, from scratch.
GTK isn't really meant for this sort of thing. The whole point of GTK is that you design your user interface with the standard widgets, and they just work with whatever theme, language, or accessibility technologies your users need to use. If you design your own look and there's no way to change it, then someone with color blindness or poor eyesight won't be able to use it. Or the text will get all misaligned if someone uses your application in another language. Or at the very least, maybe someone just likes a black desktop with white lettering, and your application will stick out and look really ugly on that user's computer. If you really need to make it look exactly that way, then probably GTK isn't the right tool for you.

How to use GdkPixBuf?

I want to display a simple GIF image in a VBox using GTK+ from C. I know that I need to use a GdkPixbuf. But as usual there are no example of doing it. Can anyone provide help?
Also: In GTK+ how can we add a PNG image as background to a widget? Can anyone provide an example?
Forgot something to add this:
forgot to tell u that i am using Glade to develop GUI...
And i have created vBox in Glade and in one of the blocks of the vBox i need to display FIG Image....
Sorry of this...
gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() -- but see unwind's answer for a better way to do it using a GtkImage widget.
You need to set the background pixmap field in the widget's style structure:
GtkRcStyle *newstyle = gtk_widget_get_modifier_style(widget);
newstyle->bg_pixmap_name[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = g_strdup(pngfilename);
gtk_widget_modify_style(widget, newstyle);
PS. You can often find code examples by doing a Google search for the function you need an example of. The GTK docs usually don't contain examples for every single function, because that would clutter them up, and the documentation of functions like gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() is usually pretty straightforward. I've noticed you often post this kind of question and I'm wondering if you are looking for the documentation in the right place. For example, are you using the excellent reference tool DevHelp? On the other hand, the GTK documentation is really missing some important information in a few places. If you have some improvements, why not contribute to the documentation?
A vbox in GTK+ is a widget, that displays other widgets as its children, stacking them vertically.
Unsurprisingly, there is a GTK+ widget dedicated to displaying images; it's called GtkImage. You should use the gtk_image_new_from_file() call to create one, passing it your GIF filename, and then just add that to your vbox. There's no need to create the underlying GDK image yourself.